Map 1. South polar projection showing position of New zealand relative to other Austral areas. © All rights reserved. [Image: 4Y0V]
Map 2. North Island of New Zealand showing ecological provinces. © All rights reserved. [Image: 4Y0X]
Map 3. South Island of New Zealand and Stewart Island showing ecological provinces. Inset shows the position of outlying islands. © All rights reserved. [Image: 4Y0Y]
© All rights reserved. [Image: 4Y10]
© All rights reserved. [Image: 4Y11]
© All rights reserved. [Image: 4Y12]
© All rights reserved. [Image: 4Y13]
© All rights reserved. [Image: 4Y14]
© All rights reserved. [Image: 4Y15]
© All rights reserved. [Image: 4Y16]
Fig. 1. Altitudinal belts and their variation with latitude within New Zealand. Adapted from Wardle (1991, Fig. 5.2). © All rights reserved. [Image: 4Y0Z]
Fig. 2. Transmission electron micrographs of Marchantia foliacea illustrating typical features of glomeromycote associations in New Zealand Marchantiales and Metzgeriales. a. Early infection stage showing numerous arbuscules (= A) and trunk hyphae (= T). b. Multinucleate fungal vesicle filling a host cell (N = nuclei). c. Late infection stage showing collapsed trunk hyphae (= T) and arbuscules (= A) (N = host cell nucleus). d. Gram-positive bacteria typical of all liverwort glomeromycote fungi. Scale bars: 10 µ (a, b), 5 µ (c), 200 nm (d). © All rights reserved. [Image: 4Y17]
Fig. 3. Transmission (a, c) and scanning (b, d, e) electron micrographs illustrating typical features of basidiomycete associations in New Zealand liverworts. a–c. Verdoornia succulenta. a. Heavily infected cell containing a mixture of healthy and collapsed hyphal masses (arrowed) from an earlier infection cycle. b. Hyphal coils in host cells. c. Dolipore septum with imperforate parenthosomes (= P) typical of all basidiomycetes in liverworts. d, e. Diplophyllum dioicum. d. Ventral part of a stem showing a mosaic of infected (= I) and uninfected cells. e. Ingress of hyphae into uninfected cells is prevented by overgrowths of host cell wall (arrowed). Scale bars: 10 µ (a, e), 20 µ (b, d), 1 µ (c). © All rights reserved. [Image: 4Y18]
Fig. 4. Transmission electron micrographs of the unique features of the fungal associations in Haplomitrium and Treubia. a. Haplomitrium gibbsiae, fungal arbuscules (= A) and lumps (= L) in a heavily infected epidermal cell from a subterranean axis. b, c. Treubia lacunosa. b. Fungal lumps (= L) in a ventral thallus cell. c. Pseudoparenchymatous extracellular hyphae (= EH) in mucilagefilled intercellular spaces within a thallus. d. Treubia pygmaea. Fungal spore with a very thick multilayered wall in a mucilage-filled intercellular space. Scale bars: 5 µ (a, b), 2 µ (c), 1 µ (d). © All rights reserved. [Image: 4Y19]
Fig. 5. Haplomitrium minutum (E.O.Campb.) J.J.Engel & R.M.Schust. 1. Androecial plant; note position of antheridia and vertical stalked slime papillae (= ssp, at left of arrow). 2. Leaf from androecial shoot. 3. Apex of leaf from androecial shoot (sp = slime papilla). 4. Capsule wall, cross section (× 198). 5. Cells from median sector of capsule wall. 6. Plant with mature sporophyte; note true calyptra (= c). 7. Calyptra, cross section (× 198). 8. Subgynoecial leaves. 9. Leaf from gynoecial shoot. 10. Distal sector of subgynoecial leaf. 11. Leaf from gynoecial shoot, showing cellular detail. (All from isotype, MPN.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XVV]
Fig. 6. Lepicolea attenuata (Mitt.) Steph. 1. Sector of main shoot, ventral view. 2. Coelocaule with mature sporophyte, dorsal view. 3. Innermost ♀ bract. 4. Innermost ♀ bracteole. 5. Paraphyses from coelocaule. 6. Capsule wall, cross section. 7. Capsule wall, outer layer. 8. Capsule wall, inner layer. 9. Spore. 10. Portion of terminal branch with androecium toward left, dorsal view. 11. Antheridial stalk. (All from Engel 18497, New Zealand, South Is., Canterbury EP, Arthur's Pass Natl. Park, Bealey Valley Track.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XVW]
Fig. 7. Lepicolea attenuata (Mitt.) Steph. (figs. 1–6) and Lepicolea scolopendra (Hook.) Dumort. ex Trevis. (figs. 7–9). 1. Two leaves (dorsal margin at left) and to right, an underleaf. 2. Two leaves (dorsal margin at left) and to right, 2 underleaves. 3. Distal sectors of leaf lobes (surface detail shown for 2 lobes at left). 4. Portion of dorsal margin of leaf lamina showing armature. 5. Median cells of leaf lamina showing striate-papillose cell-wall thickenings. 6. Median-basal cells of leaf lamina showing long-striate cell-wall thickenings. 7. Leaves (dorsal margin at right). 8. Portion of dorsal margin of leaf lamina and to right, distal cells of a cilium from same margin. 9. Distal part of leaf lobes (surface ornamentation indicated at left on basal 3 cells of uniseriate row). (Figs. 1, 5–6, from type of Sendtnera quadrifida; 2–4, from type of Sendtnera attenuata; 7–9, from Jungermannia scolopendra.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XVX]
Fig. 8. Oil-bodies. 1. Haplomitrium gibbsiae (Steph.) R.M.Schust. Median cells of leaf, the outline of a few chloroplasts included; below left 2 oil-bodies at higher magnification, the one at right showing an elongate depression. 2. Lepicolea scolopendra (Hook.) Dumort. ex Trevis. Basal cells of leaf, the outline of a few chloroplasts included. 3. Lepicolea scolopendra (Hook.) Dumort. ex Trevis. Median leaf cells, below an oil-body at higher magnification, the outline of a few chloroplasts included. 4. Neogrollea notabilis E.A.Hodgs. Median leaf cells, the outline of a few chloroplasts included; note “lamellated” or “layered” trigones. (Fig. 1, from Glenny 9422, New Zealand, South Is., Canterbury EP, Craigieburn Ra., Lyndon Saddle; 2, 3, from Glenny 9594, New Zealand, South Is. Western Nelson EP, Stockton Plateau; 4, from Braggins JEB00401A, New Zealand, South Is., Nelson, ca. 0.5 km from Denniston.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XVY]
Fig. 9. Neogrollea notabilis E.A.Hodgs. 1. Plant (ventral view) with Frullania -type branches (= FB), Acromastigum -type branches (= AB, note an underleaf removed in median sector of shoot to show branch origin and half-underleaf), Microlepidozia -type branches (= MB), lateral-intercalary branches (= LIB), and a gynoecium (= ♀) in axil of an underleaf (= UL, only base of ♀ shown). 2. Portion of main shoot with base of Acromastigum -type branch (= AB); note half-underleaf, first foliar appendage (= FFA); ventral view (leaves and underleaf of main shoot indicated by L and UL respectively). 3. Portion of main shoot with base of Microlepidozia -type branch (= MB; VHL = ventral half-leaf; UL = underleaf; L = leaf); ventral view. 4. Portion of shoot with mature, sporophyte-bearing gynoecium on ventral-intercalary branch. 5, 6. Portions of perianth mouth (surface ornamentation not shown). 7. Outer surface of perianth (distal third) showing long striae. 8, 9. Cross sections through median and basal sectors of perianth, respectively. (All from Braggins JEB502A, New Zealand, South Is., Western Nelson EP, ca. 0.5 km from Denniston.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XVZ]
Fig. 10. Neogrollea notabilis E.A.Hodgs. 1. Innermost bracts, and in middle, bracteole, abaxial view; note various lamellae and lobes on adaxial face shown in stipple outline. 2. Lobe of innermost ♀ bract. 3, 4. Portions of lamina margin of 2 innermost ♀ bracts. 5. Seta, cross section. 6. Capsule wall, cross section. 7. Capsule wall, outer layer (drawn to same scale as Fig. 8). 8. Capsule wall, inner layer. 9. Spore and portion of elater at same magnification (× 1382). 10. Elater (× 468). (All from Braggins JEB502A, New Zealand, South Is., Western Nelson EP, ca. 0.5 km from Denniston.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XW0]
Fig. 11. Herbertus oldfieldianus (Steph.) Rodway. 1. Sector of androecium showing antheridial-bearing bracteole and bracts, ventral view. 2. Two opposing leaves and adjacent underleaf (= ul). 3. ♂ Bracteole with 2 antheridia. 4. Portion of perianth mouth. 5. Perianth, cross section through median third. 6. Shoot with androecium (swollen zone), ventral view (note basal, saccate portion of bracts and bracteoles). 7. ♀ Bracts and (lower) bracteole from innermost series. 8. Perianth bearing shoot. 9. Antheridium (with only distal portion of stalk); the stalk (a) at higher magnification. 10. Two leaves and between, an underleaf from one gyre (flattened), the boundary of vittae indicated. 11. Antheridial stalk. (Figs. 1–11, from Engel 14021B, Tasmania, Cradle Mtn.–Lake St. Clair Natl. Park, Ballroom Forest.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XW1]
Fig. 12. Herbertus oldfieldianus (Steph.) Rodway. 1. Gynoecium with sporophyte, ventral-lateral view (ul = underleaf). Note secondary splitting of valves and (below) overlapping underleaf and leaf insertions. Note the strong isophylly of gynoecium and gradual transition of leaves and underleaves with bracts and bracteoles, respectively. Note also the similarity of innermost bract lobes (= BL) with perianth lobes (= PL), the fragmentation of some lobes as well as an entire leaf (only the base shown of second leaf from base at right). 2. Dehisced capsule showing secondary splitting into supplementary valves. 3. Capsule wall, cross section, the exposed wall with an irregular waxy deposit. 4. Capsule wall, outer layer. 5. Capsule wall, inner layer. 6. Spore. 7. Spore profile showing baculae somewhat dilated at the tips. 8. Elater in part with 3 spirals; note adjacent spore profile. 9. Bispiral elater. 10, 11. Sectors of stem showing insertion lines, the dorsal view at top and, lower, the ventral view. (All from Engel 22863, New Zealand, South Is., Canterbury EP, Arthur's Pass Natl. Park, Bealey Valley track.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XW2]
Fig. 13. Oil-bodies. 1. Herbertus oldfieldianus (Steph.) Rodway. Vitta cell of upper disk, the outline of a few chloroplasts included. 2. Herbertus oldfieldianus (Steph.) Rodway. Non-vitta cells of leaf, the outline of a few chloroplasts included. 3. Triandrophyllum subtrifidum (Hook.f. & Taylor) Fulford & Hatcher. Median cells of lamina, the cell at right showing surface ornamentation. (Figs. 1, 2, from Glenny 9211, New Zealand, South Is., Canterbury EP, Arthur's Pass, Bealey R., Chasm track; 3, from Glenny 8851, New Zealand, South Is., Canterbury EP, Arthur's Pass, McGrath Creek.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XW3]
Fig. 14. Triandrophyllum symmetricum J.J.Engel. 1. Shoot with basal, horizontal, leafless stolons, ventral view. 2. Two leaves and an underleaf, ventral view. 3. Two leaves and, in middle, an underleaf (flattened). 4. Two leaves (flattened). 5. Lobe of leaf. 6. Portion of middle lobe of leaf (drawn at same scale as Fig. 5). 7. Ventral margin of leaf showing 3 teeth and, at base, an appendage (= a). 8–10. Appendages of leaf (= l) and underleaf (= ul) bases. 11. Underleaves. 12. Tooth of underleaf lobe. 13. Median leaf cells, surface detail shown in part. 14. Seta, cross section. 15, 16. Spore and portion of elater drawn at same scale (× 1225). (All from type.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XW4]
Fig. 15. Triandrophyllum symmetricum J.J.Engel. 1. Gynoecium with mature sporophyte, ventral view. 2. Perianth (bracts and bracteole removed), ventral view. 3. Lobe of perianth mouth. 4. Innermost ♀ bracts, and in middle, bracteole (adaxial view). 5. Capsule wall, outer layer. 6. Capsule wall, inner layer. 7. Capsule wall, cross section. 8. Elater (× 425). 9. Portion of main shoot with 3 gyres of antheridia-bearing bracts and bracteoles, ventral view. 10. ♂ Bracteole with 4 antheridia, ventral view. 11. Antheridial stalk. (All from type.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XW5]
Fig. 16. Triandrophyllum subtrifidum (Hook.f. & Taylor) Fulford & Hatcher. 1. Main shoot with 2 lateral-intercalary branches and 1 ventral-intercalary branch. 2. Portion of main shoot with Frullania -type branch (= FB; note half-leaf, = HL), dorsal view. 3, 4. Leaves. 5. Dorsal lobe of leaf (surface detail shown in part). 6. Distal portion of dorsal lobe of leaf. 7. Median leaf cells (surface detail shown in part). 8. Underleaves. 9. Stem, cross section. 10. Mature gynoecium (old sporophyte not shown), ventral view, the arrow indicates maximum depth of sinus on ventral-lateral side. 11. Lobe of perianth mouth. (Figs. 1–3, 5–9, from Engel 17756, New Zealand, South Is., Otago EP, Mt. Maungatua; 4, from Engel 21064, New Zealand, North Is., Northland EP, Waipoua R.; 10–11, from Hatcher 654, New Zealand, South Is., Fiordland EP, trail between Gunns Camp and Hidden Falls.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XW6]
Fig. 17. Isophyllaria attenuata (Rodway) E.A.Hodgs. 1, 2. Portions of leading shoots (ventral-lateral views and drawn to same scale), each with a ventral-intercalary branch, at left with a leafy branch, at right with a stoloniform branch; note the dorsally assurgent leaves. 3. Portion of shoot with Frullania -type branch (= FB), dorsal view; note half-leaf and 3-lobed first branch underleaf (= FBU); note also accessory lobe toward apex of main shoot (at arrow). 4–7. Leaves (abaxial aspect), all drawn to same scale. 8. Portion of leaf lamina and lobe base showing subvittate condition; note ± isodiametric cells at leaf margins and (at left) ± lenticular thickenings of exposed wall (S = sinus base). 9. Median leaf cells with oil-bodies. 10. Distal portion of leaf lobe; note that lenticular thickenings may be seen when margin is viewed in ± profile. (Figs. 1–8, 10, from Engel 22004, New Zealand, South Is., Fiordland EP, head of Gertrude Valley; 9, from Glenny 9201, New Zealand, South Is., Westland EP, Upper Otira Valley.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XW7]
Fig. 18. Isophyllaria attenuata (Rodway) E.A.Hodgs. 1. Gynoecium with mature sporophyte, ventral-lateral view (BREO = bracteole); note gradual transition from vegetative leaves and underleaves to bracts and bracteoles. 2. ♀ Bract, and lower, bracteole (abaxial aspect). 3. Cross section through distal third of perianth. 4. Seta, cross section. 5. Capsule wall, outer layer. 6. Capsule wall, inner layer. 7. Spore. (All from Glenny 9201, New Zealand, South Is., Westland EP, Upper Otira Valley.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XW8]
Fig. 19. Isophyllaria attenuata (Rodway) E.A.Hodgs. 1. Portion of perianth mouth. 2. Capsule profile. 3. Capsule wall, cross section. 4. Elater and spore outline drawn to same scale. (All from Glenny 9201, New Zealand, South Is., Westland EP, Upper Otira Valley.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XW9]
Fig. 20. Oil-bodies, all with the outline of a few chloroplasts included. 1. Temnoma pulchellum (Hook.) Mitt. Median cells of disc. 2. Temnoma paucisetigerum R.M.Schust. Cells of disc. 3. Temnoma quadripartitum (Hook.) Mitt. Cells of disc. 4. Temnoma quadrifidum (Mitt.) Mitt. Cells of disc. (Fig. 1, from Glenny 9266, New Zealand, South Is., Nelson, Pupu Walkway; 2, from Glenny 9008, New Zealand, South Is., Westland EP, Griffin Ra.; 3, from Glenny 9203, New Zealand, South Is., Westland EP, Upper Otira Valley; 4, from Glenny 8866, New Zealand, South Is., Westland EP, Upper Otira Valley.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XWA]
Fig. 21. Temnoma pulchellum (Hook.) Mitt. 1. Portion of main shoot, dorsal view. 2. Portion of main shoot, ventral view. 3, 4. Leaves. 5. Sector through median portion of leaf disc, the sinus bases at arrows. 6. Leaf lobe (cilia not shown). 7. Distal portion of leaf lobe (the orientation of cilia artificially altered). 8, 9. Underleaves (drawn at same scale as leaves). (All from Engel 17936, New Zealand, South Is., Westland EP, between the confluence of Jackson R. and Arawata R. and Lake Ellery.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XWB]
Fig. 22. Castanoclobos julaceus (Hatcher ex J.J.Engel) J.J.Engel & Glenny. 1. Ventral sector of leaf, adaxial aspect (some portions of marginal armature not shown for clarity). 2. Shoot, dorsal view. 3. Median cells of lamina. 4. Leaf, adaxial view. 5. Leaf, abaxial view. 6. Cross section of shoot showing mass of interwoven, branched cilia (UL = underleaf) of 1 gyre. 7. Underleaf (some portions of marginal armature not shown for clarity). 8. Leaf lobe, distal sector. 9. Lateral armature of leaf lobe, distal sector. (All from holotype.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XWD]
Fig. 22A. Castanoclobos julaceus (Hatcher ex J.J. Engel) J.J.Engel & Glenny. 1. Gynoecium, ventral view (br = bract); note ± isophyllous condition. 2. Innermost bracts, and in middle, bracteole. 3. Bracteole (left) and bract from second series. 4. Lobe of innermost ♀ bract, the surface striolae shown in part. 5. Perianth, cross section through distal portion. 6. Portion of perianth mouth with surface papillae shown in part (sh = surface hair). 7–10. Hairs of perianth surface. 11. Antheridial stalk. (All from Y. Qiu & Braggins NZ-03128, New Zealand, South Is., Westland, 19 km on Jackson River Rd. from Arawata River Bridge, ultramafic site.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XWC]
Fig. 23. Leiomitra lanata (Hook.) R.M.Schust. 1. Plant showing distantly and irregularly 1-pinnate branching, dorsal view (note secondary branches are few and no more than 1 per primary branch). 2. Mature inflorescence, median longitudinal section (C = coelocaule; SAR = sterile archegonia; PER = perianth; BR = bracts; BRO = bracteoles; L = leaves; UL = underleaves; S = seta; F = foot). 3. Seta, cross section. 4. Capsule profile. 5. Capsule wall, cross section. 6. Capsule wall, outer layer. 7. Capsule wall, inner layer. (Fig. 1, 3–7, from Engel 17761, New Zealand, South Is., Otago, Morrisons Creek; 2, after Hatcher, 1959.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4Y0W]
Fig. 24. Oil-bodies, all with the outline of a few chloroplasts included. 1. Archeophylla schusteri (E.A.Hodgs. & Allison) R.M.Schust. Disc cells. 2. Leiomitra lanata (Hook.) R.M.Schust. Disc cells, at right three oil-bodies at higher magnification. 3. Trichocolea rigida R.M.Schust. Paired cells at lobe base. 4. Eotrichocolea polyacantha (Hook.f. & Taylor) R.M.Schust. Cell at base of uniseriate row. (Fig. 1, from Glenny 9282, New Zealand, South Is., Western Nelson EP, Sewell Peak; 2, from Glenny 9012, New Zealand, South Is., Westland EP, Big Wainihinihi R.; 3, from Glenny 9601, New Zealand, South Is., Western Nelson EP, Stockton Plateau; 4, from Glenny 9114, New Zealand, South Is., Westland EP, Mt. Brown.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XWF]
