Lichens (1985) - Flora of New Zealand Lichens
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Pachyphiale cornea (With.) Poetsch

P. cornea (With.) Poetsch in Poetsch et Schiederm., Syst. Aufzähl. samml. Pflanzen: 222 (1872).

Lichen corneus With., Bot. Arr. Brit. Pl. 2: 712 (1776).

Thallus thin, pale, mealy, greyish-buff or lacking. Apothecia pale red-brown, 0.5 mm wide, proper margin entire, pale, smooth, darker when wet, disc concave, translucent when wet, spurious thalline margin sometimes present, formed by eruption of disc through upper cortex. Ascospores acicular, many-septate, 58-80 × 3-4 µm.

N: Sine loco. Collected by William Colenso from bark (BM).


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