Verrucaria adguttata Zahlbr.
Holotype: New Zealand. Rangitoto I. On old bone at edge of salt lagoon. H.H. Allan ZA 53, W - not seen. Isotype CHR 373503!
Thallus closely attached, rounded, dispersed, 0.2-1.3 mm diam., in blotches, subundulate at margins, smooth, very thin, dark red-brown or brownish-black, translucent and slightly gelatinous when wet. Perithecia very small, sessile, to 0.25 mm diam., scattered, convex, black, shining. Ascospores biseriate, subcylindrical-oblong, apices rounded, straight, 9-11.5 × 3 µm.
N: Rangitoto I. Known only from the type collection.