Fig. 25. Trichocolea rigida R.M.Schust. 1. Plant, dorsal view. 2. Distal portion of leaf lobe (adaxial view, surface detail indicated in part). 3, 4. Apices of leaf lobes, surface detail shown at right. 5. Median lamina cells, abaxial view (S = sinus between lobes; note branched cilia originating from abaxial face of lamina; note also surface detail shown in part for lamina and cilia cells). 6. Cilium from lateral margin of leaf lobe, surface detail not shown (drawn at same scale as Fig. 3). 7. Portion of stem paraphyllium. 8. Cilium of stem paraphyllium, papillae on surface not shown. (All from type.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XWG]
Fig. 26. Trichocolea mollissima (Hook.f. & Taylor) Gottsche. 1. Habit; note 3-pinnate branches. 2. Coelocaule with portion of seta (SB = subfloral branch). 3. Seta, cross section; note hollow central area. 4. Capsule profile. 5. Capsule wall, cross section. 6. Capsule wall, outer layer. 7. Capsule wall, inner layer. 8. Disc of ♂ bract, dorsal sector to right. 9. Antheridial stalk. (Fig. 1, from Engel 17945, New Zealand, South Is., Westland EP, between confluence of Jackson R. and Arawata R. and Lake Ellery; 2, from Engel 18034, New Zealand, South Is., Westland EP, Mt. Aspiring Natl. Park, summit area of Haast Pass; 3–7, from Engel 18489, New Zealand, South Is., Canterbury EP, Arthur's Pass Natl. Park, Bealey R.; 8, 9, from Engel 18942, New Zealand, South Is., Westland EP, near Waiho R. between Lake Wombat Terrace and Canavans Knob.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XWH]
Fig. 27. Trichocolea mollissima (Hook.f. & Taylor) Gottsche. 1. Leaf. 2. Leaf segment and 2 accessory divisions, abaxial view. 3. Distal sectors of 2 leaf lobes. 4. Leaf disc (VM = ventral margin; DM = dorsal margin). 5. Cells of disc showing surface papillae. 6. Basal cells of leaf lobes with oil-bodies. 7. Underleaf disc. (Figs. 1–5, 7, from Engel 18637, New Zealand, South Is., Fiordland EP, track to Island Lake; 6, from Glenny 8853, New Zealand, South Is., Canterbury EP, Arthur’s Pass, McGrath Creek.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XWI]
Fig. 28. Trichocolea hatcheri E.A.Hodgs. 1. Plant, dorsal view (note epiphyllous hepatic [Lejeuneaceae], at arrow). 2. Leaf, adaxial view (some of cilia shown only in part for clarity). 3. Median lamina cells and 2 lobe bases, adaxial view, surface detail shown in part (S = sinus between lobes). 4. Distal portion of leaf lobe (abaxial view). 5, 6. Apices of leaf lobes. 7. Distal-most cilium of leaf lobe (TC = terminal cell of lobe). 8. Cilia from near base of leaf lobe. (All from Schuster 67-1068, New Zealand, North Is., Northland EP, SE of Kaitaia, Mangamuka Gorge Reserve.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XWJ]
Fig. 29. Lepidozia spinosissima (Hook.f. & Taylor) Mitt. 1. Plant showing androecia on primary and secondary branches, the main axis with 9 androecia from ventral face of stem between arrows a and b, the plant also with a number of androecia (not shown) between the plant base and those drawn (these basal ♂ not included appear older, at times broken and presumably from a previous year of growth). 2. Main shoot with androecium, ventral view (the leaf at lower left not shown); note also terminal branch and position of first branch underleaf. 3. Antheridium. 4. Portion of plant with perianth, ventral view; note primary and secondary terminal branches and the position of the first branch underleaves. 5. Innermost bracts and bracteole. 6. Bract lobes. 7. Perianth, cross sections through median sector (a), distal 0.2 (b) and near apex (c). 8. Portion of perianth mouth. 9. Two leaves and (at right) an underleaf of main axis (DS = dorsal sinus). 10. Half-leaf. 11. First branch underleaves. (Figs. 1–3, from Braggins 98/311, New Zealand, North Is., Northland EP, E edge of Waipoua Forest, Mataraua Plateau; 4–8, from Cameron 3797a, New Zealand, Auckland EP, Coromandel Ra., SW side of Maumaupaki; 9–11, from Engel 21109, New Zealand, North Is., Northland EP, SE corner of Waipoua Forest, just N of Tutamoe.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XWK]
Fig. 30. Lepidozia procera Mitt. 1. Portion of main shoot with 2 Frullania -type branches (HL = half-leaf); lateral view. 2. Portion of main shoot, ventral view. 3. Sector of main shoot and Frullania -type branch, ventral view (BUL = first branch underleaf). 4. Sector of main shoot, lateral view. 5. Leaves. 6. Leaf and 2 underleaves, at left and within leaf. 7. Four leaves and, at left, underleaves. 8. Dorsal-most 2 lobes of leaf (DS = dorsal sinus, MS = median sinus). 9. Median disc cells. 10. Median-basal cells of leaf showing row of enlarged cells. 11. Cells of dorsal margin of disc. 12. Distal sector of underleaf. 13. Half-leaf (right) and first branch underleaves. 14. Outline of plant at low magnification, lateral view. (Figs. 1, 2, 7, 11, from Engel 21722, New Zealand, South Is., Westland EP, Westland Natl. Park, track to Lake Gault; remainder from Hatcher 1476, New Zealand, South Is., Fiordland EP, head of Lake McKerrow.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XWL]
Fig. 31. Lepidozia obtusiloba Steph. 1. Leaves. 2. Apical sectors of 4 lobes from same leaf (VL = ventral lobe; DL = dorsal lobe). 3. Base of median sinus of leaf showing border of smaller cells. 4. Median disc cells. 5. Sector of ventral margin of leaf disc showing border of smaller cells. 6. Sector of main shoot with 2 Frullania -type branches, ventral view (BUL = first branch underleaf). 7. Half-leaves and, below, 2 first branch underleaves. 8. Outline of shoot at low magnification, lateral view. 9. Underleaves. 10. Apical sectors of 4 lobes from same underleaf. 11. Sector of main shoot, lateral view. (All from Engel 17843, New Zealand, South Is., Westland EP, Mt. Aspiring Natl. Park, off track to Mt. Brewster.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XWM]
Fig. 32. Lepidozia obtusiloba Steph. 1. Portion of main shoot with mature gynoecium; base of terminal branch shown, but with initial leaves and underleaves removed from branch for clarity (HL = half-leaf); lateral view. 2. Innermost bracts and bracteole. 3. Apex of innermost bract. 4. Portion of apex of innermost ♀ bract showing obsolete median pair of teeth, each represented by a slime papilla. 5. Portion of lateral margin of innermost bract showing nearly entire condition. 6. Perianth mouth, the summit at upper left. 7. Portion of perianth mouth. 8. Perianth, cross sections (top to bottom) through basal (= B), median (= M) and distal (= D) sectors; D* drawn at higher magnification. 9. Perianth, cross sections through median (= M) and distal portions (= D). 10. Capsule profile. (All from Engel 17565, New Zealand, South Is., Otago EP, S side of Mt. Cargill.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XWN]
Fig. 33. Lepidozia obtusiloba Steph. 1. Portion of lateral margin of innermost ♀ bract showing crenulate-denticulate condition. 2. Seta, cross section. 3. Capsule wall, cross section. 4. Capsule wall, outer layer. 5. Capsule wall, inner layer. 6. Spore (× 1652). 7. Elater (× 209). (All from Engel 17565, New Zealand, South Is., Otago EP, S side of Mt. Cargill.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XWP]
Fig. 34. Oil-bodies, all with the outline of a few chloroplasts included. 1. Lepidozia spinosissima (Hook.f. & Taylor) Mitt. Basal cell of lobe. 2. Lepidozia pendulina (Hook.) Lindenb. Basal cell of lobe. 3. Lepidozia setigera Steph. Upper disc cell. 4. Lepidozia obtusiloba var. parvula J.J.Engel. Cells of disc. 5. Lepidozia ornata J.J.Engel. Basal cell of lobe. 6. Lepidozia laevifolia (Hook.f. & Taylor) Gottsche, Lindenb. & Nees. Basal cell of lobe. (Fig. 1, from Glenny 9148, New Zealand, South Is., Westland EP, Big Wainihinihi R.; 2, from Glenny 9084, New Zealand, South Is., Canterbury EP, Mt. Aicken; 3, from Glenny 9415, New Zealand, South Is., Western Nelson EP, Brunner Ra.; 4, from Glenny 9134, New Zealand, South Is., Westland EP, Mt. Turiwhate, near summit; 5, from Glenny 9138a, New Zealand, South Is., Westland EP, Mt. Turiwhate; 6, from Glenny 9088, New Zealand, South Is., Canterbury EP, Mt. Aicken.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XWQ]
Fig. 35. Lepidozia ornata J.J.Engel. 1. Sector of main shoot with Frullania -type branch, ventral view. 2, 3. Leaves. 4. Apical sectors of 5 lobes from same leaf (DL = dorsal lobe; VL = ventral lobe). 5. Second dorsal-most leaf lobe. 6, 7. Underleaves. 8. Apical sectors of lateral (= L) and median (= M) lobes of same underleaf. 9. Apical sectors of median (= M) and lateral (= L) lobes of same underleaf. 10. Sector of main shoot, dorsal view. 11. Half-leaf. 12. Median disc cells of leaf. 13. Outline of shoot at low magnification. (Figs. 1, 3–7, 10, 12–13, from type; 2, 8–9, 11, from Engel 18799, New Zealand, South Is., Fiordland EP, Mistake Creek.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XWR]
Fig. 36. Lepidozia concinna Colenso. 1. Portion of main shoot with Frullania -type branch, ventral view; note position of first branch underleaf. 2. Portion of main shoot with 2 Frullania -type branches, ventral view. 3. Leaves. 4. Four leaves and (lower right) 2 underleaves at same scale. 5. Dorsal lobe of leaf. 6, 7. Median disc cells of leaf. 8. Underleaves (drawn at same scale as Fig. 4). 9. Apical sectors of 2 median lobes of same underleaf. 10. Primary branch leaves (= PBL), half-leaf (= HL) and first branch underleaves (= BUL). 11. Portion of stem with underleaf; note ventral merophyte width of 10 cells. 12. Outline of plant at low magnification. (Figs. 1, 4, 7, 11, from Engel 23201, New Zealand, South Is., Fiordland EP, immediately N of Ten Mile Bush, near W shore of Lake Te Anau; remainder from Child 4373, New Zealand, South Is., Sounds–Nelson EP, Red Hills.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XWS]
Fig. 37. Lepidozia laevifolia (Hook.f. & Taylor) Gottsche, Lindenb. & Nees (figs. 6, 7, from var. acutiloba; remainder from var. laevifolia). 1. Sector of main shoot with Frullania -type branch, ventral view (BUL = first branch underleaf). 2. First branch underleaves. 3. Sector of shoot, dorsal view. 4–7. Leaves and underleaves (= UL), all drawn at same scale. 8. Median disc cells showing surface papillae. 9. Marginal cells of ampliate sector of disc. 10. Leaf lobes showing surface papillae in lobe at left. 11. Portion of stem with underleaf disc and lobe bases; note ventral merophyte width of 10 cells and rhizoid origin (arrows indicate sinus bases). 12. Seta, cross section. (Figs. 1–3, from Engel 18406, New Zealand, South Is., Arthur's Pass Natl. Park, Kelly Ra.; 4, 8–10, from type of L. laevifolia; 5, from Engel 20585, New Zealand, North Is., Gisborne EP, Urewera Natl. Park, Waikareiti Track; 6, from Engel 22816, South Is., Westland EP, road to Rainbow Skifield in vicinity of Red Gate, just W of Wairau R.; 7, from type of var. acutiloba; 11, from Engel 22885, New Zealand, South Is., Canterbury EP, Arthur's Pass Natl. Park, Bealey Valley Track; 12, from Child 2849, New Zealand, South Is., Otago EP, Maungatua.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XWT]
Fig. 38. Lepidozia laevifolia (Hook.f. & Taylor) Gottsche, Lindenb. & Nees. 1. Two bracts and (to right) bracteole from innermost series (all drawn to same scale). 2, 3. Portions of apex of 2 innermost bracts. 4, 5. Complete lateral margin and basal half of margin, respectively, of innermost bracts (drawn to same scale). 6, 7. Portions of perianth mouth (drawn to same scale). 8, 9. Capsule, cross sections of 3–4- and 4–5-stratose walls. 10. Capsule wall, outer layer (× 204). 11. Capsule wall, inner layer. (All from Engel 20669, New Zealand, North Is., Gisborne EP, Urewera Natl. Park, crest trail from Highway 38 toward Whakataka summit.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XWU]
Fig. 39. Lepidozia fugax J.J.Engel. 1. Sector of main shoot, dorsal view. 2. Sector of main shoot and Frullania -type branch, ventral view. 3. Leaves (note missing lobe tips). 4. Dorsal margin of leaf (= DM) and (left to right, i.e., dorsal to ventral) all lobes of same leaf (VL = ventral lobe; SP = slime papilla; surface papillae shown in part). 5. Dorsal pair of lobes, the uniseriate sectors of each lobe having fallen away (surface papillae shown in part). 6. Second dorsal lobe (complete; note constricted septa). 7. Sector of dorsal margin of disc with a blunt tooth (surface papillae shown in part). 8. Median disc cells of leaf. 9. Leaf disc cross section (AB = abaxial face). 10. Portion of stem with underleaf; note ventral merophyte width of 7 cells. 11. Underleaves. 12. Two half leaves and (to right) 2 first branch underleaves. 13–15. Outlines of 3 shoots at low magnification (all at same scale). (All from holotype.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XWV]
Fig. 40. Lepidozia novae-zelandiae Steph. 1. Sector of main shoot, and Frullania -type branch, ventral view (BUL = first branch underleaf). 2. Sector of main shoot (HL = half-leaf), dorsal view. 3. Leaves, and below, underleaves. 4. Leaves. 5. Dorsal leaf lobes. 6. Dorsal-most leaf lobe, the surface detail indicated in part. 7. Dorsal-most of median leaf lobes, surface detail not shown. 8. Distal sector of dorsal lobes. 9. Portion of dorsal margin of leaf disc. 10. Median cells of leaf disc. 11. Two half-leaves. 12–13. Underleaves, cellular detail. 14. Portion of stem with underleaf; note ventral merophyte width of 5 cells. 15. Ventral cortical cells of stem, surface view. (Figs. 1–3, 5, 8–11, 13, 15, from Schuster 59645b, New Zealand, South Is., Westland EP, upper reaches of Haast R., 1 km N of Haast Pass; 4, 6, 7, 14, from Engel 23107, New Zealand, South Is., Westland EP, Mt. Aspiring Natl. Park, Cross Creek; 12, from Hodgson s. n., New Zealand, North Is., Gisborne EP, Lake Waikaremoana.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XWW]
Fig. 41. Lepidozia acantha J.J.Engel. 1. Sector of main shoot, dorsal view. 2. Stem, cross section. 3. Sector of main shoot with Frullania -type branch, ventral view (BUL = first branch underleaf). 4. Underleaves. 5. Half-leaves (= HL), 3- and 4-lobed primary branch leaves (= BL) and, at left, first branch underleaf (= FBU) (cellular detail of first branch underleaf at far left). 6. Leaves. 7. Leaf lobes (surface detail indicated). 8. Median leaf cells (surface detail indicated). (All from type.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XWX]
Fig. 42. Lepidozia pumila J.J.Engel. 1. Portion of main shoot with Frullania -type branch (= FB; HL = half-leaf; FBU = first branch underleaf), dorsal view. 2. Portion of main shoot with 2 Frullania -type branches, ventral view. 3. Portion of main shoot with Acromastigum - (= AB; note half-underleaf) and Frullania -type (= FB) branches, ventral view. 4. Three leaves. 5. Leaf, cellular detail. 6. Dorsal pair of leaf lobes (MS = median sinus). 7. Median disc cells. 8. Marginal cells of dorsal margin of disc showing thickened free wall. 9. Underleaf (at same scale as Fig. 4). 10. Portion of stem with underleaf; note ventral merophyte width of 6 cells. 11. First branch underleaves. 12. Half-leaf. (All from type.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XWY]
Fig. 43. Lepidozia bidens J.J.Engel. 1. Sector of main shoot with Frullania -type branch, ventral view. 2. Leaves. 3. Leaf. 4, 5. Dorsal pairs of leaf lobes. 6, 7. Dorsal lobes. 8. Underleaves. 9. Underleaf. 10. Portion of stem with underleaf; note ventral merophyte width of 8 cells. 11. Two-, 3- and 4-lobed first branch underleaves (drawn to same scale as Fig. 8). 12, 13. Half-leaves (3). 14, 15. Outlines of 2 shoots at low magnification. (Fig. 1, from Engel 19280, New Zealand, Western Nelson EP, Paparoa Ra., N side of Tiropahi R.; 2, 3, 5–11, 15, from type; 4, 12–14, from Child 358, New Zealand, South Is., Westland EP, Fox Glacier.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XWZ]
Fig. 44. Lepidozia hirta Steph. 1. Sector of main shoot, dorsal view (HL = half-leaf). 2. Leaves. 3. Dorsal-most lobe of leaf (S = sinus). 4. Dorsal margin of leaf (B = leaf base). 5. Half-leaf. 6, 7. Underleaves. 8. Outline of plant at low magnification. 9. Seta, cross section. 10. Two leaves and to right, 2 underleaves, all at same scale. (Figs. 1–8, from Engel 19205, New Zealand, South Is., Westland EP, Paparoa Ra., S side of Pororari R.; 9, from Hatcher 136, New Zealand, South Is., Canterbury EP, Mt. Torlesse; 10, from Braggins 94/241, New Zealand Northland EP, SE corner of Waipoua Forest.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XX0]
Fig. 45. Lepidozia serrulata J.J.Engel. 1. Cladograph; the single lines indicate flagelliform sectors of branches. 2–5. Four leaves. 6–8. Underleaves. 9. Half-leaf (DM = dorsal margin). 10, 11. First branch underleaves. 12, 13. Second dorsal-most (left) and dorsal-most (right) leaf lobes (DS = dorsal sinus); both drawn to same scale. 14–16. Portion of dorsal margin of 2 leaves; both drawn to same scale. 17. Median lobe of underleaf (arrows indicate sinus bases). 18. Stem, cross section. (All from type.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XX1]
Fig. 46. Lepidozia ulothrix (Schwägr.) Lindenb. 1. Sector of main shoot, dorsal view. 2. Leaves. 3. Underleaf and to right, leaf. 4. Underleaves. 5. Sector of dorsal margin of leaf. 6. Portion of dorsal lobe. 7. Distal sector of dorsal-most leaf lobe. 8. Median disc cells of leaf. 9. Sector of main shoot with Frullania -type branch, ventral view (BUL = first branch underleaf). 10. Half-leaf. 11. First branch underleaves. 12. ♂ Bract (DM = dilated dorsal margin, slime papillae at arrows). (Figs. 1, 2, 4–6, 8–11, from Fife 8987, New Zealand, South Is., Arthur's Pass Natl. Park, Bealey Glacier Track; 3, 7, from type of L. albula.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XX2]
