Drymoanthus Nicholls
Type sp.: D. minutus W. H. Nicholls in Vict. Nat., Melb. 59, 1943, 175, figs on p. 174.
Racemes axillary, sts piercing lf-sheath in axil of which infl. arises; floral bracts small and scale-like. Per. with labellum uppermost; sepals and petals nearly equal, spreading, narrow-oblong; lateral sepals in part adnate to short column-foot, in part to labellum but not meeting in front. Labellum fleshy, concave, continuous with short column-foot and not jointed to it, without spur; mid-lobe small and not sharply defined from lateral lobes. Column short, cylindric, foot at most barely as long as wide; anther narrowly joined to column, caducous, pollinia 4 in 2 pairs, members of a pair unequal, stipe short, slender, arising from a definite disc; stigma in a deep cavity; rostellum prominent. Capsule containing many curled hairs as well as seeds. Plants perennial, epiphytic, with roots attached widely over surface of tree-bark; stem mostly simple, often shorter than lvs, internodes very short; lvs ± distichous; old racemes from previous years often persisting. Genus of 2 (?) spp. confined to eastern Australia and N.Z.
Fig. 37. DRYMOANTHUS. D. adversus. Lettering as in fig. 20, p. 103. Plant with almost ripe capsules and also persistent stems of old infructescences. © All rights reserved. [Image: 4X2V]