Dermatocarpon weberi (Ach.) W.Mann
Lichen weberi Ach., Lich. suec. Prod.: 142 (1798).
Thallus dark greenish-brown when wet, brown-black when dry, sub-monophyllous to ± polyphyllous, often deeply, and complicately lobed, leathery, margins entire, somewhat thickened, in clumps 2-5 cm diam., saxicolous. Upper surface minutely scabrid, sometimes ± grey-pruinose. Lower surface brown or pinkish-buff, smooth or wrinkled, with a single stout, ± central holdfast, or with a few scattered rhizines. Perithecia immersed, ostioles dark brown to black, minute. Ascospores 10-16 × 6-9 µm. Cosmopolitan
S: Nelson (Mt Cobb 1850 m), Canterbury (Upper Godley Valley, Rangitata Gorge), Otago (Central Otago Mountains). St: (Deceit Peaks). On rocks near rivers or water courses, often in drainage joints or channels on rocks, mainly subalpine. Recorded in earlier accounts of New Zealand lichens as Endocarpon fluviatile, Dermatocarpon fluviatile and Endopyrenium fluviatile.