Carpodetus serratus J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
Type locality: Totaranui, Queen Charlotte Sound. Type: P?, Forster; there is a Forster specimen in K.
Tree up to 10 m. tall; trunk up to 2 dm. or more diam.; sts flowering in semi-juvenile state. Juvenile plants and reversion shoots with slender, zigzag, almost divaricate branchlets; lvs 1-3 × 1-2 cm., on petioles up to 1 cm. long; lamina broad-ovate to broad-elliptic to suborbicular, membr., sts irregularly lobed. Young branchlets, petioles, peduncles and pedicels pubescent; lenticels prominent. Lvs of adults 4-6 × 2-3 cm., on slender petioles c. 1 cm. long; lamina thinly coriac., ovate-elliptic to broad-elliptic, acute to obtuse, often mottled, rather distantly finely serrate. Panicles up to 5 cm. long and broad; fls 5-6 mm. across; calyx-lobes c. 1 mm. long, triangular-attenuate; petals white, ovate, 3-4 mm. long. Capsules ind., subglobose, c. 4-6 mm. diam.; integument subfleshy, black when mature; girt by rim of calyx-tube or receptacle.
DIST.: N., S., St. Coastal to montane forests and streamsides throughout.
FL. 11-3. FT. 1-4-(8).