Volume IV (1988) - Flora of New Zealand Naturalised Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, Dicotyledons
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Atriplex L.


Monoecious or dioecious, annual herbs or small shrubs, glabrous or farinose. Stems green, often striped reddish or white. Lvs generally alternate, flat, toothed or lobed, often hastate, sometimes entire; upper lvs much smaller. Fls in glomerules; glomerules aggregated in panicles, dense spikes or sometimes solitary. ♂ fls: bracteoles 0; perianth segments (3)-5; stamens (3)-5. ♀ fls: bracteoles 2, accrescent and enclosing fr., free or somewhat fused, entire or dentate, often lobed near base, often tuberculate or with appendages on bracts, sometimes spongy inside; perianth usually 0, if present then segments 5. Ovary superior; stigmas 2. Fr. pericarp membranous, often easily detached. Seeds sometimes dimorphic, usually vertical, rarely horizontal; testa usually smooth; radicle often protruding.


Plants prostrate or spreading, the main stem sometimes erect, habit otherwise lax; stems usually < 50 cm long, slender, ribbed; petioles < 3 cm long
Plants erect, usually > 75 cm high; at least the main stem stout and rigid, ± terete or if ribbed then petiole of lower lvs to 5 cm long (sometimes more in basal lvs)
Annuals; lamina triangular-hastate, ovate, rhombic-ovate, or elliptic, if narrower then often lobed, green, red, purple or if glaucous then not entire, on lower lvs > 2 cm long
Perennials; lamina orbicular, broad-ovate, obovate, or linear to narrow-oblong, entire, silvery grey or whitish, on lower lvs usually < 2.5 cm long
Lamina of middle and lower lvs mainly narrowly to broadly triangular-hastate, sometimes ± ovate or rhombic- ovate; base generally truncate, but varying from broad-cuneate to sagittate or hastate
Lamina of middle and lower lvs mainly linear-lanceolate or lanceolate, sometimes ± ovate and then often hastate, otherwise base cuneate
Low spreading subshrub; lvs linear or narrow-oblong
Prostrate or procumbent herb; lvs orbicular, broad- ovate or obovate
Stems angled; lower lvs triangular- or ovate-hastate; ♀ fls dimorphic; bracteoles orbicular or suborbicular, entire
Stems ± terete; lower lvs rhombic-triangular or rhombic-ovate; ♀ fls monomorphic; bracteoles ± rhombic, dentate
Annual, although appearing like a bushy shrub; infl. broadly pyramidal; bracteoles rhombic- triangular or rhombic, dentate, tuberculate
Perennial shrub; infl. a narrow panicle; bracteoles broadly reniform, entire or nearly so, lacking tubercles

200-250 spp., widespread, especially in saline habitats. Native sp. 1, naturalised 6.

Several, additional, mainly shrubby spp. are cultivated in N.Z. and grown for soil stabilisation in dry South Id areas. One of them, the Australian A. vesicaria Benth., bladder saltbush, has been reported regenerating at sites where it has been planted in C. Otago; it is a small shrub with suborbicular bracteoles which are almost concealed at fruiting by large spongy appendages. Another Australian sp., A. semibaccata R. Br., has been recorded for N.Z. but no specimens of wild plants have been seen. It is related to A. cinerea.

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