Chionochloa crassiuscula subsp. torta Connor
; Holotype: CHR 9613! V. D. Zotov L[ake] Harris, 4 Jan. 1936.
Short, stout, robust tussock. Leaf-sheath to 12 cm, sometimes purpled, usually with many short interrib hairs. Ligule to 0.5 mm. Leaf-blade 30 cm × 6 mm, drawn out into long tapering, twisting or curling, pointed apex; adaxially with few prickle-teeth near ligule. Culm to 65 cm, internodes often hairy. Lemma to 6 mm; hairs dense on margin and in all internerves though sometimes absent from some. Plate 1B.
S.: east and west of Main Divide from lat. 42 S to Fiordland. Alpine grasslands with impeded drainage, and bogs; 600-1850 m.
Glabrous leaf-sheaths are more frequent in Fiordland; leaf-sheaths with conspicuous or ± conspicuous hairs occur north of there.