Volume III (1980) - Flora of New Zealand Adventive Cyperaceous, Petalous & Spathaceous Monocotyledons
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Sparaxis Ker Gawl.


Summer-green, grass-like perennial. Corm small, globose; tunic fibrous. Leaves basal and distichous, a few cauline; cormils sometimes in leaf-axils. Inflorescence simple or branched, few-flowered. Flowers large, cream or brightly coloured, actinomorphic or sub-zygomorphic, each within 2 dry, scarious, usually lacerate spathe-valves; tube short, straight, cylindrical below, funnel-shaped above; lobes ± equal, > tube. Stamens asymmetric or symmetrical. Style-branches 3, entire. Capsule globose, firmly membranous. Seeds many, globose. Spp. 6, all of S. Africa. Adventive spp. 2.


Perianth-lobes with dark blotch across base above yellow throat; cormils 1-2 in lowermost leaf-axils
Perianth-lobes without dark blotch across base above yellow throat though variously spotted at times; cormils usually several, sometimes one, in most leaf-axils