Lichens (1985) - Flora of New Zealand Lichens
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Omphalina luteovitellina (Pilát & Nannf.) M.Lange

O. luteovitellina (Pilat et Nannfeldt) M. Lange, Meddr Grønland 148: 63 (1957).

Omphalia luteovitellina Pilat et Nannfeldt, Friesia 5: 22 (1954).

Pileus to 15 mm broad, convex to plane, margin striate when wet, becoming undulate or scalloped, disc shallowly depressed, surface glabrous, often shining, appearing moist, bright yellow, paler with age and drying. Context thin, concolorous with pileus surface. Lamellae short-decurrent to long-decurrent, distant, often somewhat thickened, narrow, yellow like moist pileus, edges even. Stipe to 18 mm long, 1-2 mm thick, equal or base slightly enlarged often curved, base often tomentose but glabrous to fibrillose or subpubescent above, moist, solid, concolorous with lamellae and pileus. Spores 7-8.5(-9) × 4-4.5 µm, elliptical. Basidia 25-45 × 5-8 µm, mainly 4-spored sometimes 2-spored. Clamp connections absent. Scattered or gregarious, with lichenised association Botrydina vulgaris Bréb.

S: Nelson (Lewis Pass, Rahu Saddle), Southland (Awarua Bog). On damp soil, or among moss, in subalpine or alpine bogs or heaths. Still rather poorly collected in New Zealand.


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