Volume IV (1988) - Flora of New Zealand Naturalised Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, Dicotyledons
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Crotalaria L.


Herbs or shrubs. Lvs usually simple or 3-(7)-foliolate, petiolate or subsessile; leaflets entire; stipules filiform to foliaceous or 0. Infl. usually racemose and terminal or lf-opposed; fls sometimes solitary or in axillary clusters; bracts small or 0, rarely foliaceous; bracteoles small, rarely 0. Calyx teeth 5, free or connate with calyx appearing 3-4-toothed. Corolla usually yellow or yellow-green. Stamens connate into a split tube; alternate anthers long and basifixed or short and versatile. Style incurved, bearded above; stigma small. Pod globose or oblong, usually inflated, dehiscent, 1-many-seeded; seeds estrophiolate.

c. 600 spp., tropical and subtropical, mostly Africa. Naturalised sp. 1.

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