Luzula picta A.Rich.
L. campestris (L.) DC. var. picta (A. Rich.) Hook. f. Handbk N.Z. Fl. 1864, 292.
Tufts grass-like, slender or flaccid, often few-lvd, often rhizomatous. Shoots, including lf-sheaths, us. < 3 mm. but occ. 4 mm. thick at the base. Lvs 2–3–(5) mm. wide, margins moderately or scarcely villous, tips obtuse. Infl. of several clusters, the central cluster subsessile, the remaining clusters on slender peduncles. Fls 2–3.5 mm. long. Stamens 6.
Tepals with a conspicuous dark brown central stripe; all fl.-clusters c. equal, peduncles 1–3–(5) cm. long
Tepals us. with a very light brown central stripe; central fl.-cluster > lateral clusters, peduncles 2–6–(8) cm. long