Volume V (2000) - Flora of New Zealand Gramineae
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Melinis repens

ξMelinis repens (Willd.) Zizka,red Natalgrass

ξMelinis repens (Willd.) Zizka,red Natalgrass ξTufts up to 40 cm. Culms erect, c. 2 cm diam., geniculate at base. Ligule rim-like, densely ciliate. Panicle c. 15 cm, open; branches and pedicels very slender, villous. Spikelets numerous, 2-flowered, with very distinct, copious, long, silky, white to pinkish or purplish hairs covering and > shortly awned upper glume and lower lemma. This species of tropical and South Africa was collected from the wild in North Auckland H. B. Matthews May 1909 (CHR 20568), and, c. 30 years later, it was collected from waste land in a garden at Takapau, Hawke's Bay A. C. Malin 1.6.1980 (MPN). Recorded as Rhynchelytrum repens (Willd.) C.E.Hubb. by Edgar, E. and Shand, J. E. N.Z. J. Bot. 25: 346 (1987) in a checklist of naturalised panicoid grasses.

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