Lichens (1985) - Flora of New Zealand Lichens
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Pyrenothrix nigra Riddle

P. nigra Riddle, Bot. Gaz. 64: 513 (1917).

Thallus brownish-black, or greyish-black, minutely coralloid-filamentous, ± closely attached at base, ± fruticose above, spreading in irregular patches, 1-5 cm diam., corticolous. Perithecia occasional, minute, 200-225 µm tall and 160-175 µm thick, pyriform, with a short, thick neck and minute indistinct ostiole. Ascospores brown or brown-black, oblong or broadly fusiform, muriform, 5-7-locular with some cells once-divided, 17-20(-24) × 6-9(-11) µm.

N: North Auckland (Waiwera; near Warkworth). S: Nelson (Puponga). On bark of Leptospermum in damp, humid localities. Associating with: Leptogium azureum, Normandina pulchella and Polychidium contortum.


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