Volume IV (1988) - Flora of New Zealand Naturalised Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, Dicotyledons
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Myosotis arnoldii L.B.Moore

M. arnoldii L. Moore, in Allan, Fl. New Zealand  1:   830, 972  (1961)

Rosette lvs linear-spathulate to oblanceolate; hairs uniformly stiff, straight, appressed, completely hiding epidermis. Lateral branches erect; stem lvs narrow-oblong, 0 below cyme. Cymes ebracteate, many-flowered, compact. Calyx hairs short, stiff, silvery, with some longer and hooked. Corolla yellow, greenish to almost black, to 10 mm diam.; tube narrow-funnelform, much > lobes; filaments broad, c. 2 mm long, = anthers.

S.: Marlborough, Nelson.


Limestone bluffs.

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