Haematomma hilare Zahlbr.
Lectotype: New Zealand. Otago. Silver Peaks, on Nothofagus menziesii, c. 550 m. J. S. Thomson V82, CHR 241752!
Thallus crustose, very thin, varnish-like, greyish-white to greenish, shining, margins delineated by a fine brownish-black line, to 2 cm diam., corticolous. Apothecia lecanorine, scattered, sessile or constricted at base, round, to 2 mm diam., disc orange-brownish and white-pruinose when young, plane or convex and matt, without pruina at maturity, margin concolorous with thallus, thin, entire or crenulate, occluded with age. Ascospores 11-13 septate, 60-64 × 3-4 µm.
S: Nelson to Southland. Mainly east of the Main Divide on smooth bark and twigs of Nothofagus, especially N. solandri var. cliffortioides.
H. hilare is a rather inconspicuous species, and easily overlooked. Although thalli may be often rather inconspicuous, the small, scattered, orange fruits are characteristic on smooth-barked beech twigs. Often with Lecanora atra.