Volume V (2000) - Flora of New Zealand Gramineae
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Phalaris angusta

ξP. angusta Trin.

ξP. angusta Trin. ξFibrous-rooted annual, 110 cm. Uppermost leaf-sheath ± inflated. Leaf-blade scabrid. Panicle narrow-oblong, to 10 × 1 cm. Spikelets 4 mm. Glumes oblong, ± apiculate, almost toothed at apex, hardly winged except near apex, keel scabrid. Ø florets: lemmas ± equal, 1.2-1.5 mm, linear, sparsely hairy. ⚥ florets: lemma c. 3 mm, silky-hairy. A species of North America and southern South America, known from one collection, CHR 225478 Smeaton Tanekaha in Hikurangi Swamp, Whangarei County, in pasture on land subject to flooding, 1971.

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