Volume II (1970) - Flora of New Zealand Indigenous Tracheophyta - Monocotyledons except Graminae
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Caleana R.Br.

CALEANA R. Br., 1810

Raceme of few fls or reduced to one; floral bracts small, membr., exceeded by slender pedicel. Ovary strongly curved away from raceme-axis, bending per. downwards and outwards and so bringing dorsal sepal lower than labellum; sepals and petals narrow and subequal. Labellum long-clawed, claw narrow and articulate to foot of column, strongly arched and bearing distally the peltate lamina, of which the end nearest the column corresponds to the appendage of Pterostylis. Column elongated, with a broad petaloid wing throughout its length, sts with a long column-foot; anther terminal, pollinia 2 per cell, pollen finely granular; stigma high under anther; rostellum minute. Plants terrestrial, glab.; tubers ovoid, new one produced at base of parent plant. Lf solitary, sheathing at base, linear to lanceolate; cauline bracts lacking. Genus of 4–5 Australian spp. of which one has been found in N.Z.