Volume IV (1988) - Flora of New Zealand Naturalised Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, Dicotyledons
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Hypericum japonicum Thunb.

H. japonicum Murray, Syst. Veg.  ed. 14, 702  (1784)

Prostrate to erect perennial herb, often forming mats and rooting at nodes, lacking black glands. Stems very slender, generally < 15 cm long, 4-angled, often brownish or reddish purple, ascending towards apex when flowering; internodes often short. Lvs sessile, (1)-3-7-(10) × (0.5)-1-3-(5) mm, usually ovate, oblong-ovate, elliptic, or obovate, occasionally linear, with pellucid glands; margin flat or undulate and crisped; base cuneate to rounded. Fls terminal, solitary or few in cymes. Sepals 2-4 mm long, linear-oblong. Corolla (4)-5-8-(c. 10) mm diam., orange-yellow, = or a little > sepals. Stamens ± forming 3 bundles. Styles 3. Capsule 2-4.5 mm diam., broadly ellipsoid-ovoid to suborbicular, dry. Seeds 0.4-0.6 mm long, broad-cylindric to ellipsoid, reticulate.

Very delicate, mat-forming plants with minute lvs 1-3 × 0.5-1 mm occur in some localities, and are currently placed with this sp. This may be the plant described as H. pusillum Choisy early last century from Australasia and regarded as a synonym of H. japonicum [ see Robson, N. K. B., Blumea 20: 268 (1972)]. Robson considered that there are 2 "variants" of H. japonicum present in N.Z. but did not state to which the name H. pusillum applies; one variant usually has irregular stem branching, or if the stems are sympodial then they are erect to decumbent, the other usually has sympodial branching and ± prostrate stems. The latter is also indigenous to New Guinea and Tasmania, whereas the first variant occupies the range of the sp.

N.; S.; St.

Also indigenous to Japan, China, N.E. India, Sri Lanka, S.E. Asia, Malesia, S.E. Australia.

Lowland to montane open places, especially wet ground, sometimes in modified communities.

FL Nov-Apr.

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