Lichens Pan-Z (2007) - Flora of New Zealand Lichens - Revised Second Edition Pan-Z
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Pannaria dichroa

P. dichroa (Hook.f. & Taylor) Cromb., J. Bot. 15: 104 (1877).

Lecanora dichroa Hook.f. & Taylor, Lond. J. Bot. 3: 643 (1844).

Description : Thallus subcrustose forming small closely attached rosettes, pale-brown with flabellate peripheral squamules (to 3 mm wide) without superficial striations (×10 lens). Apothecia clustered centrally, sessile to subimmersed, to 2 mm diam., disc concave, brown, matt, epruinose; thalline margin persistent, entire, smooth to 250 μm thick, concolorous with thallus. Ascospores ellipsoidal, 14–15 × 8–9 μm.

Chemistry : TLC−, all reactions negative.

A: (Beacon Point). C: (summits of Mts Azimuth, Dumas, Filhol and Honey, Monument Harbour). On moist rocks in exposed, alpine localities and on coastal rocks. Associating with Placopsis cribellans, P. perrugosa, P. subcribellans and Rinodina thiomela. Known also from other Southern Hemisphere subantarctic island groups, the Crozet Archipelago, Kerguelen, Marion I., and Prince Edward I. (Jørgensen 2000c: 410; Øvstedal & Gremmen 2001).


Illustration : Jørgensen (2000c: 409, fig. 2B).

Pannaria dichroa is characterised by: the saxicolous habit; the pale-brownish, subcrustose thallus with swollen, flabellate, peripheral lobes; brown apothecial discs with a smooth, entire thalline margin. It is distinguished from P. hookeri, which has black apothecial discs and distinctly squamulose thalline margins and distinctly striate lobes (×10 lens).

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