Gyalideopsis anastomosans P.James & Vězda
Thallus mainly in small orbicular patches to 1 cm diam., sometimes coalescing to form more extensive patches, thin, filmy, smooth or ± verrucose, glaucous to pale green, often delimited by a pale grey or white prothallus. Ascocarps orbicular 0.2-0.4 mm diam., dispersed or sometimes crowded, irregularly angular when dry, rounded, rather gelatinous when wet, red to brown-black, disc becoming paler and more translucent when wet, margins smooth or irregularly crenate, often darker than disc. Excipulum proprium margin red-brown, paler inside, markedly gelatinous and, like thecium, permeated by a loosely anastomosing network of very thin paraphysoids. Thecium c. 100 µm tall, epithecium pale brown. Ascospores (6-)8 per ascus, ellipsoid or ovoid, outline irregular, apices rounded, submuriform, 22-25 × 10-14 µm.
S: Canterbury, Sugarloaf, Cass. On moss in forest. First collected by H. Mayrhofer (September 1981) determined P. W. James.