Lichens (1985) - Flora of New Zealand Lichens
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Sphinctrina tubaeformis A.Massal.

S. tubiformis Massal., Mem. lich.: 155 (1853).

* Account prepared by Dr L. Tibell (Uppsala).

Apothecia 0.15-0.36 mm high, stalk short or absent, often slightly immersed in host tissue. Capitulum 0.14-0.36 mm diam., ± spherical but often somewhat extended vertically and slightly irregular, shining, black or dark brown. Excipulum dark brown in section, weakly or not sclerotized, K-. Asci 56-75 × 6.8-9.2 µm. Ascospores 10-15.5 × 6.6-8.8 µm, ellipsoid with pointed ends, simple. Ornamentation distinct consisting of longitudinally-arranged ridges with less distinct interconnections. Gelatinous spore coat thin and indistinct in watermount. Chemistry: No secondary substances are known in Sphinctrina.

N: North Auckland, South Auckland. Rather rare on bark of various trees such as Metrosideros excelsa, Rhopalostylis, Vitex and Beilschmiedia preferably in coastal areas, s.l. to 240 m. S. tubiformis occurs on sterile crust of lichens, most of them evidently belonging in Pertusaria.


S. tubiformis has a wide distribution in temperate-subtropical areas of North, Central and South America and Europe.

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