Fig. 47. Lepidozia glaucophylla (Hook.f. & Taylor) Gottsche, Lindenb. & Nees. 1. Sector of main shoot, dorsal view (HL = half-leaf). 2–4. Leaves (all at same scale). 5. Dorsal-most lobe (above) and dorsal pair of lobes, the surface detail shown for lobe at right. 6. Median lobes of leaves (all at same scale). 7–9. Marginal cells of ampliate sector (dorsal, basal portion) of leaf disc. 10. Median disc cells. 11. Portion of ventral margin of leaf disc. 12. Sector of main shoot with Frullania -type branch, ventral view (note first branch underleaf = BUL). 13. Underleaves. 14. Underleaf, cellular detail. (Figs. 1, 2, 5, 8, 10, 12–14, from type; 3, 7, 11, from Fife 6442, New Zealand, South Is., Western Nelson EP, Paparoa Ra., Mt. Euclid; 4, 6, 9, from Engel 23170, New Zealand, South Is., Fiordland EP, Fiordland Natl. Park, S end of Lake Marion.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XX3]
Fig. 48. Lepidozia digitata Herzog. 1. Sector of main shoot, dorsal view. 2. Leaves and above, underleaves. 3. Leaf, cellular detail. 4. Leaf lobes, surface detail indicated in part. 5. Median disc cells, surface detail indicated in part. 6. Underleaf, cellular detail. 7. Stem, cross section. 8. Sector of main shoot with 2 Frullania -type branches, ventral view (note undivided and, lower, bilobed first branch underleaves, the latter is the typical condition). (All from type.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XX4]
Fig. 49. Lepidozia glaucescens J.J.Engel. 1. Sector of main shoot, dorsal view. 2. Sector of main shoot, ventral view. 3, 4. Leaves. 5. Underleaves. 6. Half-leaves. 7. Dorsal half of leaf (MS = median sinus). 8. Outer (dorsal-most) lobe of dorsal half of leaf (surface detail not shown). 9. Median lobe of dorsal half of leaf (surface detail not shown). 10. Portion of dorsal lobe showing papillae on surface, granular coating and lamellated cells walls (cross-hatched shading). 11. Median cells of dorsal half of disc showing striate surface. (Figs. 1–3, 5–7, 10, from type; 4, 8, 9, 11, from Engel 21087, New Zealand, North Is., Northland EP, SE corner of Waipoua Forest.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XX5]
Fig. 50. Oil-bodies, all with the outline of a few chloroplasts included. 1. Lepidozia kirkii Steph. Cells of upper sector of disc. 2. Lepidozia digitata Herzog. Cells of disc. 3. Lepidozia ulothrix (Schwägr.) Lindenb. Upper disc cells. 4. Lepidozia ulothrix (Schwägr.) Lindenb. Upper disc cells. 5. Telaranea gibbsiana (Steph.) E.A.Hodgs. Upper disc cell. 6. Telaranea tetrapila var. cancellata (Colenso) J.J.Engel & Merrill ian cell of disc. (Fig. 1, from Glenny 9147, New Zealand, South Is., Westland EP, Mt. Turiwhate, near summit; 2, from Glenny 9083, New Zealand, South Is., Canterbury EP, Mt. Aicken; 3, from Glenny 9109, New Zealand, South Is., Westland EP, Mt. Turiwhate; 4, from Engel 27055, New Zealand, South Is., Western Nelson EP, Kahurangi Natl. Park, Matiri Ra., Thousand Acres Plateau; 5, from Glenny 9393, Western Nelson EP, Brunner Ra.; 6, from Engel 25127, New Zealand, North Is., Auckland EP, Herangi Ra., Whareorino Forest.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XX6]
Fig. 51. Telaranea meridiana (E.A.Hodgs.) E.A.Hodgs. 1. Sector of main shoot, dorsal view. 2. Leaves. 3. Leaf, cellular detail. 4. Leaf lobe. 5. Leaf base (DM = dorsal margin). 6. Shoot sector of vigorous plant, dorsal view. 7. Sector of main shoot, ventral view. 8. Underleaves. 9. Underleaf, cellular detail, stippled cell walls indicate rhizoid initials. 10. Stem, cross section. 11. Antheridial stalk. (Figs. 1–4, 7–10, from type; 5, from Johnson 175, New Zealand, South Is., Fiordland EP, Lake Manapouri; 6, from Child H3669, New Zealand, South Is., Westland EP, Mahinapua; 11, from Child H3101, New Zealand, South Is., Otago EP, Mt. Cargill.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XX7]
Fig. 52. Telaranea pennata J.J.Engel & Merrill 1. Sector of main shoot with Frullania -type branches, dorsal view. 2. Leaves (dorsal lobe [= DL] at right) and to right an underleaf (= UL). 3. Leaf, cellular detail (DL = dorsal lobe). 4. Sector of branch, ventral view. 5. Underleaf, cellular detail. 6. Branch leaves (= BL; dorsal lobe at right). 7. Stem, cross section. (All from holotype.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XX8]
Fig. 53. Telaranea tridactylis (Lehm. & Lindenb.) J.J.Engel & Merrill 1–5. Portion of main shoot with 1 or more Frullania -type branches, dorsal view (note especially the variation in orientation and planation of branch leaves and the imbrication of main shoot leaves). 6–8. Leaves. 9. Leaf lobe. (Figs. 1, 6, 7, 9, from type of T. tridactylis; 2, from Norris 29804, Tasmania, Arve Road; 3, from Norris 27281, Tasmania, above Lake Barrington near Forth Falls; 4, 8, from Engel 19725, Tasmania, Newhaven Road, just S of Doughboy Hill; 5, from Norris 29470, Tasmania, Kermandie R. at North Creek.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XX9]
Fig. 54. Telaranea tridactylis (Lehm. & Lindenb.) J.J.Engel & Merrill 1. Main shoot, with 4 Frullania -type branches, dorsal view. 2, 5. Leaves. 3. Rhizoid with ramified tip. 4. Leaf lamina cross section. 6. First branch underleaf. 7. ♀ Bracts (top to bottom), from innermost, second and lowermost series. 8. Antheridial stalk. 9. Underleaf. 10. Half-leaf (b = adjoining branch cell; s = adjoining stem cell). 11. Distal portion of innermost ♀ bract. 12, 13. Leaf outlines. 14. Portion of main shoot, dorsal view with only leaf (L) and half-leaf (HL) bases indicated (FB =Frullania -type branch). 15. Stem, cross section + underleaf. 16. Portion of main shoot, dorsal view, showing leaf arrangement (note 6 ♂ branches toward base). (All from Norris 29470, Tasmania, Kermandie R.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XXA]
Fig. 55. Telaranea praenitens (Lehm. & Lindenb.) E.A.Hodgs. (figs. 1–10, var. praenitens; 11, 12, var. dentifolia). 1. Sector of main shoot showing androecia on primary and secondary terminal branches, dorsal view. 2, 3. Leaves (note symmetry). 4. Leaf, cellular detail. 5, 6. Dorsal lobes of leaves. 7. Underleaves. 8. Underleaf, cellular detail. 9. Sector of perianth surface immediately below mouth. 10. Antheridial stalk. 11. Leaf. 12. Half-leaf. (Figs. 1, 2, 4, 6–8, 10, from Engel 18935, New Zealand, South Is., Westland EP, near Waiho R. between Wombat Terrace and Canavans Knob; 3, 5, from Engel 6667B, New Zealand, South Is., Westland EP, Lake Wombat; 9, from Reif C63B, New Zealand, South Is., Westland EP, Camp Creek; 11, 12, from type of var. dentifolia.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XXB]
Fig. 56. Telaranea gibbsiana (Steph.) E.A.Hodgs. 1. Shoot with 6 Frullania -type branches, dorsal view (note 2-, 3- and 4-lobed half-leaves). 2. Shoot with 3 young gynoecia toward base, dorsal view. 3–6. Leaves. 7. Distal portion of leaf lobe. 8. First branch underleaves. 9. Stem, cross section. 10, 11. Capsule wall cross sections. (Figs. 1–9, from Hodgson s. n., New Zealand, North Is., Gisborne EP, Lake Waikaremoana [F]; 10, 11, from Engel 20513, New Zealand, North Is., Gisborne EP, Urewera Natl. Park, Waikareiti Track.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XXC]
Fig. 57. Telaranea gibbsiana (Steph.) E.A.Hodgs. 1. Gynoecium. 2. Cross section through distal portion of perianth. 3. Portion of perianth mouth. 4. Distal portion of innermost bract. 5. Underleaves of main shoot. 6. Underleaf. 7. Half-leaves. 8. Four-lobed half-leaf. 9. Antheridium. (Figs. 1–8, from Hodgson s. n., New Zealand, North Is., Gisborne EP, Lake Waikaremoana [F]; 9, from Hatcher 1301, same loc.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XXD]
Fig. 58. Telaranea hodgsoniae J.J.Engel & Merrill 1. Leaves and to left, an underleaf. 2. Three leaves, cellular detail. 3. Median leaf lobes. 4. Median disc cells. 5. Underleaves, cellular detail, stippled walls indicate formation of rhizoid initials. (All from holotype.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XXE]
Fig. 59. Telaranea patentissima (Hook.f. & Taylor) E.A.Hodgs. (figs. 3–5, 9, var. patentissima; 1, 2, 6–8, var. ampliata). 1. Sector of main shoot, dorsal view. 2–4. Leaves, cellular detail. 5. Underleaf, cellular detail. 6. Stem, cross section. 7, 8. Dorsal lobe and dorsal margin of disc. 9. Antheridial stalk. (Figs. 1, 2, 7, from holotype of var. ampliata; 3, from Kirk 183, New Zealand, Great Barrier Is.; 4, 5, 9, from Zotov, New Zealand, North Is., Southern North Is. EP, Tararua Ra., Field Hut; 6, 8, from Hatcher 29, New Zealand, North Is., Volcanic Plateau EP, Rotorua.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XXF]
Fig. 60. Telaranea patentissima (Hook.f. & Taylor) E.A.Hodgs. (figs. 1, 2, 9–11, var. zebrina; 3–8, 12, 13, var. patentissima). 1–6. Leaves, the leaf of Fig. 1 with surface detail shown in part. 7, 8. Leaf lobes. 9. Marginal cells of leaf base showing papillae. 10–13. Underleaves (all drawn to scale of Fig. 10). (Figs. 1, 2, 9–11, from type of var. zebrina; 3, 4, 7, 8, 12, from type of T. patentissima [BM]; 5, 6, 13, from type of T. gottscheana [W].) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XXG]
Fig. 61. Telaranea tetrapila (Hook.f. & Taylor) J.J.Engel & Merrill var. tetrapila. 1. Sector of leading shoot, dorsal view. 2, 3. Leaves. 4. Leaf, cellular detail. 5, 6. Median lobes of leaf; note secondary septa. 7. Underleaves. 8. Underleaf disc, cellular detail, stippled cell walls indicate rhizoid initial cells. 9. Stem, cross section. 10. Plant, dorsal view. 11. Antheridium (as seen in optical section). (Figs. 1, 3, 6, 7, 10, from J.J.Engel 18029, New Zealand, South Is., Westland EP, Mt. Aspiring Natl. Park, summit area of Haast Pass; 2, 5, 8, from Reif C151A; 4, from Reif C93E; 9, from Reif C80F, all Reif coll. from New Zealand, South Is., Westland EP, Camp Creek; 11, from Engel 19298, New Zealand, South Is., Western Nelson EP, Paparoa Ra., Croesus Track.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XXH]
Fig. 62. Telaranea tetrapila (Hook.f. & Taylor) J.J.Engel & Merrill var. roseana (Steph.) J.J.Engel & Merrill (1–3); var. cancellata (Colenso) J.J.Engel & Merrill (9–12); Telaranea paludicola (E.A.Hodgs.) E.A.Hodgs. (4–8). 1. Sector of main shoot, dorsal view. 2. Leaves. 3. Leaf, cellular detail. 4. Leaves. 5, 6. Leaves, cellular detail. 7. Sector of main shoot with branch bases and associated half-leaves, dorsal view. 8. Leaves of extreme. 9. Leaf lobe showing secondary cell divisions in distal portion. 10. Underleaf. 11. Leaves (note, figure drawn at 50% larger than other leaf outlines). 12. Distal sector of leaf. (Figs. 1–3, from Fife 4964, New Zealand, South Is., Western Nelson EP, Fox R.; 4, 6, 7, from type of L. paludicola; 5, 8, from Child 5446, New Zealand, South Is., Western Nelson EP, Big Totara R.; 9–12, from Zotov 7083, New Zealand, North Is., Southern North Is. EP, Ohau-iti R.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XXI]
Fig. 63. Telaranea elegans (Colenso) J.J.Engel & Merrill (1–6) and T. perfragilis J.J.Engel & Merrill (7–14). 1, 2. Leaves. 3. Distal portion of leaf. 4. Leaf lobe. 5. Underleaf. 6. Stem, surface view. 7. Sector of main shoot, dorsal view. 8. Leaf lobes (surface detail shown in part). 9. Underleaf. 10. Sector of branch showing (top leaf) fragmenting of leaf tip forming a gemma-like body (at arrow) and (lower leaf) a disc in process of partially breaking away (fracture at arrow). 11. Half-leaf. 12. Branch base (FB =Frullania -type branch; FBU = first branch underleaf), the underleaf of main shoot shown in part. 13. First branch underleaf shown in Fig. 12. 14. Antheridial stalk. (Figs. 1, 4–6, from type of T. elegans, WELT; 2, 3, from Engel 17216, Australia, New South Wales, Morton Natl. Park, Fitzroy Falls; 7–14, from type of T. perfragilis.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XXJ]
Fig. 64. Telaranea tuberifera J.J.Engel & R.M.Schust. 1. Plant, dorsal view. 2. Germinating tuber; note scattered leaf rudiments and previous point of attachment of tuber to stolon at opposing end of tuber. 3. Portion of tuber surface showing a leaf rudiment. 4. Stem, cross section. 5–7. Leaves. 8. Underleaf; note rhizoid position. 9. Median discus cells showing surface detail in part. 10. Old, basal portion of shoot showing stoloniferous branches and a tuber. 11. First branch underleaves. 12. Tuber, cross section. 13. Portion of main shoot; note ragged leaf apices. 14. Median lobe of leaf. (All from type of T. tuberifera.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XXK]
Fig. 65. Telaranea remotifolia E.A.Hodgs. 1–6. Leaves, cellular detail. 7. Dorsal lobe of leaf. 8. Main shoot (FBU = first branch underleaf), the medullary strand shown with stipple; ventral view. 9. Underleaves, cellular detail. 10. Stem, cross section. 11. Antheridial stalk. 12, 13. First branch underleaves (both at same scale). (Figs. 1, 5, 6, 10, 12, 13, from Engel 18921, New Zealand, South Is., Westland EP, Mt. Aspiring Natl. Park, Blue R.; 2–4, 7–9, from type; 11, from Child 5366, New Zealand, South Is., Western Nelson EP, 5 km N of Runanga.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XXL]
Fig. 66. Telaranea pulcherrima (Steph.) R.M.Schust. (figs. 1, 2, 6, 7, 9, var. pulcherrima; 3–5, 8, 10, 11, var. mooreana (Steph.) J.J.Engel & Merrill). 1. Sector of main shoot, dorsal view (FB =Frullania -type branch; HL = half-leaf). 2, 3. Leaves. 4–7. Leaf lobes. 8. Terminal cells of leaf lobes. 9. Sector of main shoot, ventral view (FB =Frullania -type branch; FBU = first branch underleaf). 10. Apex of innermost ♀ bract, with (at arrows) 2 lobules shown in detail. 11. Stem, cross section. (Figs. 1, 6, 9, from Engel 21771, New Zealand, South Is., Westland EP, ca. 4 km N of Haast R.; 2, 7, from type of Lepidozia pulcherrima; 3, 4, 8, from type of Lepidozia mooreana; 10, 11, from Engel E16407, Tasmania, road between Zeehan and Trial Harbour; 5, from Engel E19927; Tasmania, Tahune Forest Reserve, along Huon R.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XXM]
Fig. 67. Oil-bodies, all (except Fig. 3) with the outline of a few chloroplasts included. 1. Telaranea tuberifera J.J.Engel & R.M.Schust. Median disc cell. 2. Telaranea remotifolia E.A.Hodgs. Median cells of disc. 3. Telaranea remotifolia E.A.Hodgs. Cells at base of median sinus. 4. Telaranea pulcherrima (Steph.) R.M.Schust. Disc cells, below 2 oil-bodies at higher magnification. 5. Telaranea tetrapila (Taylor) J.J.Engel & Merrill var. tetrapila. Disc cell. (Fig. 1, from Glenny 9144, New Zealand, South Is., Westland EP, Mt. Turiwhate, near summit; 2, 3, from Engel 24055, New Zealand, Stewart Is., Rakiura Natl. Park, Fern Gully Track; 4, from Glenny 9513, New Zealand, South Is., Western Nelson EP, Mt. Augustus; 5, from Glenny 9237, New Zealand, South Is., Western Nelson EP, Arthur Ra., Pages Saddle.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XXN]
Fig. 68. Telaranea lindenbergii (Gottsche) J.J.Engel & Merrill (1–8, 11, 13–16) and Telaranea tetradactyla (Hook.f. & Taylor) E.A.Hodgs. (9, 10, 12). 1. Sector of main shoot and primary branch, dorsal view. 2. Three leaves. 3. Two leaves. 4, 5. Leaf lobes. 6. Stem, cross section. 7. Distal sector of perianth. 8. Portion of perianth mouth. 9. Distal half of perianth. 10. Portion of perianth mouth, the uniseriate row at right shown at higher magnification. 11. ♀ Bracts and, in middle, bracteole. 12. ♀ Bracts and bracteole. 13. Capsule profile. 14. Capsule wall, outer layer, showing 2-phase development. 15. Capsule wall, cross section. 16. Seta, cross section. (Figs. 1, 2, 4, 7–8, 11, from Engel 19300, New Zealand, South Is., Paparoa Ra., along Croesus Track; 3, 5, from Allison H79, New Zealand, North Is., Volcanic Plateau EP, Puaiti Bush; 6, from Allison 3236, same loc. as Allison H79; 9, 10, 12, from Child H2353, New Zealand, South Is., Otago EP, Ross Creek; 13–15, from Reif C86E; New Zealand, South Is., Westland EP, Camp Creek; 16, from type of var. complanata.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XXP]
Fig. 69. Telaranea lindenbergii var. papillata J.J.Engel & Merrill Portion of shoot showing a leaf and 2 half-leaves (= HL) each at the base of a Frullania -type branch (= FB), dorsal aspect. 2–4. Leaves (surface detail not shown); all drawn to same scale. 5. Two leaf lobes, surface detail not shown. 6. Distal portion of leaf lobes showing surface papillae (× 1055). 7. Underleaf. 8–11. Underleaf lobes. 12. Innermost ♀ bracts and, in middle, bracteole. 13. Distal portion of ♀ bract. 14–16. Lobes of perianth mouth, all drawn to same scale. (All from type.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XXQ]
Fig. 70. Telaranea tetradactyla (Hook.f. & Taylor) E.A.Hodgs. 1. Sector of main shoot with several terminal branches, dorsal view. 2. Four- and 5-lobed leaves. 3, 4. Leaves. 5. Leaf lobe. 6. Stem, cross section. 7. Sector of main shoot (HL = half-leaf; FBU = first branch underleaf; VIL = ventral-intercalary branch), ventral view. 8. Underleaves; stem cells (= S) stippled in at right. 9. Sector of main shoot, ventral view, showing base of Frullania -type branch (= FB) and first branch underleaf (= FBU) (FBL = bases of first branch leaves). 10. Leaf pair of primary branch, dorsal view. 11. Antheridium. (Figs. 1, 2, 5–10, from type of T. tetradactyla [FH]; 3, 4, from Engel 17967, New Zealand, South Is., Westland EP, summit of Haast Pass, 570 m, Engel 17967; 11, from Child 991, New Zealand, South Is., Otago EP, Akatore, 38 km SW of Dunedin.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XXR]
Fig. 71. Telaranea martinii (E.A.Hodgs.) R.M.Schust. 1. Sector of main shoot showing base of Frullania -type branch, dorsal view (= FB) (HL = half-leaf; FBU = first branch underleaf; FBL = first branch leaf, note 1 of the 2 lobes not in view; note also 2-lobed leaf on main shoot at right base). 2–4. Leaves. 5. Leaf lobes. 6. Sector of main shoot of somewhat weaker phase showing base of Frullania -type branch, ventral view (= FB) (FBU = first branch underleaf; FBL = first branch leaf; HL = half-leaf). 7. Underleaves. 8. Stem, cross section. 9. Portion of Frullania -type branch showing incubous insertion of the bilobed leaves. 10. Sector of main shoot showing base of Frullania -type branch, ventral view (= FB) (FBU = first branch underleaf; FBL = first branch leaf; HL = half-leaf). (All from type.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XXS]
