Volume IV (1988) - Flora of New Zealand Naturalised Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, Dicotyledons
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Dianthus L.


Perennial or sometimes annual herbs. Hairs eglandular or glandular, or 0. Lvs opposite, exstipulate, usually linear or linear-lanceolate, often glaucous; cauline lvs connate in pairs. Fls solitary or in lax to compact cymes; bracts leaflike; base of calyx tightly enclosed in an epicalyx of 2-6 awned scales. Calyx tubular, usually at least 35-ribbed, 5-toothed, with green commissures. Petals 5, white, pink or red, clawed, usually toothed or fringed, often bearded; coronal scales 0. Stamens 10, in 2 equal or unequal whorls. Styles 2. Fr. a cylindric capsule dehiscing by 4 teeth; carpophore usually present. Seeds flattened, scutate, finely grooved, not winged.


Fls clustered in heads of (2)-5-30 or more; pedicels < calyx; epicalyx = calyx
Fls solitary or in lax infls; pedicels > or = calyx; epicalyx up to c. 1/2 length of calyx
Lvs dark green, < 7 mm wide; lvs and calyx glabrous or with soft hairs at least 0.3 mm long; fls in clusters of 2-5-(10)
Lvs bright green, > 10 mm wide; lvs and calyx glabrous except for short cilia c. 0.1 mm long on margin; fls in clusters of 15-30 or more
Stems and calyx clothed in very short stiff hairs; basal lvs < 2.5 cm long, obtuse, soft; seeds c. 1.5 mm long, ovate
Stems glabrous; calyx ciliate on margins; basal lvs usually > 3 cm long, acute, stiff; seeds c. 3 mm long, orbicular

270 spp., Europe, Asia, Africa and N. America. Naturalised spp. 4.

The genus includes pinks (D. plumarius, D. deltoides and various hybrids), carnations (D. caryophyllus and hybrids) and sweet William (D. barbatus). Wild N.Z. plants of D. barbatus, D. deltoides and D. plumarius have originated from selected horticultural cvs and may therefore differ slightly in some respects from the wild spp. in Europe.

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