Nephroma plumbeum var. isidiatum
≡Nephroma lyallii f. isidiatum Js.Murray, Trans. Roy. Soc. N. Z. 88: 387 (1960).
Nephroma lyallii f. isidiatum. Holotype: New Zealand. South I., Southland, Forest Hill, J. Murray 0660 – OTA.
Description : As for Nephroma plumbeum var. plumbeum, but with crowded squamiform to terete, sometimes branched phyllidia along the margins and along cracks in the thallus.
Chemistry : TLC−, all reactions negative.
N: Wellington. S: Westland (Runanga); Otago (Dunedin – Leith Valley, Ross Creek, Mihiwaka); Southland (Wilmot Pass, Forest Hill). On rocks and tree bark in deep shade. Still very poorly collected in New Zealand. Also known from southern Chile (White & James 1988: 154).
Illustration : White & James (1988: 155, fig. 16A).
Nephroma plumbeum var. isidiatum is characterised by: the saxicolous/corticolous habit; the crowded squamiform to terete, sometimes branched phyllidia along the margins and along cracks in the thallus; and no secondary chemistry.