Nassella (Trin.) É.Desv.
Type species: N. pungens Desv.
Perennial. Floret fusiform, laterally compressed. Lemma heavily silicified, with tightly overlapping margins, apex thickened, coronate or comate; awn persistent or caducous, centric or eccentric. Palea « lemma, nerveless, glabrous. Callus obtuse to bluntly acute. Lodicules 2. Stamens 1-3. Caryopsis conforming to shape of, and as long as lemma; embryo small; hilum linear.
Callus 3-4 mm, hairs to 4 mm; corona a prominent ridge with spines to 1 mm; ligule to 0.5 mm
100 spp. of the New World, mainly South American. Naturalised spp. 3.