Lichens (1985) - Flora of New Zealand Lichens
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Diploicia canescens (Dicks.) A.Massal.

D. canescens (Dickson) Massal., Ric. Lich. crost.: 86 (1852).

Lichen canescens Dickson, Fasc. pl. cryptog. brit. 1: 10 (1785).

Thallus squamulose-subcrustose, rosette-forming to spreading 1-3(-5) cm diam., margins distinctly radiate-plicate, entire, ± thickened, convex, grey-white or white, darker centrally. Lobes convex 1-4 mm wide, wider at margins, distinctly pruinose and sorediate. Soralia in scattered, erose patches, mainly laminal, soredia white, coarsely granular to farinose. Apothecia not seen in New Zealand material. Chemistry: Cortex K+ yellow. Atranorin, chloroatranorin, diploicin.

N: Three Kings Is, Poor Knights Is, Anawhata, Rangitoto I. S: Otago (Long Beach, Port Chalmers, Black Head, Dunedin). On coastal rocks. Still very much under collected and poorly known.


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