Hydrocotyle sulcata C.J.Webb & P.N.Johnson
Usually glabrous perennial, forming small to large patches; stems slender. Lvs 3-foliolate; leaflets sessile, glossy green or bronze-tinged, usually glabrous, very rarely with a few scattered hairs, broadly obovate-cuneate, (1)-3-6-(8) mm long, with 1-3 lobes and each lobe with 1-4 shallow crenate teeth; leaflets produced early in the growing season and leaflets of reduced plants often entire or with 2-3 shallow crenate teeth; petiole usually glabrous, very rarely with a few retrorse hairs near blade. Umbels simple, (1)-2-7-flowered; peduncles ± = lvs. Fls shortly pedicellate. Fr. glabrous, (1.5)-2-2.5 × (1)-1.2-1.8 mm, rounded on dorsal edge; ribs slightly engraved into surface of mature fr.
N.: C. montane areas; S.: montane areas, also lowland and coastal especially in W. and southern areas; St.: lowland and coastal.
Wet flushes in montane tussock grassland, swamps, lake and stream edges, sometimes with rhizomes and petioles permanently submerged.
This sp. has usually been included in N.Z. within a broad concept of H. tripartita, but is distinguished from that sp., in its strict sense, by its usually glabrous lvs, rounded lf-teeth, and the engraved mericarp ribs. Reduced plants of H. sulcata are difficult to distinguish from H. hydrophila.