Yoania Maxim.
Type sp.: Y. japonica Maxim. in Bull. Acad. Sci. Petersb. 18, 1873, 68. The N.Z. sp. endemic.
Raceme of few to many fls; pedicels short to long; floral bracts scarious. Per. sts glandular-hairy; labellum adaxial in bud but ± twisted away from that position as fl. matures; sepals free, ± similar; petals only slightly smaller, partly covered by dorsal sepal to form hood over column. Labellum as long as petals, erect, broad, concave, ± saccate near broad base, contracted towards tip. Column erect, shorter than labellum; anther erect, pollinia sectile; stigma deeply concave. Plants terrestrial, non-green; rhizome elongated, branched. Flowering stem erect, unbranched, bearing loosely sheathing scales. Obscure genus of few spp. and uncertain limits, recorded from Himalayas, N. Africa, Formosa and Japan.
See also Bentham in Ic. Pl. 14, 1881, t. 1364; Finet in Bull. Soc. bot. Fr. 43, 1896, 601, t. 12 and 47, 1900, 274, t. 9B.; Makino, Ill. Fl. Japan, 1955, Pl. 1.
Fig. 36. YOANIA. Y. australis. Lettering as in fig. 20, p. 103; Po = pollen masses. © All rights reserved. [Image: 4X2U]