Volume IV (1988) - Flora of New Zealand Naturalised Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, Dicotyledons
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Trees, shrubs or herbs, often with resinous sap and translucent, black or red glands. Lvs opposite, rarely alternate or whorled, simple, exstipulate. Fls mostly in terminal cymose panicles (dichasia, monochasia, thyrses) or solitary, actinomorphic, unisexual or ⚥, occasionally distylous. Sepals 2-6, rarely more, imbricate. Petals 2-6, rarely more, imbricate or nearly so, sometimes contorted in bud. Stamens usually numerous, free or united, often in antipetalous bundles; staminodes often present in ♀ fls. Ovary superior, 1-many-locular. Placentae axile, basal or parietal. Ovules 1-numerous per loculus. Styles free, connate, or 0. Fr. a capsule, berry or drupe. Seeds with or without an aril, non-endospermic.

40-50 genera, c. 1000 spp., tropical and subtropical regions except for the mainly temperate genus Hypericum.

The family is often known by the alternative name Guttiferae. Hypericum and some other genera have often been placed in a separate family, Hypericaceae, distinguished from Clusiaceae sens. strict. by always having ⚥ fls and usually non-arillate seeds, as well as by the lack of close parallel nerves and the presence of glandular dots instead of glandular canals.

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