Volume IV (1988) - Flora of New Zealand Naturalised Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, Dicotyledons
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Cerastium L.


Annual or perennial herbs, sometimes subshrubs. Hairs usually dense, glandular and/or eglandular, rarely 0. Lvs opposite, exstipulate. Infl. cymose, sometimes reduced to solitary fl.; bracts and sepals herbaceous or with narrow to wide scarious margins; epicalyx 0. Sepals 5, free. Petals 5, white, emarginate or 2-fid up to ⅓ way, rarely 0; coronal scales 0. Stamens usually 10, sometimes 8, 5 or fewer. Styles (3)-5-(6). Fr. a cylindric capsule, often curved, dehiscing by twice as many short apical teeth as the styles, sessile. Seeds many, obovoid, spherical or reniform, tuberculate, not winged.


Petals < or =, rarely slightly > sepals; styles < 2 mm long
Petals c. 2× sepals; styles 2.5-4 mm long
Perennial; calyx hairs eglandular, not overtopping sepal apex; styles 1.5-2 mm long
Annual; calyx hairs glandular and eglandular, often overtopping sepal apex; styles < 1 mm long
Pedicel > sepals at fruiting; calyx hairs not overtopping sepal apex; bracts with wide scarious margins and apices
Pedicel < sepals at fruiting; calyx hairs overtopping sepal apex; bracts herbaceous
Stem and lvs with short straight hairs
Stem and lvs with dense white woolly hairs

c. 100 spp., cosmopolitan, especially temperate. Naturalised spp. 5.

Important characters for identification of the spp. are the types of hairs on the sepals and whether they overtop the sepal apex (Fig. 49), and also the length of the petals and styles.

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