Volume IV (1988) - Flora of New Zealand Naturalised Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, Dicotyledons
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Euphrasia L.


Annual or perennial semi-parasitic herbs; stems either erect and sometimes woody at base, or slender and prostrate and then often rooting at the nodes. Lower and upper lvs similar or dissimilar, opposite or upper subopposite, usually toothed, sometimes glandular. Fls usually in bracteate, terminal spikes or racemes, sometimes solitary in the axils of leaflike bracts. Calyx tubular or campanulate, with 4 equal lobes and equal or unequal clefts between. Corolla tube short or long, funnelform; limb 2-lipped; upper lip hooded or grooved, ± 2-lobed; lower lip with 3, usually emarginate lobes. Stamens 4, equal or unequal; anthers awned at base; cells parallel. Fr. a loculicidal capsule, laterally compressed. Seeds numerous, usually oblong or fusiform, furrowed, very small; wing 0.


Corolla tube ± filiform, usually much > 15 mm long; anthers free; capsule rupturing side of calyx, usually asymmetric
Corolla tube ± cylindric, < 15 mm long; anthers cohering at margins; capsule not rupturing side of calyx, symmetric
Lvs entire, linear-lanceolate
Lvs shallowly toothed to deeply divided, wider than linear-lanceolate although segments sometimes linear-lanceolate
Lvs digitately divided ?-1/2 way into 3-7 linear-lanceolate or linear segments
Lvs ± crenately toothed but not digitately divided into linear segments
Plant of coastal sands, usually creeping and rooting, often forming tight mats; lvs divided to < ⅓ way; segments subacute to acute, the middle segment usually > the lateral
Plant of subalpine bogs, usually only slightly rooting and not mat-forming; lvs divided up to 1/2 way into acute to acuminate subequal segments
Plant annual, branching from single original stem and root-system; branches never rooting below
Plant perennial; stem stout and branched from woody stock, or slender, prostrate, rooting, giving off many erect branches
Pedicels mostly < lvs, sometimes slightly exceeding lvs at fruiting
Pedicels mostly much > lvs, at least at fruiting
Lvs glabrous or nearly so, with margins minutely ciliate; lobes of corolla lower lip deeply emarginate
Lvs prominently hairy, or if not so then lobes of corolla lower lip entire
Corolla yellow, with lobes of lower lip shallowly emarginate; lvs with stiff appressed hairs, especially on margins, and long glandular hairs
Corolla white, with throat yellow or yellow-spotted, with lobes of lower lip entire; lvs with crisped, flattened, white hairs and sometimes short glandular hairs
Lvs and calyx with fine stiff white hairs, especially on raised margins, and glandular hairs short or 0; lvs bluntly crenate; calyx lobes obtuse
Lvs and calyx without fine stiff white hairs, and usually with long jointed glandular hairs; lvs ± serrate; calyx lobes acute
Calyx with glandular hairs, usually also white-hairy; lvs glabrous, but sometimes margins ciliate
Calyx without glandular hairs, glabrous or white-hairy; lvs always glabrous
Pedicels usually much > lvs
Pedicels < or at most = lvs
Plant extensively creeping and rooting with slender tufted erect branches not > c. 5 cm tall; calyx usually uniformly white-hairy and ± evenly divided
Plant usually > 5 cm tall, branched from woody stock or with decumbent rooting stems; calyx glabrous or nearly so, unevenly divided
Lvs shortly petiolate; branches leafy and with small axillary branchlets; infl. often branched; lower lip of corolla distinctly > upper; capsule usually much > calyx, the apex narrowed and setose
Lvs apetiolate; branches with small axillary branchlets and lacking lvs; infl. always simple; lower lip of corolla slightly > upper; capsule not or hardly > calyx, the upper part broadly rounded and glabrous or nearly so
Lvs usually broadest at 1/2 way, often almost as broad as long, with 3-5 subequal crenate teeth or lobes; plants 3-5-(10) cm tall
Lvs broadest at or near apex, never as broad as long, usually very unequally and often shallowly 3-lobed at tip; plants usually > 8 cm tall
Lvs usually imbricate, extremely cartilaginous when dry, broad-obovate with cuneate base and 1-2 pairs of usually shallow incisions; fls usually few, crowded; pedicels short and hidden
Lvs usually distant, moderately cartilaginous when dry, narrow-cuneate, cuneate-oblong or cuneate-obovate, unequally 3-lobed at broad apex; fls usually in short racemes; pedicels to 10 mm long

c. 200 spp., N. temperate, montane tropics, and S. temperate regions, especially Australasia. Native spp. 15, naturalised 1.

A new infrageneric classification of Euphrasia has been provided by Barker, W. R., J. Adelaide Bot. Gard. 5: 1-304 (1982).

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