Fig. 72. Telaranea martinii (E.A.Hodgs.) R.M.Schust. 1. Plant showing monoecious condition (♂ = androecium; ♀ = unfertilized gynoecium; SB = stoloniform branch), dorsal view. 2. Antheridium. 3. Perianth, cross section through distal sector. 4, 5. Portion of perianth mouth. 6. Innermost ♀ bracts. 7. Distal sector of ♀ bract. 8. Capsule profile. 9. Capsule wall, cross section. 10. Capsule wall, outer layer. 11. Capsule wall, inner layer. 12. Seta, cross section. (Figs. 1, 3, 5–7, 9–12, from Child 2009, New Zealand, South Is., Westland EP, Paradise, Dart Valley; 2, 4, 8, from type of Lepidozia martinii.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XXT]
Fig. 73. Telaranea granulata J.J.Engel & Merrill 1. Portion of main shoot with base of Frullania -type branch, dorsal view; note 3 stem cortical cells between leaves, undivided half-leaf (= HL), and variation in disc of main axis leaves. 2. Portion of main shoot, dorsal view; note that portions of underleaf (= UL) are visible. 3, 4. Portions of main axis and base of Frullania -type branch, ventral view; note (left) first branch underleaf (= FBU) is biseriate at base or (at right) uniseriate throughout (rhizoids indicated with stipple). 5. Portion of primary branch, dorsal view. 6, 7. Three- and 4-lobed leaves of main shoot (all drawn to same scale). 8. Leaf lobes, the surface detail not shown. 9. Apical portion of leaf lobe, the surface detail shown in part. 10, 11. Underleaves, the underleaf at right in Fig. 11 with rhizoid initials formed but lacking rhizoids, the other underleaves with rhizoids shown in stipple (all drawn to same scale). 12. Stem of main shoot, cross section. (All from holotype.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XXU]
Fig. 74. Telaranea quinquespina (J.J.Engel & Merrill) J.J.Engel & Merrill 1. Portion of main shoot with Microlepidozia -type branch (= MB), ventral view (L = leaf; UL = underleaf; HL = half-leaf). 2. Portion of main shoot with Microlepidozia -type branch (= MB), dorsal view (1st L = first leaf; 2nd L = second leaf, with lobes A + B; HL = half-leaf on opposing side of stem). 3. Portion of main shoot with lateral-intercalary branch (= LIB) in axil of 3-lobed leaf (= L), ventral-lateral view (UL = underleaf). 4. Stem, ventral aspect (L = leaf; UL = underleaf). 5. Stem, dorsal aspect (L = leaf, at top the 2 lobes shown at arrows). 6, 7. Leaves. 8, 9. Stem, cross sections. 10. Innermost ♀ bracts and bracteole. 11. Distal sector of innermost ♀ bract. 12. Portion of perianth mouth. 13. Seta, cross section. 14. Capsule profile. 15. Capsule wall, cross section. 16. Spore (× 1552). (Figs. 1, 2, 4–6, 9, from Engel 21201, New Zealand, North Is., Volcanic Plateau EP, Tree Trunk Gorge, W bank of Tongariro R., E border of Tongariro Natl. Park; 3, from Engel 21202, same loc.; 7, 8, 10–16, from isotype.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XXV]
Fig. 75. Telaranea herzogii (E.A.Hodgs.) E.A.Hodgs. 1. Portion of main shoot, dorsal view. 2, 3. Portions of 2 different main shoots, each showing 2 underleaves and the basal cells of ventral lobes of 3 leaves (= BC), ventral view. 4. Three-lobed underleaf; note rhizoids (stippled outline). 5, 6. Two- and 3-lobed leaves. 7. Leaf lobes. 8, 9. Stem, cross sections (note 6 + 6 and 8 + 9 anatomy). 10. Terminal branch base and first branch underleaf (ventral view); note rhizoid position and rhizoid initial cells (BC = basal cell of ventral lobe of leaf). (Figs. 1–3, 5, 7, 8, from type of T. herzogii; 4, 6, 9, from Engel 19239, New Zealand, South Is., Western Nelson EP, Paparoa Ra., upper slopes of N side of Tiropahi or Four Mile R.; 10, from Engel 17968, New Zealand, South Is., Westland EP, Mt. Aspiring Natl. Park, summit area of Haast Pass.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XXW]
Fig. 76. Telaranea herzogii (E.A.Hodgs.) E.A.Hodgs. 1. Gynoecium with mature sporophyte. 2. Innermost ♀ bracts. 3. Perianth mouth. 4. Cilia of perianth mouth. 5. Seta, cross section. 6. Capsule profile. 7. Capsule wall, cross section. 8. Capsule wall, outer layer. 9. Capsule wall, inner layer. (All from Allison 3171, New Zealand, North Is., Volcanic Plateau EP, near Atiamuri, S of Rotorua.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XXX]
Fig. 77. Oil-bodies, all (except Fig. 3) with the outline of a few chloroplasts included. 1. Telaranea lindenbergii (Gottsche) J.J.Engel & Merrill Disc cell. 2. Telaranea herzogii (E.A.Hodgs.) E.A.Hodgs. Basal cell of lobe. 3. Telaranea martinii (E.A.Hodgs.) R.M.Schust. Median cell of disc. 4. Telaranea inaequalis R.M.Schust. ex J.J.Engel & Merrill Lowermost cell of leaf lobe. (Fig. 1, from Glenny 9725, New Zealand, South Is., Westland EP, Tuke R.; 2, from Glenny 9149, New Zealand, South Is., Westland EP, Big Wainihinihi R.; 3, from Engel 24773, New Zealand, South Is., Westland EP, Cascade Road, just W of Jackson R.; 4, from Glenny 9352, New Zealand, South Is., Western Nelson EP, Mt. Augustus.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XXY]
Fig. 78. Telaranea inaequalis R.M.Schust. ex J.J.Engel & Merrill 1. Dorsal aspect of sector of main shoot with Frullania -type branch (= FB; HL = half-leaf; FBU = first branch underleaf). 2. Portion of leading shoot, ventral view. 3. Portion of main shoot with Frullania -type branch (= FB), ventral view (FBU = first branch underleaf; HL = half-leaf; only the ventral lobes of leaves are shown); note the underleaf at base of figure has 2- and 3-celled lobes and has rhizoid initials formed but rhizoids are lacking. 4. Leaf; note unequal leaf lobes (ventral lobe at left). 5, 6. Leaf lobes (both basal and distal portions included). 7–11. Distal portions of leaf lobes showing subdivision of cells. 12. Underleaves. 13, 14. Stem, cross sections (ventral cortical cells at arrows). 15. Portion of shoot with androecium, oblique-dorsal view (LL = leaf lobe; BC = large cells of collar of the ventral-intercalary androecial branch). 16. Antheridial stalks. (Figs. 1–6, 12–14, from Engel 14685B, Tasmania, Gordon R., Sir John Falls; 7–11, 15, 16, from Jarman 87/5, Tasmania, Mt. Sprent.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XXZ]
Fig. 79. Kurzia hippuroides (Hook.f. & Taylor) Grolle (figs. 1, 3–13, var. hippuroides; 2, var. ornata (Steph.) J.J.Engel & Merrill). 1. Sector of main shoot, dorsal view; Frullania -type branches (= FB) at right and Microlepidozia -type branch (= MB) at left, dorsal view. 2–5. Leaves. 6–8. Leaves, cellular detail. 9. Sector of main axis, ventral view, with Microlepidozia -type branch (= MB) and half-leaf (= HL). 10. Underleaves. 11, 12. Underleaves, cellular detail. 13. Two leaves and (above) an underleaf (lobes with cellular detail), and a half-leaf. (Figs. 1, 3, 6, 9, from type of K. hippuroides; 2, from type of var. ornata; 4, 5, 7, 10–12, from Engel 18690, New Zealand, South Is., Fiordland EP, Borland Road; 8, 13, from type of K. allisonii.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XY0]
Fig. 80. Kurzia hippuroides (Hook.f. & Taylor) Grolle. 1, 2. Plants, all branches terminal unless otherwise indicated (F =Frullania -type branch; VI = ventral-intercalary branch; ♀ = juvenile gynoecium; note that leading shoots may become flagelliform and that perianth (in Fig. 1) originates from leafless stolon. 3. Portions of perianth mouth. 4. Capsule profile. 5. Spores, proximal face shown at left. 6. Seta, cross section. 7. Antheridium. (Figs. 1, 2, 4–6, from Engel 19001, New Zealand, South Is., Westland EP, track to Alex Knob; 3, from Engel 17727, New Zealand, South Is., Otago EP, summit of Mt. Maungatua; 7, from Engel 19293, New Zealand, South Is., Western Nelson EP, Paparoa Ra., Croesus Track.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XY1]
Fig. 81. Kurzia moniliformis J.J.Engel. 1–3. Leaves of main axis, the surface detail shown in part at left in Fig. 1; stipple at base of Fig. 3 indicates stem cells (all drawn to same scale). 4. Lobe of leaf from main axis, adaxial view (note papillose surface, but basal half of disc cells is smooth). 5–7. Underleaves of main shoot (all drawn to same scale). 8. Half-leaf. 9. Stem of prostrate main shoot, cross section. 10. ♀ Bracts and bracteole; note fusion of basal half. 11. Portion of apex of ♀ bract. 12. Lobe of ♀ bract. 13, 14. Portions of perianth mouth; note articulated cilia and prorate cells below. 15. Basal portion of 3 cilia of perianth mouth showing articulated cells. 16. ♂ Bract (DM = dorsal margin). 17. Antheridial stalk. (All from type.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XY2]
Fig. 82. Psiloclada clandestina Mitt. 1. ♂ Bract. 2. Antheridium. 3. Portion of perianth mouth. 4. ♀ Bracts. 5. Distal portions of ♀ bract. 6. Capsule wall, cross section. 7. Capsule wall, outer layer. 8. Capsule wall, inner layer. 9. Capsule profile. 10. Seta, cross section. (Fig. 1, from Engel 6566, New Zealand, South Is., Westland EP, Mt. Hercules Scenic Reserve; 2, from Hatcher 820, New Zealand, South Is., Westland EP, Martins Bay; 3–10, from Engel 18326, New Zealand, South Is., Westland EP, Arthur's Pass Natl. Park, N of Kellys Creek.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XY3]
Fig. 83. Drucella integristipula (Steph.) E.A.Hodgs. 1. Portion of main shoot, dorsal view; note the thick-walled leaf cells, the leaf-free strip and the long, thick-walled cortical cells. 2. Portion of perianth mouth. 3. Cilia of perianth mouth. 4. Spore. 5. Capsule wall, cross section. 6. Sector of elater and spore outline drawn to same scale. (Fig. 1, from Engel 23612, New Zealand, North Is., Volcanic Plateau EP, Kaimai-Mamaku Forest Park, Kaimai Ra., Aongatete R.; 2–6, from Glenny 9261, New Zealand, South Is., Western Nelson EP, Pupu Walkway.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XY4]
Fig. 84. Drucella integristipula (Steph.) E.A.Hodgs. 1. Mature gynoecium originating from a stoloniform axis; note long calyptra (= C) and presence of unfertilized archegonia (stippled) carried part way up the calyptra surface (S = seta). A short intercalary branch (only the branch base included) with an unfertilized gynoecium which was removed for clarity. 2. ♀ Bracts (= BR) and bracteole (= BREO) from innermost series, and, to right, a lobe at higher magnification. 3. Seta, cross section. 4. Capsule wall, outer layer. 5. Capsule wall, inner layer. (Figs. 1, 2, 4, 5, from Glenny 9261, New Zealand, South Is., Western Nelson EP, Pupu Walkway; 3, after Boesen, 1982.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XY5]
Fig. 85. 1. Kurzia compacta (Steph.) Grolle. Oil-bodies from cell of lower part of lobe, the outline of a few chloroplasts included. 2. Drucella integristipula (Steph.) E.A.Hodgs. Cells of lobe base showing tiny lipid droplets and notably large chloroplasts. 3. Acromastigum brachyphyllum A.Evans. Vitta cells, the outline of a few chloroplasts included. 4. Acromastigum verticale (Steph.) E.A.Hodgs. Cells of leaf middle, the outline of a few chloroplasts included. (Fig. 1, from Glenny 9106, New Zealand, South Is., Westland EP, Mt. Brown; 2, from Glenny 9261, New Zealand, South Is., Western Nelson EP, Pupu walkway; 3, from Glenny 9348, New Zealand, South Is., Western Nelson EP, Mt. Augustus; 4, from Glenny 9341, New Zealand, Stewart Is., Blaikies Hill.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XY6]
Fig. 86. Acromastigum verticale (Steph.) E.A.Hodgs. 1. Portion of leading shoot with 2 Acromastigum -type branches, lateral view. 2. Leaves (= l). 3. Leaf, cellular detail. 4. Distal sector of leaf. 5. Portion of dorsal margin of leaf. 6. Underleaves (= ul). 7. Distal sector of underleaf. 8. Stem, cross section. (All from Schuster, Scott & Taylor, New Zealand, Stewart Is., Tin Ra. [Hodgson 12026, MPN].) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XY7]
Fig. 87. Acromastigum colensoanum (Mitt.) A.Evans. 1. Portion of leading shoot with Frullania -type branch (= FB), dorsal view (HL = half-leaf). 2. Leaves and above, underleaf at same scale. 3. Distal sector of leaf (DL = dorsal lobe). 4. Basal portion of leaf with weak differentiation of a vitta (VM = ventral margin). 5. Portion of leading shoot with perianth and Frullania -type branch (= FB, note bifid first branch underleaf) and Acromastigum -type branch (= AB, note half-underleaf), ventral view. 6. Underleaves. 7. Underleaf, cellular detail. 8. Stem cross section. (Figs. 1–7, from Engel 19192, New Zealand, South Is., Western Nelson EP, Paparoa Ra., S side of Pororari R.; 8, from Hatcher 934, New Zealand, South Is., Westland EP, Martins Bay.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XY8]
Fig. 88. Acromastigum cunninghamii (Steph.) A.Evans. 1. Portion of leading shoot, with Frullania -type branch (= FB, FBL = first branch underleaf) and Acromastigum -type branch (= AB, at arrow, note half-underleaf); ventral view. 2. Leaves, and above, underleaves at same scale. 3. Portion of leading shoot; note FB (=Frullania -type branch) and its half-leaf (= HL), dorsal view. 4. Underleaf. 5. Ventral sector of leaf showing differentiation of a marginal vitta. 6. Stem, cross section. 7. Leaf. (All from Hatcher 1452, New Zealand, South Is., Westland EP, head of Lake McKerrow.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XY9]
Fig. 89. Acromastigum marginatum E.A.Hodgs. 1. Leaf, cellular detail. 2. Row of leaves and to right underleaves, at same scale. 3. Marginal cells of dorsal, ampliate sector of leaf. 4. Distal sector of leaf (VL = ventral lobe). 5. Sector of leading shoot, dorsal view. 6. Sector of leading shoot, ventral view. 7. Portion of underleaf, cellular detail. 8. Stem, cross section. (All from type.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XYA]
Fig. 90. Oil-bodies, all with the outline of a few chloroplasts included. 1. Acromastigum colensoanum (Mitt.) A.Evans. Basal cell of leaf. 2. Acromastigum colensoanum (Mitt.) A. Evans. Vitta cell from mid-point of leaf. 3. Acromastigum mooreanum (Steph.) E.A.Hodgs. Cells of ventral lobe. 4. Acromastigum mooreanum (Steph.) E.A.Hodgs. Vitta cells. (Figs. 1, 2, from Glenny 9174, New Zealand, South Is., Westland EP, Mt. Te Kinga; 3, 4, from Glenny 9605, New Zealand, South Is., Western Nelson EP, Stockton Plateau.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XYB]
Fig. 91. Acromastigum mooreanum (Steph.) E.A.Hodgs. 1. Portion of leading shoot with Acromastigum -type branch (= AB, note half-underleaf) and a Frullania -type branch (= FB), ventral view. 2. Leaves and above, underleaves at same scale. 3. Leaf apex (DL = dorsal lobe; VL = ventral lobe). 4. Ventral sector of leaf (VL = ventral lobe; S = sinus base); note well-defined vitta, and slime papilla (at arrow). 5. Portion of dorsal base of leaf showing auricle and slime papilla. 6. Underleaves, stipple above insertion indicates line formed by distal end walls of intermediate cells. 7. Underleaf, cellular detail. 8. Stem, cross section. (All from Fife 6423, New Zealand, South Is., Western Nelson EP, Paparoa Ra., N flank of Mt. Euclid.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XYC]
Fig. 92. Acromastigum brachyphyllum A.Evans. 1. Part of plant, ventral view (× 62). 2. Cross section of branch (× 280). 3, 4. Leaves (× 62). 5. Cells from base of a third leaf, ventral side (× 280). 6. Dorsal base of a fourth leaf (× 280). 7. Apex of a fifth leaf (× 280). 8, 9. Leaf cells in cross section, showing bistratose condition (× 375). 10. Leaf cells in surface view, showing bistratose condition (× 375). 11. Underleaf (× 62). 12. Lateral lobe of a second underleaf (× 280). (All from type; after Evans, 1934.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XYD]
Fig. 93. Bazzania involuta (Mont.) Trevis. (figs. 1, 3–10, var. involuta; 2, var. submutica). 1. Portion of main shoot with ventral-intercalary branch. 2. Junction of branch and main shoot, ventral view; note first branch underleaf and main shoot underleaf are free from one another. 3. Portion of main shoot, ventral view. 4. Portion of main shoot, ventral-lateral view. 5. Median leaf cells. 6, 10. Leaves (flattened). 7. Underleaves (flattened). 8. Portion of underleaf apex. 9. Leaf apex. (Figs. 1, 3–10, from Child 2586, New Zealand, South Is., Westland EP, Key Summit [F].; 2, from Hodgson s. n. as B. elegans, New Zealand, North Is., Gisborne EP, Lake Waikareiti [F].) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XYE]
Fig. 94. Bazzania adnexa (Lehm. & Lindenb.) Trevis. (figs. 1–6, 9, 10, var. adnexa; 7, 8, var. aucklandica). 1. Portion of main shoot, ventral view. 2. Distal sector of leaf. 3. Portion of main shoot, dorsal view. 4. Oil-bodies of median leaf cell (× 665). 5. Leaves. 6, 7. Underleaves; stipple indicates region of hyaline border of thin-walled cells; note 2 underleaves (above) are connate on both sides, the underleaf below ( var. aucklandica) is narrowly connate at right base and free and subauriculate at left. 8. Portion of main shoot, ventral view. 9. Median leaf cells. 10. Distal sector of underleaf; note basal thick-walled cells and distal border of thin-walled, hyaline cells; note also the thickened exposed wall of underleaf apex and margin. (Figs. 1–3, 5, 9, from Engel 12795, Tasmania, Myrtle Forest, SW of Collinsvale; 4, from Engel 20203, same loc.; 6, 10, from Engel 19266, New Zealand, South Is., Western Nelson EP, Paparoa Ra., Tiropahi R.; 7, from Child H1017, New Zealand, South Is., Otago EP, Mt. Cargill; 8, from Hatcher 152, New Zealand, North Is., Auckland EP, Waitakere Hills.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XYF]
Fig. 95. Bazzania adnexa (Lehm. & Lindenb.) Trevis. 1. Junction of branch and main shoot, note position of first branch underleaf and its juxtaposition with main shoot underleaf (second from shoot base). 2. Two mature androecia originating from a stoloniferous branch. 3. Plant showing position of androecia and pattern of vegetative branching. 4. Capsule wall, outer layer. 5. Portion of perianth mouth. 6. ♀ Bract lobe. 7. Plant showing position of gynoecia and pattern of vegetative branching. 8. Gynoecium and mature sporophyte. (Fig. 1, from Engel 19266, New Zealand, South Is., Western Nelson EP, Paparoa Ra., Tiropahi R.; 2–8, from Engel 18741, New Zealand, South Is., Fiordland EP, above South Branch of Borland Burn.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XYG]
Fig. 96. Oil-bodies, all with the outline of a few chloroplasts included. 1. Bazzania involuta (Mont.) Trevis. Subvitta cells in median sector of leaf. 2. Bazzania involuta (Mont.) Trevis. Inframarginal cells of dorsal, dilated portion of leaf. 3. Bazzania okaritana Meagher & Glenny. Cells of median sector of leaf. 4. Bazzania okaritana Meagher & Glenny. Marginal and submarginal cells (dorsal-median sector). (Figs. 1, 2, from Glenny 9199b, New Zealand, South Is., Westland EP, Upper Otira Valley; 3, 4, from Glenny 9191, type.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XYH]
