Cardamine debilis DC.
Rhizomatous perennial herb, (10)-20-50 cm tall. Stems arising from base, decumbent to suberect, green, glabrous, straight, often bearing persistent crowded lf bases below. Lvs glabrous or hairy, green, thin. Basal lvs dying back or not after fruiting, pinnate or rarely entire; petiole long; terminal leaflet usually > lateral, sinuately lobed, broadly ovate, cordate; lateral leaflets in (0)-1-2-(4) pairs, broadly ovate to suborbicular, unevenly truncate at base, bluntly sinuately lobed to entire; petiolules long. Cauline lvs pinnate, shortly petiolate, similar to basal lvs but often more sharply lobed or toothed. Infl. racemose, 5-10-(20) cm long; peduncle usually glabrous, not flexuous. Pedicels glabrous or hairy, erecto-patent, sometimes spreading, 5-20 mm long at fruiting. Sepals glabrous or hairy, purplish or green, (1)-1.5-2-(2.5) × 0.5-1 mm. Petals white, suberect or spreading, obovate or spathulate, (2)-3-6-(7) × (0.5)-1-2-(3) mm, rarely 0. Stamens 6. Smaller, apetalous fls sometimes produced in late summer and autumn. Silique green, brown, yellow or purplish, erecto-patent, 15-25-(40) × 1.5-2 mm; valves glabrous or hairy; style 1.5-4 mm long. Seeds oblong, green, pale yellow or brown, 1.5-2 mm long.
(1) "Narrow Petal" of Pritchard (1957, op. cit.). Basal lvs persisting after fruiting; upper surface hairy or glabrous; marginal hydathodes ±prominent; petiole hairy or glabrous. Cauline lvs with sinuately lobed pinnae. Infl. with 3-10 fls on main stem. Fls erect, 3-4 mm diam. Sepals pink to purplish, sparsely to densely hairy. Petals narrow-oblong, not clawed. Silique glabrous or hairy, straw yellow, c. 1.5 mm wide; style 1.5-2.5 mm long. Seeds pale yellow or brown, c. 1.5 mm long.
(2) "Glossy Leaf" of Pritchard (1957, op. cit.). Basal lvs dying back after fruiting, with sparse hairs on margin only; marginal hydathodes inconspicuous; petiole sparsely hairy near base. Cauline lvs with sharply lobed pinnae. Infl. with 12-15 fls on main stem. Fls erect, 5-6 mm diam. Sepals green or brownish, glabrous. Petals broad, well differentiated into claw and limb. Apetalous fls often produced in autumn. Silique glabrous, green or brown, c. 1.5 mm wide; style < 1 mm long. Seeds green, c. 1.5 mm long.
(3) "Long Style" of Pritchard (1957, op. cit.). Basal lvs persisting after fruiting; upper surface with fine short hairs; marginal hydathodes prominent; petiole glabrous. Cauline lvs with sharply lobed lateral pinnae. Infl. with 12-15 fls on main stem. Fls often nodding, 5-6 mm diam. Sepals pink or brown, mostly glabrous. Petals broad, well differentiated into claw and limb. Silique glabrous, brownish and usually with some purple pigment, c. 1.5 mm wide; style 2-4 mm long. Seeds pale brown, c. 1.5 mm long.
(4) "Tussock Race" of Pritchard (1957, op. cit.). Basal lvs persisting after fruiting; upper surface hairy or glabrous; marginal hydathodes prominent; petiole glabrous. Cauline lvs when present with obovate coarsely lobed pinnae. Infl. with 8-12 fls on main stem. Fls erect, 5-6 mm diam. Sepals green, glabrous. Petals broad, well differentiated into claw and limb. Silique glabrous, straw yellow, c. 40 × 2 mm; style 2-4 mm long. Seeds pale brown, c. 2 mm long.
(5) "Slender var." of Allan (1961). Branches trailing; basal lvs small, short-lived, glabrous or with occasional marginal hairs; marginal hydathodes very prominent; petiole glabrous. Cauline lvs small, pinnate; terminal leaflet bluntly 3-toothed; lateral leaflets in 1-3 pairs, entire or rarely 2-3-lobed. Infl. with 3-5 fls on main stem. Fls 3-4 mm diam. Sepals brownish, glabrous. Petals narrow-obovate, not clawed. Silique 10-20 × 1 mm; style c. 2 mm long. Seeds brown, c. 1 mm long.
N.; S.; St.; Ch.:Throughout.
N.; S.: throughout.
N.; S.: throughout.
N.: Raukumara, Kaimanawa, Ruahine and Tararua Ranges; S.: Nelson mountains S. to about Lewis Pass.
N.: apparently confined to Reporoa Bog, Ruahine Range where it grows on the bases of Carex secta plants.
Dry forest, especially on E. coasts.
Wet sites in forest.
Damp sites in forest.
Tussock grassland above tree line.
FL (Aug)-Oct-Jan-(Apr) Oct-Apr-(May).
C. debilis here includes a complex of lowland, montane and subalpine races among which the following may be distinguished: