Lichens (1985) - Flora of New Zealand Lichens
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Stereocaulon ramulosum Raeusch.

S. ramulosum (Sw.) Räuschel, Nomencl. Bot.: 328 (1797).

Lichen ramulosus Sw., Nova gen. sp. pl.: 147 (1788).

Stereocaulon macrocarpum A. Rich., Voy. Astrolabe Bot.: 34 (1832).

S. macrocarpoides Nyl., Syn. Meth. Lich. 2: 238 (1860).

S. submollescens Nyl., C. r. hebd. Séanc. Acad. Sci. Paris 83: 88 (1876).

S. pulvinare Dodge, Rep. B. A. N.Z. Antarct. Res. Exped. ser. B, 7: 139 (1948).

S. macquariensis Dodge, Nova Hedwigia 15: 289 (1968). 

For additional synonyms see Lamb (loc. cit., 1977) and Galloway (loc. cit., 1980).

Thallus variable in size though mainly very large and well-developed, to 25 cm tall, with a very prominent holdfast, yellowish-brown and devoid of cortex and phyllocladia. Pseudopodetia ± complexly branching, of stout primary branches and smaller more richly branched, secondary branches towards apices, primary branches white, ± decorticate with prominent exposed fungal hyphae visible, appearing tomentose, ± fibrillose (×10 lens), with occasional shallow, vertical grooves, often lightly invested with a thin layer of algae, secondary branches ± covered with a distinctly greenish algal layer. Phyllocladia terete, corticate, conspicuously green when wet, simple, nodular and finger-like at first (often densely clothing young pseudopodetia) soon becoming complex, coralloid-branched, conspicuous towards apices of pseudopodetia. Cephalodia numerous, sessile or occasionally shortly stalked, prominent, bluish-grey when wet, folded, indented or wrinkled, surface smooth, never areolate or immaculate or scabrid. Apothecia usually terminal but also subterminal and lateral, small, usually not wider than supporting branch, disc always convex, pale red-brown to dark brown never black, thalline exciple smooth, pale yellowish brown. Ascospores 3-5(-7)-septate, 28-40(-90) × 3-4 µm Chemistry: Atranorin and perlatolic acid, ± anziaic acid.

N: Three Kings Is, to Wellington. S: Nelson - Marlborough to Southland. St: A: C: Ant: Very widespread and common, both coastal and inland, s.l. to 1500 m.


An aggressive coloniser of disturbed habitats, such as roadside verges and areas of forest clearance. It is tolerant of a wide range of ecological conditions from exposed subantarctic grasslands to forest. One of the most commonly collected lichens in the New Zealand flora. Very polymorphic.

A combination of several characters viz.: sessile, wrinkled, smooth-surfaced cephalodia, coralloid- branched phyllocladia, large, decorticate pseudopodetia and small, red-brown apothecia, serve to distinguish S. ramulosum from all other species of Stereocaulon in New Zealand.

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