Fig. 97. Bazzania hochstetteri (Reicht.) E.A.Hodgs. 1. Main shoot, ventral view. 2, 4. Leaf outlines with subvittae indicated. 3. Underleaf outlines, dashed line in lowermost underleaf indicates boundary of hyaline distal sector. 5. Distal portion of underleaf showing cellular detail. 6. Shoot, dorsal view (note branching, missing leaves, and 2 half-leaves). 7. Median sector of leaf showing subvitta. (All from Child 1985, New Zealand, North Is., Northland EP, Waipoua Falls [F].) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XYI]
Fig. 98. Bazzania novae-zelandiae (Mitt.) Besch. & C.Massal. 1. Shoot, ventral view. 2. Leaves (flattened). 3, 4. Underleaves; stipple indicates extent of border of thin-walled, hyaline cells. 5. Median leaf cells. 6. Leaf apices. 7. Juncture of branch and main shoot; note position of first branch underleaf (= BUL; FB =Frullania -type branch). 8. Distal sector of underleaf. 9. Portion of shoot, ventral view. (All from Child 1984, New Zealand, North Is., Northland EP, track to Tane? Mahuta [F].) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XYJ]
Fig. 99. Bazzania nova J.J.Engel & Merrill 1. Sector of leading shoot, ventral view. 2, 3. Leaves. 4. Juncture of branch and main axis, ventral view; note position of first branch underleaf (= BUL; FB =Frullania -type branch). 5. Leaf apex. 6. Sector of leading shoot, dorsal view. 7. Underleaves. 8. Underleaf; note spur-like extension of underleaf lobe (at arrow). 9. Median sector of leaf (VM = ventral margin). 10. Regenerant from leaf. (Figs. 1, 3–10, from holotype; 2, from Druce, New Zealand, Gisborne EP, Maungawaru Plateau.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XYK]
Fig. 100. Oil-bodies, all with the outline of a few chloroplasts included. 1. Bazzania novae-zelandiae (Mitt.) Besch. & C.Massal. Cells from median sector of leaf. 2. Bazzania novae-zelandiae (Mitt.) Besch. & C.Massal. Marginal and submarginal cells. 3. Bazzania nova J.J.Engel & Merrill Vitta cells. 4. Bazzania nitida (F.Weber) Grolle. Vitta cell (left) and non-vitta cells. (Figs. 1, 2, from Glenny 9175, New Zealand, South Is., Westland EP, Mt. Te Kinga; 3, from Glenny 9154, New Zealand, South Is., Westland EP, Haupiri Ra.; 4, from Glenny 9176, New Zealand, South Is., Westland EP, Mt. Te Kinga.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XYL]
Fig. 101. Bazzania nitida (F.Weber) Grolle. 1. Axis, ventral view. 2–5. Leaves, with boundary of vitta indicated. 6. Underleaves showing cellular detail. 7–9. Underleaves, stippled area indicates region of small, thick-walled, basal cells. 10. Axis, ventral view. 11. Median leaf cells showing vitta. (Figs. 1, 10, from Child 1768, New Zealand, Haast watershed (F); remainder from Child 1765, New Zealand, Haast watershed [F].) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XYM]
Fig. 102. Bazzania monilinervis (Lehm. & Lindenb.) Trevis. 1. Shoot, ventral view. 2–5. Leaves, showing position of vitta. 6. Leaf apex. 7, 8. Underleaves, stipple indicates region of smaller, thick-walled cells; note in Fig. 8 the rhizoid field. 9. Underleaf apices. 10. Portion of shoot, ventral view. 11. Portion of shoot, dorsal view. (All from Engel 14858, Tasmania, King R.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XYN]
Fig. 103. Bazzania tayloriana (Mitt.) Kuntze. 1. Axis, ventral view. 2. Median leaf cells in nonvittate portion of leaf; note papillae on surface. 3–10. Underleaves, all from same axis. 11–15. Leaves. 16. Portion of axis, ventral view, with 1 young ventral-intercalary branch. 17. Leaf apex, with papillae on surface indicated. 18. Underleaf, distal portion. (All from Child 403, New Zealand, Kaimai Ra. [F].) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XYP]
Fig. 104. Oil-bodies, all (except Fig. 4) with the outline of a few chloroplasts included. 1. Bazzania tayloriana (Mitt.) Kuntze. Upper middle (non-vitta) cells showing leaf surface detail. 2. Bazzania tayloriana (Mitt.) Kuntze. Vitta cell from median sector of leaf, showing leaf surface detail. 3. Pseudocephalozia lepidozioides R.M.Schust. Disc cell. 4. Bazzania monilinervis (Lehm. & Lindenb.) Trevis. Non-vitta cell (upper) (× 1865) and vitta cell (× 1265). 5. Pseudocephalozia paludicola R.M.Schust. Disc cell. (Figs. 1, 2, from Glenny 9130, New Zealand, South Is., Nelson, Mt. Burnett, saddle between Mt. Burnett and Three Sisters; 3, from Glenny 9141, New Zealand, South Is., Westland EP, Mt. Turiwhate; 4, from Engel 22365, New Zealand, North Is., Coromandel State Forest Park, Table Mt.; 5, from Glenny 9100, New Zealand, South Is., Westland EP, Mt. Brown.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XYQ]
Fig. 105. Bazzania exempta J.J.Engel. 1. Plant, ventral view, showing caducous leaves and solely ventral-intercalary branching. Note 3 leafy branches, 2 of them leading shoots (= LS), and 2 stoloniform branches; VIB = ventral-intercalary branch within underleaf axil. 2. Portion of plant, dorsal view. 3. Portion of plant, ventral view. 4–9. Leaves. 10–15. Underleaves, the zone of hyaline, decolorate cells is distal to the stippled line (not shown in some); all drawn to same scale. (All from type.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XYR]
Fig. 106. Bazzania exempta J.J.Engel. 1. Median sector of leaf, the ventral margin at left (= VM), the dorsal at right (= DM); note the subvitta is comprised of thin-walled cells with at most small trigones. 2. Distal sector of leaf. 3. Dorsal-most lobe of leaf. 4. Underleaf. 5, 6. Underleaf apices. (All from type.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XYS]
Fig. 107. Pseudocephalozia paludicola R.M.Schust. 1, 2. Large and smaller leaves (S = stem cells at base of lower leaf); drawn to same scale. 3. Bilobed underleaf. 4. ♀ Bracts and in middle, bracteole. 5. Distal sector of ♀ bract. 6. Portion of lateral margin of innermost ♀ bract. 7, 8. Portions of perianth mouth (drawn to same scale). 9. Seta, cross section. 10. Capsule wall, cross section. 11. Capsule wall, inner layer. (All from Engel 17738, New Zealand, South Is., Otago EP, summit plateau of Mt. Maungatua.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XYT]
Fig. 108. Oil-bodies, all with the outline of a few chloroplasts included. 1. Paracromastigum furcifolium (Steph.) R.M.Schust. Disc cell, below right an oil-body at higher magnification. 2. Zoopsis macrophylla R.M.Schust. Leaf cell, at left 2 oil-bodies at higher magnification. 3. Zoopsis macrophylla R.M.Schust. Stem cells, above 2 oil-bodies at higher magnification. 4. Zoopsis leitgebiana (Carrington & Pearson) Bastow. Basal cell of dorsal lobe, below 2 oil-bodies at higher magnification. (Fig. 1, from Glenny 9597, New Zealand, South Is., Western Nelson EP, Stockton Plateau; 2, 3, from Glenny 8860, New Zealand, South Is., Canterbury EP, Arthur's Pass, Margarets Tarn; 4, from Glenny 9124, New Zealand, South Is., Western Nelson EP, Mt. Burnett, near summit of Three Sisters.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XYU]
Fig. 109. Hyalolepidozia microphylla R.M.Schust. ex J.J.Engel. 1–5. Leaves (S = stem cell). 6–8. Portions of perianth mouth. 9. Bracts, and in middle, bracteole from mature, sporophyte-bearing gynoecium. 10. Two lobes of innermost ♀ bracts. 11. Capsule wall, cross section. (All from Engel 21453, New Zealand, South Is., Sounds–Nelson EP, Mt. Richmond Forest Park, Red Hills, track to Maitland Hut.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XYV]
Fig. 110. Oil-bodies. 1. Zoopsis matawai M.A.M.Renner. Stem cell with oil-bodies, at right 2 oil-bodies at higher magnification (+ leaf lobe). 2. Zoopsis argentea var. flagelliformis (Colenso) R.M.Schust. Thallus cell with oil-bodies, below 2 oil-bodies at higher magnification. 3. Zoopsis setulosa Leitg. Thallus cells with oil-bodies, at lower right an oil-body at higher magnification. 4. Zoopsis bicruris Glenny & E.A.Brown. At left 3 cortical cells with a leaf, below right 2 oil-bodies at higher magnification; at right a leaf cell with 3 oil-bodies. (Fig. 1, from Glenny 9097, New Zealand, South Is., Westland EP, Mt. Brown; 2, from Glenny 9236, New Zealand, South Is., Western Nelson EP, Takaka Hill, Harwoods Hole Track; 3, from Glenny 8877, New Zealand, South Is., Westland EP, Mt. Te Kinga, Lake Swan; 4, from Glenny 9098, New Zealand, South Is., Westland EP, Mt. Brown.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XYW]
Fig. 111. Isolembidium anomalum (Rodway) Grolle (Fig. 5, from var. cucullatum, remainder from var. anomalum). 1. Erect leafy branch; 2 other erect leafy branches (= elb) truncated near their base (at *) (dorsal view). 2. Sector of erect leafy branch with a Microlepidozia -type primary branch (hl = half-leaf) and 3 secondary branches, the 2 at top of Frullania type, the one at bottom of Microlepidozia type (HL = half-leaf) (ventral view). 3. Leaf margin (median sector) showing border of larger cells (leaf removed from erect leafy shoot in zone with terminal branches). 4. Leaf margin (arrow indicates approximate midpoint of margin) showing ± optimal development of border of larger cells (leaf removed from same sector of shoot as in Fig. 3). 5. Antheridium. 6. Cladograph (s = stoloniform branch). 7. Portion of leaf apex showing field of enlarged cells. (Figs. 1–3, 7, from Engel 14053, Tasmania, Weindorfers Forest; 4, from Scott, Tasmania, Lake Pedder; 5, from Oliver s. n., Auckland Is.; 6, from Engel 20056, Tasmania, West Coast Ra., Proprietary Peak.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XYX]
Fig. 112. Isolembidium anomalum (Rodway) Grolle (figs. 3, 7–9, from var. cucullatum; 1, 2, 4–6, 10, from var. anomalum). 1. Capsule wall, inner layer. 2. Dehisced capsule. 3. Sector of erect leafy shoot with a Microlepidozia -type branch (= MB), and its associated half-leaf (= HL), a Frullania -type branch (= FB) and its associated half-leaf (= HL) and a ventral-intercalary branch (= VIB), ventral view. 4. Bracts and in middle, bracteole. 5. Capsule wall, cross section. 6. Capsule wall, outer layer showing two-phase development. 7–9. Cladographs, the apex and base of the main shoot indicated with asterisks (♂ = androecial branch; SB = stoloniform branch; LB = erect leafy branch; FB =Frullania -type branch; MB =Microlepidozia -type branch; dash [--] = severed shoot). 10. Sector of upright leafy shoot with gynoecium; note perianth shape and closely ensheathing bracts (LB = erect leafy branch). (Figs. 1, 2, 4–6, 10, from Engel 19535, Tasmania, Weindorfers Forest; 3, 7–9, from Oliver s. n., Auckland Is.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XYY]
Fig. 113. Oil-bodies, all with the outline of a few chloroplasts included. 1. Zoopsidella caledonica (Steph.) R.M.Schust. Disc cell at sinus base. 2. Isolembidium anomalum (Rodway) Grolle. Cells of median lamina of leaf, note that chloroplasts (not shaded) are ± size of the oil-bodies. 3. Isolembidium anomalum (Rodway) Grolle. Cells of median lamina of leaf. 4. Hygrolembidium acrocladum (Berggr.) R.M.Schust. Cells of lower-middle of leaf. (Fig. 1, from Glenny 9099, New Zealand, South Is., Westland EP, Mt. Brown; 2, from Glenny 8911, New Zealand, South Is., Western Nelson EP, Waimangaroa R., S end of Happy Valley (Cypress Stream); 3, from Glenny 9350, New Zealand, South Is., Western Nelson EP, Mt. Augustus; 4, from Glenny 9399b, New Zealand, South Is., Western Nelson EP, Brunner Ra.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XYZ]
Fig. 114. Hygrolembidium triquetrum J.J.Engel & R.M.Schust. 1. Leafy shoot with triradial, Haplomitrium gibbsiae -like facies; note androecial branch at left (= ♂). 2, 3. Views toward apex of shoot. 4. Leafy branch, ventral view; note 3 stoloniform branches and the collar of a fourth, severed branch. 5, 6. Leaves, cross sections through basal sector. 7. Underleaves, note that most of incision at apex is due to tearing (= stipple). 8. Stem, cross section through leafy shoot. (All from holotype.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XZ0]
Fig. 115. Hygrolembidium triquetrum J.J.Engel & R.M.Schust. 1. Median-basal leaf cells (outer face). 2. Two underleaves and in middle a leaf, all from same axis; note that most of incision at apex of underleaves is due to tearing (= stipple). 3. Sector of leaf (sp = slime papilla). 4. Portion of plant showing a smaller leafy branch at left, a stoloniform branch (= sb) and, at right, androecial branches from all 3 merophytes of a larger leafy branch (♂ = androecial branch; omb = old male branch, the distal portions withered and not shown; olb = old leafy branch). 5. Median-apical leaf cells. 6, 7. Antheridia, both at scale shown for Fig. 7. 8. Leaves, all from one upright leafy shoot; upper and lower stippled lines for each leaf indicate adaxial and abaxial points of insertion respectively. (All from holotype.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XZ1]
Fig. 116. Hygrolembidium acrocladum (Berggr.) R.M.Schust. 1. Antheridium. 2. Bracts, and in middle, bracteole (note: figure drawn at 0.33× magnification of leaves and underleaves; note also triradial symmetry; stipple distally indicates tear). 3. Distal portion of leaf. 4. Portion of main shoot with 2 ventral-intercalary androecial branches, lateral view; note ♂ branches proliferate vegetatively distally and become stoloniform. 5. Portion of main shoot with 2 ventral-intercalary androecial branches; note determinate ♂ branches (sb = stoloniform branch). 6. Sector of leafy shoot, lateral aspect, the leaves cut off except for basal ca. 0.25; note fleshy leaf bases (ul = underleaf). 7. Leaf, cross section through basal sector (vm = ventral margin). 8, 9. Leaves and within each, an underleaf, all from same upright leafy shoot (dm = dorsal margin). 10. Stem, cross section through leafy shoot. 11. Capsule wall, cross section. (All from Engel 13950, Tasmania, Cradle Mt.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XZ2]
Fig. 117. Hygrolembidium acrocladum (Berggr.) R.M.Schust. 1. Left to right: cross sections through 3 levels of perianth (a = distal 0.25; m = medium sector; b = base) and calyptra base (= c). 2. Distal portion of innermost bract. 3. Perianth, cross section through distal 0.25 (stippled areas indicate bistratose sectors, the remainder unistratose). 4. Portion of plant with main leafy shoot, 2 ventral-intercalary leafy branches and a gynoecium with mature sporophyte; note isophyllous gynoecium (sb = stoloniform branch). 5. Capsule wall, inner layer. 6, 7. Portion of perianth mouth (each Fig. from a different perianth). 8. Capsule wall, outer layer. (All from Engel 13950, Tasmania, Cradle Mt.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XZ3]
Fig. 118. Megalembidium insulanum (W.Martin & E.A.Hodgs.) R.M.Schust. 1. Plant showing an erect, pinnately branched, dendroid "frond," 2 perianths (one with a mature sporophyte, = S) and, at base, a stolon, dorsal view, the stolon has an intercalary origin from extreme base of leafy shoot (basal to point at B, at arrow); not shown at point B are 4 additional gyres of leaves; several other stolons also originate from near the point of origin of the stolon shown, resulting in a basal system of stoloniform axes; the other upright, dendritic "frond" (at position indicated by UDF) not shown. 2. Portion with 2 sporophyte-bearing gynoecia, one originating at point A, the other (not shown) at point B; also shown at left is basal portion of leafy branch; note the spiral lines of dehiscence. 3. Capsule showing spirally twisted valves. 4, 5. Innermost ♀ bracts. 6. Distal portion of perianth, cross section. 7. Perianth base, cross section. 8. Seta, cross section. 9. Capsule wall, outer layer. 10. Capsule wall, inner layer. 11. Spore. 12. Elater and outline of 2 spores. (All from Braggins 98474C, New Zealand, Westland Natl. Park, Omoeroa Saddle.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XZ4]
Fig. 119. Megalembidium insulanum (W.Martin & E.A.Hodgs.) R.M.Schust. 1. Stem, cross section. 2. Leaves (left to right and all drawn to same scale): A = leaf of main shoot below level of onset of branches; B = leaf of main shoot above level of branches; C–E = leaves of primary, secondary and tertiary branches respectively. 3. Lobe of main shoot leaf above level of branches, arrows indicate sinus bases (note enlarged cells). 4. Lobe of main shoot leaf below level of branches (note undifferentiated cells). 5–7. Antheridial stalks. 8. Capsule wall, cross section. (Figs. 1–4, 8, from Braggins 98474C, New Zealand, Westland Natl. Park, Omoeroa Saddle; 5–7, from Engel 24675, New Zealand, Stewart Is., Pryse Peak.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XZ5]
Fig. 120. Megalembidium insulanum (W.Martin & E.A.Hodgs.) R.M.Schust. 1. Distal portion of ♀ bract. 2. Portion of ♀ bract showing thin-walled marginal cells and exceedingly thick-walled cells in a large median field. 3, 4. Portions of perianth mouth. (All from Braggins 98474C, New Zealand, Westland Natl. Park, Omoeroa Saddle.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XZ6]
Fig. 121. Calypogeia sphagnicola (Arnell & J.Perss.) Warnst. & Loeske. 1. Portion of main shoot with marsupium, dorsal view. 2. Portion of main shoot (ventral view) with 2 Frullania -type branches (= FB; note first branch underleaf) and a ventral-intercalary branch (= VIB); rhizoids shown in part. 3. Portion of gemmiparous shoot, with, toward base, 2 young marsupia (= ♀, shown in outline); dorsal view. 4. Portion of main shoot with androecium, ventral view. 5–7. Leaf and underleaves, all drawn to same scale. 8. Portion of leaf apex (= A) and distal portion of ventral margin (drawn to scale at right of figure). 9. Lateral half of underleaf. (Fig. 1, from Allison 13031, New Zealand, South Is., Otago EP, Swampy Hill [MPN]; 2, 3, 5–9, from Engel 17719, New Zealand, South Is., Otago EP, summit plateau of Mt. Maungatua; 4, from Child H2528, New Zealand, South Is., Otago EP, Swampy Hill summit.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XZ7]
