Mida salicifolia var. myrtifolia (A.Cunn.) Allan
M. myrtifolia A. Cunn. loc. cit. 377.
Type locality: "Woods in the neighbourhood of Bay of Islands" Type: K, A. Cunningham, 1826. Has range of sp.
Tree similar to above, but lamina ovate to oblong-ovate to broad-elliptic, acute to subacute, ± 5-8 × 2-3 cm.
Cunningham, loc. cit., distinguished his 3 spp. on If-form: salicifolia, "foliis angusto-lanceolatis attenuatis"; eucalyptoides, "foliis lanceolatis acuminatis"; myrtifolia, "foliis ovalibus ovato-lanceolatis obtusiusculis acuminatisve".
So far as I have observed M. salicifolia and its var. myrtifolia are quite distinct in If-characters when growing apart, but I have not noted any significant differences in fl. and fr. characters.
M. eucalyptoides was based on specimens collected "in shady woods at Wangaroa.-1826, A. Cunningham." Cockayne and Allan (T.N.Z.I. 57, 1927, 57) suggested that M. eucalyptoides consists of hybrids between M. salicifolia and M. salicifolia var. myrtifolia. Cheeseman (Ill. N.Z. Fl. 2, 1914, t. 177) remarks: "All three forms of leaves can be found on the same plant . . . Leaves of very different shapes can often be found on the same branch, but it is also common for the leaves to be fairly constant." The matter has not yet been further gone into.