Pannaria microphyllizans
≡Psoroma sphinctrinum var. microphyllizans Nyl., Syn. meth. lich. 2: 25 (1863).
≡Psoroma microphyllizans (Nyl.) D.J.Galloway, N. Z. J. Bot. 21: 196 (1983).
?=Pannaria vischii C.W.Dodge, Nova Hedwigia 19 (3–4): 464 (1971) ["1970"]
Lectotype: New Zealand. Sine loco. Dumont d'Urville ex Herb. Buchinger – H-NYL 30782 [fide Galloway (1985a: 478)].
Pannaria vischii. Type: New Zealand. South I., Canterbury, Woolshed Hill, on moss on floor of Nothofagus forest, L. Visch 82 (FH – not seen). [Additional material cited by Dodge (1971: 465) under this name from the Auckland Is (Ewing I., and Enderby I. – CANU) is referable to P. microphyllizans].
Description : Flora (1985: 478 – as Psoroma microphyllizans).
Chemistry : Pd+ orange; containing vicanicin.
N: Northland (Warawara Ra., Whangarei Heads, Little Barrier I., Great Barrier I.), Auckland (Rangitoto I.), South Auckland (Mangataki River, Pio Pio), Wellington (Kapiti I., Tararua Ra., Rimutaka Ra.). S: Nelson (Cobb Valley), Marlborough (d'Urville I.), Canterbury, Otago (Mt Cargill, Leith Valley, Otakou Bush) St: (Islet Cove Port Pegasus). A: Throughout, in similar situations to P. sphinctrina.
Exsiccati : Elix (1990: No. 217 – as Psoroma microphyllizans); Vězda (2000: No. 444 – as Psoroma microphyllizans).
Illustrations : Jørgensen & Galloway (1992b: 286, fig. 98B); Kantvilas & Jarman (1999: 130) – both as Psoroma microphyllizans.
Pannaria microphyllizans is characterised by: the corticolous habit; a variable, laciniate thallus similar to that of P. sphinctrina (q.v.), but with conspicuous laminal and marginal phyllidia; and a chemistry containing vicanicin. It has a green alga as major photobiont. Recent field observations suggest that there are two additional taxa in New Zealand material (A. Elvebakk, pers. comm.).