Lichens (1985) - Flora of New Zealand Lichens
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Buellia spuria (Schaer.) Anzi

B. spuria (Schaerer) Anzi, Cat. lich. Sondr.: 87 (1860).

Lecidea spuria Schaerer, Lich. helv. spic. sect. 3: 127 (1828).

Thallus white, tartareous, chinky, areolate-cracked, areolae angular, 0.1-0.3 mm diam., separated at margins and visible on a pale grey-black prothallus, in patches 1-3 mm diam., saxicolous. Apothecia prominent, solitary, to 1-3-confluent, round to irregular through mutual pressure, disc plane to subconvex, matt, black, occasionally and irregularly white-pruinose, pruina very thin, margin entire persistent, slightly raised, concolorous with disc. Asci clavate 42-44 × 14 µm. Ascospores biseriate ellipsoid-oval to fabiform, slightly constricted at septum, apices rounded or slightly pointed 10.2-12 × 5.1 µm.

N: Wellington on coastal rock (Charles Knight BM), annotated by Knight as Lecidea whakatipae.


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