Volume III (1980) - Flora of New Zealand Adventive Cyperaceous, Petalous & Spathaceous Monocotyledons
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Narcissus pseudonarcissus L.

*N. pseudonarcissus L. Sp. Pl.1, 1753, 289.


Scape 20-40 cm high, compressed, with 2 prominent edges. Leaves ± glaucous, flat. Flower solitary, fragrant, drooping to nearly horizontal; pedicel short, deflexed, tube broadly obconic; lobes > tube, light yellow, ascending; corona ± = lobes, deep yellow, margin scarcely expanding or spreading, irregularly cut into numerous short, dentate, subimbricate lobules.

N., S. Not infrequent. Persistent garden outcast in grass on roadsides and river banks.

(Spain, S. France and naturalised throughout Europe)

First record: Healy 1958: 542.

First collection: Maewa, north of Feilding, in grass, railway reserve, A.J. Healy 53/814, 19.8.1953. ().

FL. 8-10.