This synopsis is based on that of Dahlgren, R. M. T., Nord. J. Bot. 3: 119-149 (1983), with the following modifications: Griseliniaceae, Philadelphaceae, Orobanchaceae, Avicenniaceae, and Tetrachondraceae are accepted as distinct families, whereas Limoniaceae is included in Plumbaginaceae, Malaceae and Amygdalaceae in Rosaceae, Mimosaceae and Caesalpiniaceae in Fabaceae, Cuscutaceae in Convolvulaceae, Sambucaceae and Viburnaceae in Caprifoliaceae and Brexiaceae in Escalloniaceae. Only families with indigenous or naturalised spp. are included and these are arranged in superorders and orders.In a few cases indigenous genera are considered to belong to families other than those they were assigned to by Allan (1961); those not mentioned elsewhere in this Volume are: , now referred to Stylidiaceae, , now referred to Spigeliaceae, and , now referred to Viscaceae.
- A. Magnoliiflorae
- 1. Annonales:
- 2. Magnoliales:
- Winteraceae
- 3. Chloranthales:
- 4. Laurales:
- B. Nymphaeiflorae
- 5. Piperales:
- 6. Nymphaeales:
- C. Ranunculiflorae
- 7. Ranunculales:
- 8. Papaverales:
- D. Caryophylliflorae
- E. Polygoniflorae
- 10. Polygonales:
- F. Plumbaginiflorae
- 11. Plumbaginales:
- G. Malviflorae
- 12. Malvales:
- 13. Urticales:
- 14. Euphorbiales:
- 15. Thymelaeales:
- 16. Rhamnales:
- 17. Elaeagnales:
- H. Violiflorae
- 18. Violales:
- 19. Cucurbitales:
- 20. Salicales:
- 21. Tamaricales:
- 22. Capparales:
- I. Theiflorae
- 23. Theales:
- J. Primuliflorae
- 24. Primulales:
- 25. Ebenales:
- K. Rosiflorae
- 26. Hamamelidales:
- 27. Fagales:
- 28. Juglandales:
- 29. Casuarinales:
- 30. Buxales:
- 31. Cunoniales:
- 32. Saxifragales:
- GrossulariaceaeCrassulaceae.
- 33. Droserales:
- 34. Gunnerales:
- 35. Rosales:
- L. Proteiflorae
- 36. Proteales:
- M. Myrtiflorae
- 37. Haloragales:
- 38. Myrtales:
- N. Fabiflorae
- 39. Fabales:
- O. Rutiflorae
- 40. Sapindales:
- 41. Rutales:
- 42. Polygalales:
- 43. Geraniales:
- 44. Balsaminales:
- 45. Tropaeolales:
- P. Santaliflorae
- 46. Celastrales:
- 47. Vitales:
- 48. Santalales:
- Q. Balanophoriflorae
- 49. Balanophorales:
- R. Araliiflorae
- 50. Pittosporales:
- 51. Araliales:
- S. Asteriflorae
- 52. Campanulales:
- 53. Asterales:
- T. Solaniflorae
- 54. Solanales:
- 55. Boraginales:
- U. Corniflorae
- V. Gentianiflorae
- 59. Goodeniales:
- 60. Oleales:
- 61. Gentianales:
- W. Lamiiflorae
The keys to the families, excluding the keys to aquatic and parasitic plants, are based on Davis, P. H. and Cullen, J., The Identification of Flowering Plant Families ed. 2 (1979). The keys are comprehensive for each family although they do not always include atypical genera or minor segments of the family which are of no direct relevance to wild or cultivated plants in N.Z. Difficulties may arise when plants with unisexual fls lacking rudiments of the opposite sex. Also, the keys may not work for plants of horticultural origin with double fls.