Luzula leptophylla Buchenau & Petrie
Type: WELT, 12654, Mt Kyeburn, Central Otago, 3,500 feet, D.P. [Petrie] 1595/1.
Grass-like, very slender, stoloniferous. Lvs < 0.5 mm. wide, almost filiform, margins occ. incurved, almost glab., tips obtuse. Flowering stems 4–8–(12) cm. long, c. 0.5 mm. wide. Infl. 4–6–(12)-fld, a simple, spike-like, erect, rounded head, or composed of 2 closely compacted clusters. Fls < 2 mm. long; tepals acute, dark brown, almost black at the centre with broad, silver, membr. margins. Stamens 3. Capsule = tepals, dark brown above, green towards the base. 2n = 12.
DIST.: N. Ruahine and Kaimanawa Ranges. S. Mt Somers, South Canterbury, and in mountains of Otago and Southland.
Water courses and damp places from 750–1,500 m. altitude.
Distinct from all other spp. of Luzula by its very narrow lvs, slender rhizomes and 3 stamens.