Dictyonema C.Agardh ex Kunth
Thallus a basidiocarp, sessile or bent backwards, single or united in rosettes, soft or paper-like, small or to 25 cm diam. Upper surface glabrous or hairy or radially fibrillose, sometimes furrowed or zonate, greyish or some shade of green or bluish-green or olivaceous. Lower surface even, granular, reticulate or with low, concentric bands of whitish or cream fruiting bodies (hymenophores). Photobiont green (Chroococcus), or blue-green (Scytonema). Basidia in fascicles, clavate or subcylindrical with 4 curved slender sterigmata. Basidiospores subcylindrical, narrowly ellipsoid 6-10 × 2.8-5 µm, thin-walled, colourless.
Dictyonema is a basidiolichen genus of 5 species [Parmasto Nova Hedwigia 29: 99-144 (1978)] one of which occurs in New Zealand.*
* Dictyonema moorei (Nyl.) Henssen, is also known from New Zealand. Collected from Te Paki Trig Bush by J.K. Bartlett. It is also known from Japan and Chile. See also Tschermak-Woess [ Pl. Syst. Evol. 143: 109-115 (1983)]