Achnatherum P.Beauv.
Type species: A. calamagrostis (L.) P.Beauv.
Perennial with intra- or extravaginal branching. Inflorescence an open or narrow panicle; branches scabrid. Glumes > lemma, 1- and 3-nerved, hyaline. Lemma cylindrical, thickly membranous, margins meeting, hairy throughout or almost so, apex comate, not thickened. Palea ≤ lemma, nerves 2, hairy throughout. Callus short. Cleistogenes present or not.
Branching intravaginal; leaf-blade adaxially finely prickle-toothed; glume nerves conspicuous; lemma hairy on keel and outer margin; coma evident; awn to 20 mm; often cleistogamous
Branching extravaginal; leaf-blade adaxially clothed in hairs; glume nerves obscure; lemma hairy throughout; coma obscure; awn to 40 mm; always chasmogamous
c. 300 spp.; Eurasia, Africa, New World, Australasia. Endemic sp. 1; naturalised sp. 1.