Hakea gibbosa (J.White) Cav.
downy hakea
Spreading shrub, hairy in most of its parts. Shoots terete, shaggy villous. Lvs simple, terete, 30-80 × 0.8-1.5 mm, villous at first and some hairs remaining, rigid and spiny. Fls solitary or few in fascicles. Pedicels 3-5 mm long, shaggy villous. Perianth white, sparsely hairy, < pedicel. Ovary stipitate; style glabrous; stigma large, oblique. Fr. 3.7-4.3 × (2.7)-3-3.5 cm, rugose, shortly beaked. Seed 30-33 × 10-14 mm (including wing), black; wing extending down both margins.
N.: North Cape Peninsula, Great Barrier Is (N. Auckland), Auckland, S. to the Firth of Thames, near Opotiki (Bay of Plenty).
N.S.W. 1937
Locally common, gumlands, roadside scrub.
FL Jun-Aug.
Downy hakea is a noxious weed. It was introduced for hedging and has been naturalised in several places in N. Auckland for many years. It has been known previously in N.Z. as H. pubescens.