Fig. 122. Mnioloma novaezelandiae J.J.Engel. 1. Portion of main shoot with 2 ventral-intercalary branches (= VIB) and a young gynoecium (= ♀), ventral view. 2. Portion of main shoot with marsupium and a young female inflorescence (= ♀), ventral view. 3–6. Leaves (all drawn to same scale). 7. Portion of leaf apex showing marginal row of smaller cells. 8. Portion of apex (= A) and dorsal lateral margin of leaf showing marginal row of smaller cells. 9. Median leaf cells showing surface papillae. 10. Median leaf cells with oil-bodies and a few chloroplasts. 11, 12. Underleaves; rhizoids shown with stipple at right; note small slime papillae (= SP). (Figs. 1–9, 11, 12, from type; 10, from Glenny 8876, New Zealand, Westland EP, Mt. Te Kinga.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XZ8]
Fig. 123. Mnioloma novaezelandiae J.J.Engel (1–3) and M. fuscum (Lehm.) R.M.Schust. (4–9). 1. Portion of leading shoot showing leaf bases (dorsal view); note that the insertion lines delimit a leaf-free strip of 2 stem cells wide. 2. Portion of stem with underleaf; note ventral merophyte width of 6 cells. 3. Stem, cross section. 4. Portion of leading shoot showing leaf bases (dorsal view); note that the insertion lines extend to the stem midline; note also the tooth at base of leaf at upper right. 5. Leaf. 6. Dorsal base of leaf with 1-celled tooth capped by a slime papilla. 7. Median leaf cells, the papillose surface shown in part. 8. Portion of stem with underleaf; note ventral merophyte width of 13 cells. 9. Underleaf apex showing the minute notch and the differentiated cells ringing the sinus. (Figs. 1–3, from type of M. novaezelandiae; 4–9, from type of M. fuscum.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XZ9]
Fig. 124. Trichotemnoma corrugatum (Steph.) R.M.Schust. 1. Leaf, adaxial aspect (DL = dorsal lobe). 2. Leaf, abaxial aspect (DL = dorsal lobe). 3. Cells of disc showing dimorphic oil-bodies, some large and papillose, others small, homogeneous and smooth; note also the chloroplasts (cross hatch shading). 4. Underleaf (in situ) showing rhizoids with digitate tips. 5. Rhizoid with digitate tip. 6. Portion of main shoot with marsupium on a short, ventral-intercalary branch, ventral-lateral view; note rings of bractlets at summit of marsupium and also the leaf insertion. 7. Median-longitudinal section of marsupium; note the strongly abbreviated ventral-intercalary branch (VIB), the tuft of bractlets (= BL) at the summit, the calyptra (= CAL), with 2 unfertilized archegonia at the extreme base (one at UA, the other to left), the seta (= S), and the foot (= F), with the scalloped haustorial collar. 8. Young sporophyte, note elaborated, sheet-like haustorial collar. 9. Seta, cross section. 10. Portion of main shoot with androecium in axil of lowermost underleaf, ventral view; note 2 antheridia are visible in axils of each of uppermost bracts (= ♂). 11. Portion of ♂ bract. 12. Antheridium. 13. Antheridial stalk. (Figs. 1, 2, 6–13, from Engel 22005, New Zealand, South Is., Fiordland Natl. Park, Milford Sound, track to Bowen Falls; 3, from Glenny 8910, New Zealand, South Is., Western Nelson EP, Waimangaroa R.; 4, 5, from Engel 23197, same loc. as Engel 22005.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XZA]
Fig. 125. Anthelia juratzkana (Limpr.) Trevis. 1. Portion of shoot with 3 short Frullania -type branches, dorsal-lateral view (HL = half-leaf, at left not indicated; UL = underleaf). 2. Portion of shoot, the rhizoids shown at bases of 2 lower underleaves, their position indicated elsewhere, ventral view. 3. Two leaves. 4. Three leaves (= L) and 3 underleaves (= UL, with rhizoids indicated), all from same shoot. 5. Cross section through leaf base; note bistratose sector. 6. Basal sector of leaf showing bistratose area, abaxial aspect. 7. Basal sector of underleaf. 8, 9. Stem, cross sections through distal sector of shoot. 10. Stem, cross sections through lower sector of shoot; note collapse of hyaloderm cells (drawn to same scale as figs. 8, 9). 11. Antheridial stalk. (Figs. 1, 2, 4, 7, 10, 11, from Engel 17883, New Zealand, South Is., Westland–Otago EP boundary, Mt. Aspiring Natl. Park, below and W of Mt. Shrimpton; 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, from Engel 22053, New Zealand, South Is., Canterbury EP, Arthur's Pass Natl. Park, area immediately below summit of Avalanche Peak.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XZB]
Fig. 126. Metahygrobiella drucei R.M.Schust. 1. Portion of shoot with Frullania -type branch (FBU = first branch underleaf) and 3 ventral-intercalary branches (ventral view); note several minute underleaves. 2. Portion of shoot (dorsal aspect) with Frullania -type branch (HL = half-leaf; FBU = first branch underleaf) and 3 ventral-intercalary branches (= VIB); note that leaf insertions extend to stem midline dorsally and that the lowermost insertion is oblique at dorsal end while the insertion of the leaf immediately above is transverse at dorsal end. 3–8. Leaves, all drawn to same scale. 9, 10. Leaves (note differences in areolation). 11–13. Leaf lobes, all drawn to same scale. 14. Stem, cross section. 15. Perianth mouth. (Figs. 1, 2, 6–8, 10, 14, 15, from Engel 17730, New Zealand, South Is., Otago EP, summit plateau of Mt. Maungatua, 825 m; 3–5, 9, 11–13, from Engel 24990, New Zealand, South Is., Western Nelson EP, Mt. Arthur, Horseshoe Basin, near Tableland Track via Gordons Pyramid, ca. 1400 m.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XZC]
Fig. 127. Metahygrobiella drucei R.M.Schust. 1. Leading shoot with gynoecium and mature sporophyte + a Frullania -type branch (HL = half-leaf), dorsal-lateral view. 2. ♀ Bracts, and in middle, bracteole. 3. Lobe of ♀ bract. 4. Seta and capsule profile. 5. Seta, cross section. 6. Capsule wall, outer layer. 7. Capsule wall, inner layer. 8. Capsule wall, cross section. 9. Antheridial stalk. (Figs. 1–8, from Engel 17730, New Zealand, South Is., Otago EP, summit plateau of Mt. Maungatua, 825 m; 9, from Child 3835, New Zealand, South Is., Otago EP, Lammermoor Ra., ca. 760 m.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XZD]
Fig. 128. Oil-bodies, all (except Fig. 1) with the outline of a few chloroplasts included. 1. Metahygrobiella drucei R.M.Schust. Leaf cells showing “Schrot-Korn” type of oil-bodies. 2. Allisoniella nigra subsp. nigra var. acutiloba J.J.Engel. Median leaf cells. 3. Cephalomitrion aterrimum (Steph.) R.M.Schust. Median disc cells. 4. Cephaloziella pseudocrassigyna R.M.Schust. ex J.J.Engel. Cells at base of lobe. 5. Pseudomarsupidium piliferum (Steph.) Herzog ex Grolle. Median leaf cells. (Fig. 1, from Glenny 8922, New Zealand, South Is., Canterbury EP, Arthur’s Pass, Margaret Tarns track; 2, from Glenny 9317, type; 3, from Glenny 9200, New Zealand, South Is., Westland, Upper Otira Valley; 4, from Engel 27333, New Zealand, South Is., Canterbury EP, Arthur’s Pass Natl. Park, Bealey Valley Track; 5, from Glenny 9727, New Zealand, South Is., Canterbury EP, Arthur's Pass, Bealey Chasm.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XZE]
Fig. 129. Pseudomarsupidium piliferum (Steph.) Herzog ex Grolle. 1, 2. Leaves. 3. Portion of plant showing system of copiously branched, prostrate stolons and erect leafy shoots (la = leafy shoot, which was removed). 4. Sector of leafy shoot (note leaf insertion), lateral view. 5. Plant with leaves widely spreading. 6–8. Gynoecial branches. 9, 10. Awns of same leaf apex. 11. Median leaf cells. (Figs. 1–4, from Engel 14024, Tasmania, Cradle Mtn.–Lake St. Clair Natl. Park, Ballroom Forest; 5–8, after Grolle, 1972; 9, 10, from Engel 13798, Tasmania, near Scotts Peak Road; 11, from Norris 26966, Tasmania, trail to Adamsons Peak.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XZF]
Fig. 130. Pseudomarsupidium piliferum (Steph.) Herzog ex Grolle. 1. Gynoecium with mature sporophyte (ventral view); note that a tubular perianth is absent, the cycle of all 3 perianth-forming bracts (= PB) are subequal in size and are partially fused to one another, but are otherwise free above; note that the perianth-forming bracts are conspicuously plicate. Note also the 2 innermost bracts (= BR) + bracteole (facing viewer) below the perianth-forming cycle, and also the position of unfertilized archegonia (= UA at arrow) (CAL = calyptra; PB = bract of perianth forming cycle; BR = bracts (true) of innermost cycle; S = seta.) 2. Portion of apex of uppermost true bract (non-perianth forming cycle). 3. Portions of apex of innermost bracts of perianth forming cycle. 4. Capsule wall, outer layer. 5. Capsule wall, inner layer. 6. Capsule wall, cross section. 7. Spore. 8. Elater + spore outline (tuberculae included). (All from Braggins 99269A, New Zealand, North Is., Egmont Natl. Park, Mt. Taranaki, Potaema Track.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XZG]
Fig. 131. Adelanthus gemmiparus (R.M.Schust.) E.A.Hodgs. 1. Erect leafy shoot with basal gynoecia, dorsal view. 2. Sector (indicated by bracket) of shoot shown in Fig. 1, dorsal view. 3. Three leaves (drawn to same scale). 4. Portion of leaf apex. 5. Leaf base. 6. Median leaf cells. 7. Leaves. 8. Sector of leafy shoot, lateral view. 9, 10. Stem cells and underleaves, at top the underleaf consists of a pair of laterally juxtaposed cells and associated slime papillae, at bottom of 1 cell and slime papillae (LC = leaf cell). 11. Median sector of leaf margin. (All from Norris 28517, Tasmania.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XZH]
Fig. 132. Adelanthus falcatus (Hook.) Mitt. 1. Sporophyte-bearing plant. 2. Sector of erect leafy branch, lateral view. 3, 4. Leaves (DM = dorsal margin) and within, a leaf from distal, attenuated region of shoot. 5. Distal sector of leaf. 6. Basal sector of leaf (DM = dorsal margin). 7. Capsule wall, cross section. 8. Capsule wall, outer layer. (Figs. 1, 7, 8, from Norris 27836, Tasmania, Cradle Mtn.–Lake St. Clair Natl. Park; between Lake Solitude to Little Hugel; 2, from Engel 13904, Tasmania, Weindorfers Forest; 3–6, from Engel 23633, New Zealand, North Is., Auckland EP, Kaimai–Mamaku Forest Park, Aongatete R.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XZI]
Fig. 133. Adelanthus falcatus (Hook.) Mitt. 1. Plant with numerous basal androecia (* = position of severed leafy shoots). 2. Detail of the androecial branch indicated by arrow in Fig. 1. 3. Portion of distal sector of ♂ bract. 4. Antheridial stalk. 5. Median cells with oil-bodies. 6. Median sector of ventral margin of leaf. (Figs. 1, 2, from Engel 14135A, Tasmania, just W of Watersmeet, W of SW end of Lake St. Clair; 3, 4, from Schuster 55486, New Zealand, South Is., Fiordland EP, Cascade Creek; 5, from Glenny 9599, New Zealand, South Is., Western Nelson EP, Stockton Plateau; 6, from Engel 23633, New Zealand, North Is., Auckland EP, Kaimai–Mamaku Forest Park, Aongatete R.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XZJ]
Fig. 134. Adelanthus occlusus (Hook f. & Taylor) Carrington. 1. Erect leafy shoots and, at base, stolons, lateral-dorsal view. 2. Erect leafy shoot. 3. Sector of erect, leafy shoot, lateral view (drawn at same scale as Fig. 4). 4. Leaves. 5. Median-distal sector of leaf showing cell arrangement in ± regular rows and tiers. 6. Median cells of leaf. 7. Basal cells of leaf. (Figs. 1, 2, from Engel 16257, Tasmania, SE of Black Bluff; 3–7, from Engel 24285, New Zealand, Stewart Is., Mt. Rocky summit area.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XZK]
Fig. 135. Wettsteinia schusteriana Grolle. 1. Portion of plant with mature sporophyte; note distribution of unfertilized archegonia on calyptra (= CAL). 2. Portion of main shoot, dorsal view. 3–5. Leaf outlines (DM = dorsal margin); all drawn to same scale. 6. Oil-bodies of median leaf cell. 7. Portion of median sector of ventral margin of leaf. 8. Portion of basal sector, dorsal margin of leaf. 9. Stem, cross section. (Fig. 1, from Child 1594, New Zealand, South Is., Lake Hauroko; 2–5, 7–9, Engel 24697, New Zealand, South Is., Southland EP, Waikaia State Forest, junction of Waikaia R. track and Tison Peak track; 6, from Glenny 8917, New Zealand, Western Nelson EP, Paparoa Ra., Moonlight Creek.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XZL]
Fig. 136. Wettsteinia schusteriana Grolle. 1. Median leaf cells. 2. Portion of lateral margin of ♀ bractlet. 3. Seta, cross section. 4. Capsule wall, outer layer. 5. Capsule wall, inner layer. 6. Capsule wall, cross section. 7. Spore and portion of elater drawn to same scale. (Fig. 1, from Engel 24697, New Zealand, South Is., Southland EP, Waikaia State Forest, junction of Waikaia R. track and Tison Peak track; 2, 7, Braggins 98420, New Zealand, South Is., Haast Pass summit; 3–6, from Child 1594, New Zealand, South Is., Lake Hauroko.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XZM]
Fig. 137. Jackiella curvata Allison & E.A.Hodgs. 1. Leading shoot with mature and submature marsupia; note bractlets at mouth of both marsupia (lateral view) and convex rhizoid pads (= RP) visible near shoot base. 2. Main shoot (lateral view) with 2 mature ventral-intercalary androecial branches; note accessory scale-like lamellae at arrows and rhizoid pads (= RP). 3. Portion of leading shoot with ventral-intercalary branch, and, near leaf scar at base, a rhizoid pad; ventral view. 4. Sector of shoot showing rudimentary underleaves, ventral view. 5. Leaves. 6. Cells with oil-bodies (× 733). 7. Distal sector of leaf. 8. Dorsal base of leaf. 9. Ventral base of leaf. 10. Underleaves. 11. Gemmae. 12. Bractlets from mouth of marsupium. 13. Antheridial stalk. (Figs. 1–5, 7–13, from Engel 6562, New Zealand, South Is., Westland EP, Mt. Hercules Scenic Reserve; 6, from Engel 22353, New Zealand, North Is., Auckland EP, Coromandel Forest Park, ridge between Webb Creek Track and Billy Goat Track.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XZN]
Fig. 138. Chandonanthus squarrosus (Hook.) Mitt. ex Schiffn. 1. Portion of shoot, lateral view, showing 2 leaves on far side of axis, 1 on near side and 3 underleaves (= UL); note stem paraphyllia. 2. Portion of shoot with some leaves removed to show stem paraphyllia, dorsal view; note stem paraphyllia. 3, 4. Leaf outlines (flattened) (DM = dorsal margin). 5. Cells of lower sector of leaf lobe showing large surface papillae. 6. Median cells with oil-bodies. 7–9. Underleaves, all drawn to same scale. 10. Sector of androecium showing 2 pairs of bracts, dorsal view. 11. Dorsal lobe of ♂ bract. 12. Antheridium. (Figs. 1–4, 7–9, from Engel 13771, Tasmania, near Scotts Peak Road; 5, from New Zealand, South Is., Westland EP, Westland Natl. Park, Franz Josef Glacier Valley; 6, from Glenny 8921, New Zealand, South Is., Canterbury EP, Arthur’s Pass, Margaret Tarns track; 10, 11, from Engel 16711, Tasmania, Clear Hill Road; 12, from Engel 13645, Tasmania, Adamsfield Track.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XZP]
Fig. 139. Chandonanthus squarrosus (Hook.) Mitt. 1. Gynoecium with mature sporophyte, dorsal-lateral view (the 2 lower bracts on right side removed); note the accessory lobes on bracts (bre = bracteole). 2. Capsule wall, cross section. 3. Perianth, cross section through median portion. 4. Capsule wall, outer layer. 5. Capsule wall, inner layer. 6. Elater. 7. Spore. 8–10. Bracts and bracteole (= BRE) from same innermost series, abaxial view; note fringe of paraphyllia at bases. 11. Paraphyllia on abaxial surface of base of innermost bract (BB = bract base). (Figs. 1, 6–11, from Engel 13771, Tasmania, Near Scotts Peak Road, E of S end of Lake Gordon; 2, 4, 5, from Engel 15119, Tasmania, Sentinel Ra., between Lakes Gordon and Pedder; 3, from Engel 14305, Tasmania, Cradle Mtn.–Lake St. Clair Natl. Park.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XZQ]
Fig. 140. Lophozia autoica R.M.Schust. 1. Shoot showing paroecious condition, dorsal view. 2. Portion of shoot, dorsal-lateral view; note oblique leaf insertion and rhizoid distribution. 3. Portion of shoot, dorsal view. 4–7. Leaves (VM = ventral margin). 8–13. Underleaves. 14, 15. Ventral (= VL) and dorsal (= DL) lobes of leaf (both drawn to same scale). 16. Two ♀ bracts (above and below), and to right, bracteole (abaxial aspect). 17. Portion of perianth mouth. (All from Glenny 9116, New Zealand, South Is., Westland EP, Mt. Brown.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XZR]
Fig. 141. Lophozia monoica (E.A.Hodgs.) J.J.Engel. 1. Portion of shoot showing paroecious condition, the 2 androecial branches arise as subfloral innovations (note the dorsal appendage on 2 distal androecial bracts). 2. Portion of shoot, dorsal view. 3, 4. Leaf outlines (drawn at same scale as figs. 1, 2). 5. Median leaf cells. 6, 7. Leaf lobes. 8–10. Underleaves (stippled cells = stem cells; LM = leaf margin); all drawn to same scale. 11. Stem, cross section (note mycorrhizal hyphae in a few cells in ventral sector). 12. Portions of perianth mouth. 13. Antheridial stalk. (All from type.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XZS]
Fig. 142. Lophozia multicuspidata (Hook.f. & Taylor) Grolle. 1. Sector of sterile shoot, dorsal view. 2–6. Leaves (VM = ventral); all drawn to same scale. 7, 8. Distal sectors of leaf lobes. 9. Median leaf cells. 10–13. Underleaves. 14. Stem, cross section. 15. ♀ Bracts and in middle bracteole. 16, 17. Portions of lobes of 2 ♀ bracts. 18, 19. Portions of perianth mouth; note thick-walled cells. (All from Engel 21430, New Zealand, Marlborough near boundary with Nelson Prov., Mt. Richmond Forest Park, Red Hills, track to Maitland Hut.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XZT]
Fig. 143. Lophozia druceae Grolle & E.A.Hodgs. 1. Sector of shoot, dorsal-lateral view; note that some leaves (incipient ♂ bracts) have a dorsal tooth but are without suggestion of becoming saccate at the base. 2. Shoot with perianth, dorsal view. 3. Portion of leading shoot with an intercalary androecium, dorsal view; note 2 ventral-intercalary branches (= VIB) near distal end of androecium; note also that most non-ventricose leaves have a prominent tooth or lacinia near dorsal base (note that figure is drawn at same scale as Fig. 1, a sterile shoot). 4–8. Leaves. 9, 10. Distal sector of dorsal leaf lobes (drawn to same scale). 11–13. Underleaves (L = leaf). 14. Stem, cross section of sterile shoot; note mycorrhizal infection of both cortical and medullary cells. 15. ♂ Bract. 16. Antheridial stalk. 17. ♀ Bracts and in middle bracteole. 18. Cross section through median sector of perianth. 19–21. Distal sector of lobes of perianth mouth (drawn to same scale). (All from type.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XZU]
