Volume IV (1988) - Flora of New Zealand Naturalised Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, Dicotyledons
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Verbascum L.


Biennial or perennial herbs, rarely subshrubs. Lvs simple, usually alternate, very rarely opposite, the lowest nearly always forming basal rosettes. Infl. a terminal raceme, spike or panicle. Fls bracteate, slightly zygomorphic. Calyx lobes 5, usually equal, very rarely unequal. Corolla with very short tube and rotate deeply-lobed limb of 5 slightly irregular lobes, usually yellow. Stamens (4)-5, or 4 with 1 staminode, included; some filaments usually villous; anthers of 2-3 upper stamens reniform, those of 2 lower stamens reniform or ± elongate. Capsule septicidal, often globular. Seeds numerous, usually pitted and rugose, very small; wing 0.


Stem, lvs and bracts densely woolly, at least when young; filaments white-villous
Stem, lvs and bracts not woolly; filaments wholly or partly with purple hairs
Stem and lvs persistently woolly; infl. simple or nearly so
Stem and lvs floccose, the indumentum becoming sparse with age; infl. with numerous slender branches
Bracts and calyx lobes serrate; stamens 4
Bracts (except lowest) and calyx lobes entire; stamens 5
Basal rosette and lower stem hairy; fls 1-3-(4) in each axil; pedicels < calyx
Basal rosette and lower stem glabrous or nearly so; fls 1 in each axil; pedicels > calyx except in immature fls

c. 350 spp., temperate Eurasia. Naturalised spp. 5.

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