Lichens (1985) - Flora of New Zealand Lichens
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Phaeophyscia orbicularis (Neck.) Moberg

P. orbicularis (Necker) Moberg, Symb. bot. upsal. 22: 44 (1977).

Lichen orbicularis Necker, Deliciae gallo-belgicae: 509 (1768).

Thallus orbicular, to 3 cm diam., sometimes confluent with other thalli, ± closely attached. Lobes radiating, to 1 mm wide, overlapping or indistinctly separated. Upper surface pale grey to dark brown, sometimes yellowish (skyrin), sorediate. Soralia laminal or marginal, ± capitate, sometimes spreading and covering large areas of thallus, white or yellowish (skyrin). Lower surface black, rhizinate. Rhizines simple, occasionally projecting beyond lobe margins. Apothecia ± central, rarely towards lobe apices, to 1.5 mm diam., with or without rhizines on lower side. Ascospores 18-26 × 7-11 µm. Chemistry: TLC nil.

N: S: Throughout, in urban areas on bark of introduced deciduous trees (Acer, Prunus, Quercus etc.) in parks or gardens, also on bird perching stones in inland areas. Still poorly known and collected in New Zealand.


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