Fig. 144. Tritomaria exsecta (Schrad.) Loeske subsp. novaezelandiae J.J.Engel. 1. Leading shoot with Frullania -type branch, dorsal view; gemmae are present at apex of both main shoot and branch, the young leaves of the branch tip cover the cluster of gemmae. 2. Leading shoot, dorsal view; note variation in leaf form, especially the apices, and the presence of gemmae at the shoot apex. 3–9. Leaves, note variation in shape and lobing (vm = ventral margin). 10. Median leaf cells, the striations of leaf surface shown at left. 11. Gemmae. 12. Stem, cross section. (All from type.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XZV]
Fig. 145. Tritomaria exsecta (Schrad.) Loeske subsp. novaezelandiae J.J.Engel. 1. Leading shoot, lateral view; note succubous insertion and distribution of rhizoids, including from lateral sides of stem. 2. Leading shoot with 2 lateral-intercalary branches, dorsal view (gemmae are present at the tips of both branches). 3, 4. Leaf lobes without gemmae formation (both drawn to same scale). 5, 6. Distal sectors of leaves involved with gemmae formation (DL = dorsal lobe; VL = ventral lobe), note that distal cells are larger, the striae indicated in part in Fig. 6. 7. Intramarginal cells in dorsal-basal third of leaf. 8. Median-basal cells of leaf showing surface striae (lower = leaf base). (All from type.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XZW]
Fig. 146. Oil-bodies, all with the outline of a few chloroplasts included. 1. Adelanthus gemmiparus (R.M.Schust.) E.A.Hodgs. Median leaf cells. 2. Adelanthus occlusus (Hook.f. & Taylor) Carrington. Median leaf cells. 3. Lophozia autoica R.M.Schust. Median lamina cells. 4. Lophozia cf. monoica (E.A.Hodgs.) J.J.Engel. Median lamina cells. (Fig. 1, from Engel 26952, New Zealand, North Is., Tongariro Natl. Park, Falls Track, off Ohakune Mt. Road; 2, from Engel 27075, New Zealand, South Is., Western Nelson EP, Kahurangi Natl. Park, Matiri Ra., Thousand Acres Plateau; 3, from Glenny 9116, New Zealand, South Is., Westland EP, Mt. Brown; 4, from Glenny 9110, New Zealand, South Is., Westland EP, Mt. Brown.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XZX]
Fig. 147. Anastrophyllum schismoides (Mont.) Steph. (figs. 1–6, 9–11, var. schismoides; 7, 8, var. crassulum). 1. Portion of shoot with sterile sector (basal) and (distally) the basal sector of androecium, dorsal view (note androecium wider than sterile sector). 2. Leaf pair (note leaf insertion), ventral view. 3. Leaves (to left and right of perianth). 4. Leaf lobe (distal sector). 5. Dorsal margin of lamina. 6, 7. Margins in distal sector of leaf lamina, the exposed wall of marginal cells in Fig. 6 is hyaline (both figs. drawn at same scale as Fig. 8). 8. Cells toward base of lobe. 9. Shoot with gynoecium, dorsal-lateral view. 10. Innermost ♀ bracts (at arrows) and (upper left, at *) a smaller scale-like bract. 11. Perianth mouth. (Figs. 1, 2, from Engel 17959, New Zealand, South Is., Westland EP, Mt. Aspiring Natl. Park, summit area of Haast Pass; 3–5, from Engel 21978, New Zealand, South Is., Fiordland EP, head of Gertrude Valley; 6, from Engel 12834, Tasmania, Hartz Mountains Natl. Park, summit of Devils Backbone; 7, 8, from type of var. crassulum; 9–11, from Hatcher 693, New Zealand, South Is., Fiordland EP, trail between Gunn's Camp and Hidden Falls.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XZY]
Fig. 148. Anastrophyllum schismoides (Mont.) Steph. 1. Capsule wall, cross section. 2. Capsule wall, outer layer. 3. Capsule wall, inner layer. 4. Spore (× 1760). 5. Perianth base, cross section. 6. Subinvolucral + involucral bracts from one side of axis, consecutive sequence from outer (= a) to innermost (= e, which is also shown at higher mag. in Fig. 7). 7. Innermost ♀ bract (inserted on lower sector of perianth). 8. Gemmae. (Fig. 8, from Engel 15134, Tasmania, Sentinel Ra., between Lakes Gordon and Pedder; remainder from Cameron 757J, New Zealand, North Is., Auckland EP, Coromandel Ra., SE of Mt. Moehau.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4XZZ]
Fig. 149. Anastrophyllum papillosum J.J.Engel & Braggins. 1. Leading shoot with intercalary androecium, dorsal view. 2. Leading shoot with gynoecium, dorsal view (note dorsal sectors of 2 subfloral leaves not shown to reveal insertions). 3. Main shoot with lateral-intercalary branch (note the branch originates from ventral end of leaf axil; note also the undivided leaf, at arrow), dorsal-lateral view. 4, 5. Leaves (dl = dorsal lobe). 6. Four underleaves. 7. Distal sector of dorsal lobe (surface detail shown in part). 8. Distal sector of ventral lobe (surface detail shown in part). 9, 10. Base of dorsal margin of leaf showing small tooth (both figs. drawn to same scale). 11. Leaf cells with oil-bodies (× 1270). 12. Innermost ♀ bracts from same gynoecium (dl = dorsal lobe). 13. Portions of perianth mouth. 14. Antheridial stalk. (All from holotype.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4Y00]
Fig. 150. Oil-bodies, all with the outline of a few chloroplasts included. 1. Anastrophyllum schismoides (Mont.) Steph. Basal cells of lamina. 2. Anastrophyllum schismoides (Mont.) Steph. Cells of lobe base. 3. Andrewsianthus cuspidatus R.M.Schust. Cells at lobe base. 4. Andrewsianthus perigonialis (Hook.f. & Taylor) R.M.Schust. Median lamina cells. 5. Andrewsianthus cuspidatus R.M.Schust. Median lamina cells. 6. Andrewsianthus perigonialis (Hook.f. & Taylor) R.M.Schust. Cells of upper leaf middle. (Figs. 1, 2, from Glenny 9192, New Zealand, South Is., Westland EP, Okarito, Kohuamarua Bluff track; 3, from Glenny 9206, New Zealand, South Is., Westland EP, Upper Otira Valley; 4, from Engel 27283, New Zealand, South Is., Canterbury EP, Arthur’s Pass Natl. Park, Otira Valley Track; 5, from Glenny 9335, New Zealand, Stewart Is., Gog; 6, from Glenny 9321, New Zealand, Stewart Is., Belltopper Falls.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4Y01]
Fig. 151. Oil-bodies. 1. Solenostoma hodgsoniae (Grolle) J.J.Engel. Median leaf cell, the outline of a few chloroplasts included. 2. Solenostoma orbiculatum (Colenso) R.M.Schust. (× 775). Median leaf cells. 3. Solenostoma cryptogynum R.M.Schust. ex J.J.Engel. Median leaf cell, the outline of a few chloroplasts included. 4. Solenostoma cryptogynum R.M.Schust. ex J.J.Engel. Median leaf cell. (Fig. 1, from Engel 24777, New Zealand, Westland EP, Cascade Road, just W of Jackson R.; 2, from Engel 22656, New Zealand, North Is., Northland EP, Waipoua Forest, Waikohatu Stream at Waikohatu Kauri Bridge; 3, from Glenny 9417, New Zealand, South Is., Western Nelson EP, Reefton, Awarau R.; 4, from Glenny 9096, New Zealand, South Is., Westland EP, Lake Kaniere Road.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4Y03]
Fig. 152. Oil-bodies, all (except Fig. 2) with the outline of a few chloroplasts included. 1. Solenostoma inundatum (Hook.f. & Taylor) Mitt. ex Steph. Median leaf cells. 2. Solenostoma inundatum (Hook.f. & Taylor) Mitt. (× 875). Median leaf cells. 3. Solenostoma rufiflorum (Colenso) J.J.Engel. Upper-median leaf cells; note that papillose surface is shown for 3 cells. 4. Solenostoma totipapillosum (E.A.Hodgs.) R.M.Schust. Median leaf cells; note that papillose surface is shown at left. (Fig. 1, from Glenny 9115, New Zealand, South Is., Westland EP, Upper Otira Valley; 2, from Engel 22439, New Zealand, North Is., Wellington, Tongariro Natl. Park, Taranaki Falls Track; 3, from Glenny 9693, New Zealand, South Is., Westland EP, Dickie Ridge; 4, from Glenny 9291, New Zealand, South Is., Western Nelson EP, Moonlight Creek.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4Y04]
Fig. 153. Solenostoma hodgsoniae (Grolle) J.J.Engel. 1. Shoot with lateral-intercalary branch at lower left, dorsal view. 2. Androecial-bearing shoot. 3–8. Leaves (all drawn to same scale). 9. Longitudinal section through basal sector of 2 leaves (the base at left). 10. Median leaf cells. 11. Sector of leaf apex. 12. Antheridial stalk. (Figs. 1, 3–8, 10, 11, from Engel 21152, New Zealand, South Is., Western Nelson EP, track to German Terrace, 6 km SSE of Westport on Nine Mile Road, 90 m; 2, 12, from Braggins 84/400A, New Zealand, North Is., Wellington, Akatarawa; 9, from Engel 25036, New Zealand, South Is., Western Nelson EP, Mt. Arthur, Mt. Arthur Hut track, 1050–1250 m.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4Y05]
Fig. 154. Solenostoma hodgsoniae (Grolle) J.J.Engel. 1. Shoot apex with mature sporophyte, dorsal-lateral view (SI = subfloral intercalary innovation; the innermost bracts on near side removed for clarity). 2, 3. Portions of perianth beak. 4. Perianth, cross section through median sector. 5. Capsule wall, outer layer. 6. Capsule wall, inner layer. 7. Capsule wall, cross section. 8. Spore. 9. Elater. (Figs. 1, 5–9, from Braggins 84/400A, New Zealand, North Is., Southern North Is. EP, Akatarawa; 2–4, from Engel 21152, New Zealand, South Is., Western Nelson EP, track to German Terrace, 6 km SSE of Westport on Nine Mile Road, 90 m.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4Y06]
Fig. 155. Jamesoniella kirkii Steph. 1. Portion of shoot with Frullania -type branch (= FB; HL = half-leaf), dorsal view. 2. Portion of shoot, ventral view. 3. Portion of shoot, lateral view. 4, 5. Leaves. 6. Upper median leaf cells. 7. Apiculate leaf apex. 8. Gynoecium with mature sporophyte, ventral view. 9. Innermost ♀ bracts and in middle, bracteole (adaxial view). 10. Portion of perianth mouth. 11. ♂ Bract (note wing). (Figs. 1–3, 5–10, from Engel 18000, New Zealand, South Is., Westland EP, Mt. Aspiring Natl. Park, summit area of Haast Pass; 4, from Engel 19123, New Zealand, South Is., Western Nelson EP, Paparoa Ra., N side of Fox R.; 11, from Reif C126A, New Zealand, South Is., Westland EP, Alexander Ra., Camp Creek.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4Y07]
Fig. 156. Jamesoniella tasmanica (Hook.f. & Taylor) Steph. 1. Portion of shoot, dorsal view. 2. Portion of shoot, dorsal view. 3. Leaf outlines. 4. Upper-median leaf cells. 5. Portion of shoot, ventral view. 6. Underleaves (VM = ventral margin). 7. Unlobed and lobed first branch underleaves. 8. Winged ♂ bract. 9. Innermost ♀ bracts and in middle, bracteole. 10. Perianth mouth. (Figs. 1, 4, 5, 7, from Engel 18762, New Zealand, South Is., Fiordland EP, off track along East Branch of Eglinton R., SE of Mt. Eglinton; 2, from Engel 20702, New Zealand, North Is., Volcanic Plateau EP, Whirinaki Forest Park, near Whirinaki R., SSW of Minginui; 3, from Engel 17978, New Zealand, South Is., Westland EP, Mt. Aspiring Natl. Park, summit area of Haast Pass; 6, from Engel 21429, New Zealand, South Is., Sounds–Nelson EP, Mt. Richmond Forest Park, Red Hills, track to Maitland Hut; 8–10, from Hatcher 268, New Zealand, North Is., Northland EP, Waipoua Kauri Forest.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4Y08]
Fig. 157. Jamesoniella colorata (Lehm.) Schiffn. 1. Sector of main shoot, dorsal-lateral view. 2. Leaves (adaxial face, with united underleaf at left); border of bleached, glistening cells indicated on leaf at left. 3. Leaves (UL = underleaf). 4. Underleaf. 5. Underleaf (= UL) and portion of ventral margin of leaf (= VM). 6. Cells of leaf apex showing guttulate papillae. 7. Upper-median leaf cells showing guttulate papillae. 8. Gynoecium with mature sporophyte, ventral view. 9. Portion of perianth mouth. 10. Innermost ♀ bracts and in middle, bracteole. 11. Spore (× 1070). 12. ♂ Bract and to right a lobule of second bract. (Figs. 1, 3, 5, 6, 8–12, from Hatcher 943, New Zealand, South Is., Fiordland EP, N side of McKerrow R., Martins Bay; 2, 4, 7, from Engel 21964, New Zealand, South Is., Fiordland EP, Gertrude Valley.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4Y09]
Fig. 158. Oil-bodies, all with the outline of a few chloroplasts included. 1. Jamesoniella kirkii Steph. Median leaf cells. 2. Jamesoniella tasmanica (Hook.f. & Taylor) Steph. Median leaf cells. 3. Cuspidatula monodon (Hook.f. & Taylor) Steph. Upper-median leaf cells. 4, 5. Cryptochila grandiflora (Lindenb. & Gottsche) Grolle. Median leaf cells. 6. Cryptochila pseudocclusa (E.A.Hodgs.) R.M.Schust. Median leaf cells. (Fig. 1, from Glenny 9102, New Zealand, South Is., Westland EP, Mt. Brown; 2, from Glenny 9232, New Zealand, South Is., Nelson, Takaka Hill, Harwoods Hole Track; 3, from Glenny 9127, New Zealand, South Is., Nelson, Mt. Burnett; 4, from Glenny 9089, New Zealand, South Is., Canterbury EP, Mt. Aicken; 5, from Glenny 9592, New Zealand, South Is., Western Nelson EP, Stockton Plateau; 6, from Engel 27179, New Zealand, South Is., Western Nelson EP, Kahurangi Natl. Park, vicinity of Gordon’s Pyramid.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4Y0A]
Fig. 159. Cuspidatula monodon (Hook.f. & Taylor) Steph. 1. Sector of shoot, lateral view. 2. Sector of shoot, ventral view; note very narrow ventral merophytes. 3. Shoot with mature sporophyte. 4, 5. Leaves, ventral margin to right. 6. Portion of leaf apex. 7. Median leaf cells. 8. ♀ Bracts, and in middle, bracteole. 9. Portion of perianth mouth. 10. Capsule profile. 11. Seta, cross section. 12. Elater and spore profile at same scale. (Figs. 1, 2, 7, from Engel 12855, Tasmania, Arve Valley; 3, from Engel 16020, Tasmania, West Downs; 4–6, from Engel 24907, New Zealand, South Is., Westland EP, Lake Kaniere Scenic Reserve, Lake Kaniere; 8, from Engel 23606, New Zealand, North Is., Auckland EP, Kaimai Ra., spur ESE of Ngatamahinerua; 9, from Engel 13155, Tasmania, Tasman Peninsula; 10, 12, from Engel 23541, New Zealand, North Is., Auckland EP, Kaimai Ra., Aongatete network of tracks at the end of Wrights Road off Katikati–Tauranga highway; 11, from Engel 18000, New Zealand, South Is., Westland EP, summit area of Haast Pass.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4Y0B]
Fig. 160. Cuspidatula monodon (Hook.f. & Taylor) Steph. 1. Sector of shoot with Frullania -type branch (= FB) (dorsal view). Note that the half-leaf (= HL) is distinctly connate with the first branch underleaf. 2. ♀ Bracts, and in middle, bracteole. 3. Distal sector of ♀ bract lobe. 4, 5. Capsule wall, cross sections (both drawn to same scale). 6. Capsule wall, outer layer. 7. Capsule wall, inner layer. 8. Spore. 9, 10. Lobules of ♂ bracts, note short spur or wing at arrows. 11. Antheridial stalk. (Fig. 1, from Engel 24907, New Zealand, South Is., Westland EP, Lake Kaniere Scenic Reserve, Lake Kaniere; 2, 3, from Engel 23606, New Zealand, North Is., Auckland EP, Kaimai Ra., spur ESE of Ngatamahinerua; 4–8, from Engel 23541, New Zealand, North Is., Auckland EP, Kaimai Ra., Aongatete network of tracks at the end of Wrights Road off Katikati–Tauranga highway; 9–11, from Engel 23998, New Zealand, North Is., Gisborne EP, Urewera Natl. Park, Huiarau Ra., summit area of Te Rangaakapua.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4Y0C]
Fig. 161. Cryptochila nigrescens (Steph.) Grolle. 1. Sector of shoot showing interlocking leaf insertions, dorsal view. 2. Leaves. 3. Upper median leaf cells. 4. Mature gynoecium, lateral view. 5. Innermost ♀ bracts and, in middle, bracteole (= BROL). 6. Portions of perianth mouth. 7. ♂ Bract. 8. Antheridial stalk. (Figs. 1, 4–6, from Engel 19273, New Zealand, South Is., Western Nelson EP, Paparoa Ra., N side of Tiropahi R., W side of Highway 6 ca. 500 m N of bridge over R.; 2, 3, 7, 8, from Engel 19272, same loc.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4Y0D]
Fig. 162. Cryptochila grandiflora (Lindenb. & Gottsche) Grolle. 1. Shoot with recurved shoot tip, basal stoloniform axis and ventral-intercalary stoloniform branch, ventral lateral view. 2. Sector of main shoot, lateral view. 3. Leaves. 4. Cells of leaf apex. 5. Median-basal leaf cells. 6. Stem paraphyllium (in situ, lateral aspect). 7. Gynoecium with mature sporophyte, ventral view. 8, 9. Innermost ♀ bracts and in middle bracteole (= BTO; L = accessory lamellae; both at same scale). 10. ♂ Bract. (Figs. 1–9, from Hatcher 295a, New Zealand, North Is., Taranaki EP, Pukeiti Bush; 10, from Hatcher 1743, New Zealand, South Is., Fiordland EP, head of Lake McKerrow.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4Y0E]
Fig. 163. Cryptochila acinacifolia (Hook.f. & Taylor) Grolle. 1. Lower sector of older, leading shoot with an erect, leafy ventral-intercalary branch, lateral view. 2. Portion of leading leafy branch, dorsal view. 3. Portion of leading leafy branch, ventral view. 4, 5. Leaves. 6. Leaf, cross sections through base (DM = dorsal margin). 7. Distal sector of leaf. 8. Median-basal leaf cells. (Figs. 1–4, 6–8, from Vitt 2402B, Campbell Is.; 5, from Child H4597, New Zealand, South Is., Westland EP, Kelly's Hill, N of Otira.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4Y0F]
Fig. 164. Diplophyllum verrucosum R.M.Schust. 1. Sector of shoot, dorsal view. 2. Shoot sector showing four-ranked condition, dorsal view. 3. Sector of shoot, lateral view. 4. Leaves. 5. Leaf with lobes spread, the vitta shown by stipple. 6. Upper-median cells of ventral lobe, with coarse surface papillae shown in part. 7. Distal sector of ventral margin of ventral lobe. 8. Base of ventral lobe ventral margin, surface detail not shown. 9. Base of free margin of dorsal lobe, surface detail not shown. 10. Median-basal cells of leaf. 11–13. Antheridial stalks, with detail of portion of a stalk indicated at right in Fig. 13 (the antheridia in Fig. 12 were obtained from a single inflorescence, the same for Fig. 13, Fig. 11 drawn to same scale as 12 and 13). 14. Portion of perianth mouth; surface papillae indicated in part. (Figs. 1–11, 14, from type; 12, from Engel 21982, New Zealand, South Is., Fiordland EP, head of Gertrude Valley; 13, from Engel 18557, New Zealand, South Is., Fiordland EP, plateau and slopes below Mt. Burns.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4Y0G]
