Medicago L.
Annual to perennial, procumbent to erect herbs or shrubs. Lvs pinnately 3-foliolate; principal lateral veins thin and straight, terminating at leaflet margin often in a tooth; stipules adnate to petiole. Infl. axillary, racemose, sometimes forming dense heads, few- to many-flowered; bracts present subtending fls. Calyx teeth 5, ± equal. Corolla deciduous after flowering. Vexillary stamen free, the others connate; anthers uniform. Style glabrous; stigma subcapitate. Pod 2-valved, falcate or spirally coiled, scarcely dehiscent, spinous or not armed, few- to many-seeded, rarely 1-2-seeded; seeds estrophiolate, smooth and rounded in N.Z. spp.
c. 50 spp., Europe, C. and W. Asia, N. Africa to Ethiopia, few spp. in tropical and South Africa. Naturalised spp. 8.
The treatment here follows Lesins, K. A. and Lesins, I., Genus Medicago (Leguminosae): a Taxogenetic Study (1979).
Fig. 65. Pods of Medicago. A M. arabica; B M. nigra; C M. lupulina; D M. sativa. © All rights reserved. [Image: 4X5R]