Fig. 165. Diplophyllum gemmiparum J.J.Engel & Merrill 1. Main shoot with 2 lateral-intercalary branches, dorsal view; note masses of gemmae at apices of main shoot and lower branch. 2. Sector of shoot, ventral view (note position of rhizoids, the rhizoid pads stippled). 3. Leaves, dorsal and ventral aspects, the vitta shown by stipple (DL = dorsal lobe). 4. Leaf with lobes spread, the vitta shown by stipple. 5, 6. Apices of ventral lobe. 7. Apex of dorsal lobe showing mucro. 8. Gemmae. 9. Basal sector of ventral lobe ventral margin. 10. Distal sector of ventral lobe ventral margin. 11. Basal cells of ventral lobe (B = lobe base; keel to left); a few cells from near ventral base of lobe drawn at upper right at same scale. 12. Antheridial stalk, with detail of lower sector shown at right. (All from type.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4Y0H]
Fig. 166. Diplophyllum dioicum R.M.Schust. 1. Portion of main shoot, dorsal view. 2. Leaf pair, ventral view. 3. Leaf. 4. Dorsal (right) and ventral aspects of same leaf, the vitta shown by stipple. 5. Basal cells of ventral lobe in sector near keel (= K). 6. Distal sector of ventral lobe ventral margin. 7. Base of ventral lobe ventral margin. 8. Base of free margin of dorsal lobe. 9. Sector of stem, cross section. 10. Shoot with perianth and subfloral innovation, the apex of bract at arrow removed to show innermost bract. (All from type.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4Y0I]
Fig. 167. Diplophyllum domesticum (Gottsche) Steph. 1. Portion of main shoot, dorsal view. 2. Two leaves. 3. Distal portion of ventral lobe (= VL) and dorsal lobe (= DL). 4. Sector of distal half of ventral lobe ventral margin. 5. Base of ventral lobe ventral margin. 6. Median cells of ventral lobe, with coarse surface papillae shown in part. 7. Mature gynoecium showing paroecious condition, dorsal view; note the perianth contains 2 sporophytes. 8. Portion of perianth mouth. 9. Capsule profile. 10. Capsule wall, outer layer. 11. Capsule wall, inner layer. 12. Capsule wall, cross section. 13. Antheridial stalk. (All from Engel 17575, New Zealand, South Is., Otago EP, S side of Mt. Cargill, just below summit.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4Y0J]
Fig. 168. Diplophyllum novum J.J.Engel & Merrill 1. Shoot with a mature sporophyte associated with a paroecious inflorescence, and, below, a leading lateral-intercalary branch with an androecium (♂ = male bract), dorsal view; note mucronate leaf apices indicative of copious gemmae formation. 2. Portion of sterile shoot with lateral-intercalary branch, dorsal view. 3. Opposing ventral lobe bases showing oblique insertion. 4. Leaf, the vitta indicated by stipple. 5. Portion of ventral lobe showing subvittate condition, the lobe base at bottom, the keel to left, the sector of isodiametric cells at ventral base at lower right. 6. Cells of ventral lobe just below midpoint of lobe. 7. Apex of ventral lobe. 8. Base of ventral lobe ventral margin. 9. Gemmae. 10. Portion of perianth mouth. 11. Antheridial stalk. (All from type.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4Y0K]
Fig 169. Oil-bodies, all with the outline of a few chloroplasts included. 1. Diplophyllum domesticum var. domesticum (Gottsche) Steph. Cells of median sector of ventral lobe, the surface papillae shown on cells at right. 2. Scapania undulata (L.) Dumort. Cells of median sector of ventral lobe. 3. Blepharidophyllum vertebrale (Taylor ex Gottsche, Lindenb. & Nees) Ängstr. Cells of upper-median sector of ventral lobe. (Fig. 1, from Glenny 9208, New Zealand, South Is., Canterbury EP, Temple Basin Skifield track; 2, from Glenny 9851, New Zealand, South Is., Otago EP, Rastus Burn; 3, from Glenny 9108, New Zealand, South Is., Westland EP, Mt. Brown.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4Y0L]
Fig. 170. Scapania undulata (L.) Dumort. 1. Portion of shoot (dorsal view); note keelar wings. 2. Leaf, in situ, dorsal view. 3. Leaf, in situ, ventral view. 4, 5. Leaves, note keelar wings (both drawn to same scale). 6. Median cells of ventral lobe (surface papillae not shown). 7. Sector of apex of ventral lobe. 8. Sector of ventral margin of ventral lobe. 9. Sector of apex of dorsal lobe. 10. Sector of free margin of dorsal lobe. 11. Gemmae (= double-walled cells) and adjacent cells of young leaf lobe. (All from T. Daly 14609, New Zealand, South Is., Otago EP, Old Man Ra.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4Y0M]
Fig. 171. Scapania nemorosa (L.) Dumort. 1. Leaves, in situ, dorsal view. 2. Leaf, in situ, ventral view. 3. Sector of leading shoot with 3 androecial bracts. 4, 5. Leaves (K = keel). 6. Median cells of ventral lobe (surface papillae not shown). 7. Distal sector of ventral lobe. 8. Sector of median-ventral margin of ventral lobe. 9. Distal sector of dorsal lobe. 10. Gemmae (L = leaf cell). (All from Bartlett 30091/c, New Zealand, North Is., Southern North Is. EP, NW Ruahine Limestone Plateau.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4Y0N]
Fig. 172. Clandarium xiphophyllum (Grolle) R.M.Schust. 1. Portion of main shoot with Frullania -type branch (note the short bifid half-leaf), dorsal view. 2. Portion of main shoot with Frullania -type branch (= FB), ventral view; note bilobed first branch underleaf (= FBU), unlobed first branch leaf and position of rhizoids on main shoot. 3. Distal portion of ventral lobe. 4. Distal portion of dorsal lobe. 5. Median cells with oil-bodies. 6. Basal portion of dorsal lobe. (Figs. 1–4, 6, from Engel 21276, New Zealand, North Is., Volcanic Plateau EP, Tongariro Natl. Park, Mangawhero R., off Ohakune Mt. Road, ca. 1200 m; 5, from Glenny 9107, New Zealand, South Is., Westland EP, Mt. Brown.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4Y0P]
Fig. 173. Clandarium xiphophyllum (Grolle) R.M.Schust. 1. Portion of leading shoot with perianth and lateral-intercalary branch (= LIB), the branch origin shown in Fig. 2; note ensheathing leaf bases. 2. Leading shoot with lateral-intercalary branch originating near ventral end of leaf base, ventral view. 3. Two leaves. 4. Leaf cells (distal third of ventral lobe) showing papillose surface. 5, 6. Leaves from gemmiparous tip, the lower leaf showing gemmae formation. 7. Underleaf from gemmiparous tip (drawn to same scale as figs. 5 and 6). 8. Gemmae. 9. Innermost ♀ bract (DL = dorsal lobe). 10, 11. Portions of perianth mouth. (Figs. 1, 2, 9–11, from Schuster 53381, New Zealand, South Is., Westland EP, upper reaches of Haast R., 1 km N of Haast Pass; 3, 4, from Engel 21276, New Zealand, North Is., Volcanic Plateau EP, Tongariro Natl. Park, Mangawhero R., off Ohakune Mt. Road, ca. 1200 m; 5, 7, from Engel 6610, New Zealand, South Is., Westland EP, Westland Natl. Park, Gillespies Cook R. Road, between Tornado Creek and Whelan Creek; 6, 8, from Engel 21331, New Zealand, North Is., Volcanic Plateau EP, Tongariro Natl. Park, ca. 8 km from Ohakune on Ohakune Mtn. Road, ca. 950 m.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4Y0Q]
Fig. 174. Blepharidophyllum vertebrale (Taylor ex Gottsche, Lindenb. & Nees) Ångstr. 1. Sector of leading shoot with Frullania -type branch and associated half-leaf, dorsal view. 2. Sector of leading shoot, ventral view. 3. Sector of shoot, lateral view; leaves cut off except at their bases to show rounded, keelar portion. 4. Leaf. 5. Leaf with lobes spread (dorsal lobe at left). 6. Leaf. 7. Half-leaf. 8. Median cells of ventral lobe, surface detail shown in part. 9. Median-basal leaf cells (i.e., the median-basal sector of ensheathing or keelar portion; note the non-vittate condition). 10. Distal sector of dorsal lobe. 11. Cilia of dorsal margin of dorsal lobe. (All from Engel 18404, New Zealand, South Is., Westland EP, Arthur's Pass Natl. Park, Kelly Ra.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4Y0R]
Fig. 175. Oil-bodies, all with the outline of a few chloroplasts included. 1. Acrolophozia pectinata R.M.Schust. Median leaf cells. 2. Herzogobryum teres (Carrington & Pearson) Grolle. Median leaf cells. 3. Nothogymnomitrion erosum (Carrington & Pearson) R.M.Schust. Median cells of leaf. 4. Gymnomitrion strictum (Berggr.) R.M.Schust. Median leaf cells. (Fig. 1, from Glenny 9414, New Zealand, South Is., Canterbury EP, Arthur’s Pass Natl. Park, Temple Basin; 2, from Glenny 8868, New Zealand, South Is., Westland EP, Arthur’s Pass Natl. Park, Upper Otira Valley; 3, from Glenny 9025, Western Nelson EP, Harwoods Hole; 4, from Glenny 8867, New Zealand, South Is., Westland EP, Arthur’s Pass Natl. Park, Upper Otira Valley.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4Y0S]
Fig. 176. Marsupella sparsifolia subsp. childii R.M.Schust. 1. Leading shoot with 2 stoloniform, lateral-intercalary branches (dorsal view); note also the stoloniform basal sector of the shoot and the dorsally interlocking merophytes. 2. Sector of leading shoot showing leaf insertions crossing stem midline dorsally. 3. Sector of main shoot with a lateral-intercalary branch, dorsal view; note 3-lobed leaf. 4. Five leaves. 5, 6. Median leaf cells with oil-bodies. 7. Portion of leaf lobe. 8. Portion of perianth mouth. (All from Glenny 9735, New Zealand, South Is., Canterbury EP, Harman Pass.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4Y0T]
Fig. 177. Marsupella sparsifolia subsp. childii R.M.Schust. (figs. 1–8) and Marsupella sprucei (Limpr.) Bernet (figs. 9–17). 1. Mature gynoecium, dorsal view; note capsule dehiscence within the enclosed ♀ bracts (capsule valve at arrow). 2. Longitudinal section through gynoecium with mature sporophyte; note paroecious condition. 3. Seta, cross section. 4. Capsule profile. 5. Capsule wall, cross section. 6. Capsule wall, outer layer. 7. Capsule wall, inner layer. 8. Antheridial stalk. 9–14. Leaves (all drawn to same scale). 15. Bract of innermost series (above) and (below) a bract from series immediately below, both inserted on the perigynium (and note drawn to same scale as leaves). 16. Portion of perianth mouth. 17. Antheridial stalk. (Figs. 1–8, from Glenny 9735, New Zealand, South Is., Canterbury EP, Harman Pass; 9–17, from Engel 17909, New Zealand, South Is., Otago EP, Mt. Aspiring Natl. Park, below and W of Mt. Shrimpton.) © All rights reserved. [Image: 4Y0U]
Plate 1A Haplomitrium gibbsiae, distal sector of shoots, male (left) capsule (right). Photo, W. Malcolm. B Haplomitrium gibbsiae, female plants showing archegonia. Photo, J. Braggins. C Haplomitrium gibbsiae, male plants showing antheridia. Photo, J. Braggins. D Lepicolea attenuata, habit, showing coelocaules. Photo, J. Braggins. E Lepicolea scolopendra, habit, showing bristle-like texture and pinnate branching. Photo, J. Braggins. F Lepicolea scolopendra, shoot apex. Photo, W. Malcolm. © All rights reserved. [Image: 4Y1A]
Plate 2A Neogrollea notabilis, habit. Photo, J. Braggins. B Neogrollea notabilis, perianth and sporophyte. Photo, J. Braggins. C Neogrollea notabilis, ventral (left) and dorsal (right) views of the same shoot showing isophyllous condition. Photo, W. Malcolm. D Herbertus oldfieldianus, habit. Photo, W. Malcolm. E Triandrophyllum subtrifidum, covering soil bank. Note long setae. Photo, J. Braggins. F Triandrophyllum subtrifidum, habit; note decurved shoot tips. Photo, W. Malcolm. © All rights reserved. [Image: 4Y1I]
Plate 3A Temnoma pulchellum, habit. Photo, J. Braggins. B Temnoma pulchellum, habit. Photo, W. Malcolm. C Archeophylla schusteri, growing on Herzogianthus vaginatus, with Acrobolbus lophocoleoides and Clandarium xiphophyllum. Arrow points to the Archeophylla. Photo, J. Braggins. D Leiomitra julacea, habit. Photo, J. Braggins. E Leiomitra julacea, habit. Photo, J. Braggins. F Leiomitra lanata, habit, showing coelocaules of sporophyte and elongate seta of sporophyte. Photo, J. Braggins. © All rights reserved. [Image: 4Y1J]
Plate 4A Eotrichocolea polyacantha, habit. Photo, J. Braggins. B Trichocolea mollissima, showing details of two branches. Photo, J. Braggins. C Trichocolea hatcheri, habit. Photo, W. Malcolm. D Trichocolea mollissima, distal sector of plant showing 2-3-pinnate branching. Photo, W. Malcolm. E Trichotemnoma corrugatum, habit. Photo, M. von Konrat. F Trichotemnoma corrugatum, habit. Photo, W. Malcolm. © All rights reserved. [Image: 4Y1K]
Plate 5A Lepidozia digitata, two shoots. Photo, W. Malcolm. B Lepidozia digitata, shoot detail. Photo, W. Malcolm. C Lepidozia glaucescens, habit, among Leucobryum candidum. Photo, J. Braggins. D Lepidozia pendulina, habit; note small capsules on long slender setae. Photo, J. Braggins. E Lepidozia microphylla, habit. Photo, J. Braggins. F Lepidozia microphylla, shoot detail. Photo, W. Malcolm. © All rights reserved. [Image: 4Y1L]
Plate 6A Lepidozia spinosissima, ± pure hummock on forest floor. Photo, J. Braggins. B Telaranea herzogii, habit. Photo, W. Malcolm. C Lepidozia spinosissima, whole plant with perianth. Photo, J. Braggins. D Telaranea gibbsiana, distal sector of shoot. Photo, W. Malcolm. E Kurzia helophila, habit; note pigmentation. Photo, W. Malcolm. F Kurzia hippuroides, habit. Photo, W. Malcolm. © All rights reserved. [Image: 4Y1M]
Plate 7A Psiloclada clandestina, habit. Photo, W. Malcolm. B Psiloclada clandestina, main shoot with branches. Photo, W.Malcolm. C Drucella integristipula, habit; note capsule (upper middle). Photo, J. Braggins. D Acromastigum anisostomum, habit. Photo, W. Malcolm. E Bazzania novae-zelandiae, habit. Photo, J. Braggins. F Bazzania novae-zelandiae, close-up of shoots. Photo, W. Malcolm. © All rights reserved. [Image: 4Y1N]
Plate 8A Bazzania tayloriana, habit; note glaucous condition. Photo, W. Malcolm. B Bazzania involuta, showing intercalary stoloniform branches and dominance ofleading shoots. Photo, W. Malcolm. C Zoopsis nitida, habit, growing on damp rotten wood on underside of old fallen tree trunk. Photo, J. Braggins. D Pseudocephalozia lepidozioides, habit. Photo, J. Braggins. E Zoopsidella caledonica, whole plants on humus; note leaf areolation visible at lower magnification. Photo, W. Malcolm. F Zoopsidella caledonica, single leaf. Photo, W. Malcolm. © All rights reserved. [Image: 4Y1P]
Plate 9A Zoopsis leitgebiana, single shoot. Photo, W. Malcolm. B Zoopsis argentea, margin of shoot showing reduced leaves, dorsal view. Photo, W. Malcolm. C Zoopsis bicruris, leading shoot showing reduced leaves (at right) and medullary strand Photo, D. Glenny. D Zoopsis setulosa, view of whole plants. Photo, W. Malcolm. E Zoopsis argentea, shoot, dorsal view showing reduced leaves and medullary strand, Photo, W. Malcolm F Zoopsis nitida, dorsal view of shoot. Photo, D. Glenny. G Zoopsis setulosa, dorsal view of shoot. Photo, W. Malcolm. H Zoopsis setulosa, margin of shoot showing reduced leaf. Photo, W. Malcolm. I Zoopsis matawai, dorsal view of shoot. Photo, D. Glenny. © All rights reserved. [Image: 4Y1Q]
Plate 10A Lembidium nutans, habit. Photo, W. Malcolm. B Lembidium longifolium, habit. Photo, J. Braggins. C Lembidium longifolium, single shoot, ventral view. Photo, W. Malcolm. D Chloranthelia berggrenii, single shoot, dorsal view, showing notably fleshy stem. Photo, W. Malcolm. E Chloranthelia berggrenii, habit. Photo, J. Braggins. F Chloranthelia berggrenii, habit; note pure green color and fleshy stems. Photo, W. Malcolm. © All rights reserved. [Image: 4Y1B]
Plate 11A Alegalembidium insulanum, dendroid plants seen from above. Photo, J. Braggins. B Megalembidium insulanum, erect shoots with pale spicate androecia toward bases. Photo, J. Braggins. C Hygrolembidum australe, showing characteristic pure light green colour, inflated perianths and deeply concave leaves. Photo, J. Braggins. D Calypogeia sphagnicola, habit, showing attenuated gemmiparous shoot tips. Photo, J. Braggins. E .Jackiella curvata, habit. Photo, W. Malcolm. F Anthelia juratzkana, habit; note whitish surface coating that covers all of plants. Photo, W. Malcolm. © All rights reserved. [Image: 4Y1C]
Plate 12A Adelanthus gemmiparus, distal sector of shoots. Photo, W. Malcolm. B Lophozia pumicicola, habit; with perianths. Photo, J. Braggins. C Pseudomarsupidium piliferum, habit; note pair of awns at each of leaf apices. Photo, W. Malcolm. D Cuspidatula monodon, shoot showing strongly dorsally assurgent leaves. Photo, W. Malcolm. E Adelanthus falcatus, capsule and seta have emerged from calyptra with its attachment at the base of the plant. Photo, W. Malcolm. F Wettsteinia schustereana, shoot apex. Photo, W. Malcolm. G Allisoniella scottii, whole plant showing perianth and ventral-intercalary branch at right. Photo, D. Glenny. © All rights reserved. [Image: 4Y1D]
Plate 13A Solenostoma totipapillosum, habit. Photo, W. Malcolm. B Solenostoma cryptogynum, habit. Photo, W. Malcolm. C Anastrophyllum schismoides, shoot apices, lateral view. Photo, W. Malcolm. D Solenostoma inundatum, shoot apex showing transverse leaves. Photo, W. Malcolm. E Chandonanthus squarrosus, habit. Photo, W. Malcolm. F Solenostoma hodgsoniae, sterile shoots. Photo, J. Braggins. G Solenostoma hodgsoniae; note yellowish antheridia in bract axils. Photo, J. Braggins. © All rights reserved. [Image: 4Y1E]
Plate 14A Jamesoniella kirkii, epiphytic on tree bark. Photo, J. Braggins. B Jamesoniella colorata, habit. Photo, J. Braggins. C Cryptochila pseudocclusa, distal sector of shoot, lateral view. Note tightly recurved leaf margins Photo, W. Malcolm. D Cryptochila pseudocclusa, single leaf showing recurved margin. Photo, W. Malcolm. E Cryptochila pseudocclusa, gynoecium showing twisted perianth; note portion of incised-lobulate innermost bract visible at arrow. Photo, M. van Konrat & J. Engel. F Jamesoniella tasmanica, shoot apex, dorsal view. Photo, W. Malcolm. G Jamesoniella colorata, plant in moist state among mosses. Photo, W. Malcolm. © All rights reserved. [Image: 4Y1F]
Plate 15A Diplophyllum domesticum, perianth. Photo, W. Malcolm. B Scapania undulata, distal sector of shoot, dorsal view. Photo, W. Malcolm. C Diplophyllum verrucosum, shoots; note pigmentation. Photo, W.Malcolm. D Diplophyllum verrucosum, distal sector of leaf. Photo, W. Malcolm. E Clandarium xiphophyllum, shoots; note pigmentation. Photo, W. Malcolm. F Blepharidophyllum vertebrale, shoots. Photo, W. Malcolm. © All rights reserved. [Image: 4Y1G]
Plate 16A Herzogobryum teres, distal sector of shoots. Photo. W. Malcolm. B Herzogobryum teres, distal sector of leaf showing thin-walled hyaline margin and asperulate leaf surface. Photo, W. Malcolm. C Nothogymnomitrion erosum, whole plants among Andreaea. Photo, W. Malcolm. D Nothogymnomitrion erosum, leaf margins and apex, showing projecting marginal row of thick-walled cells. Photo, W. Malcolm. E Gymnomitrion cuspidatum, whole plants. Photo, W. Malcolm. F Nothogymnomitrion erosum, perianth and capsule. Photo, W. Malcolm. © All rights reserved. [Image: 4Y1H]