Stellaria L.
Fls hermaphrodite, regular, solitary or in cymes. Sepals 4-5, free; petals white, 4-5, us. very deeply bifid, sts lacking; stamens 10 or fewer; ovary 1-celled, styles 3 (rarely 2 or 4-5), free to the base; capsule opening by twice as many teeth as there are styles. Slender annual to perennial herbs. Lvs opp., simple, entire, exstipulate. About 85 spp., cosmopolitan. The 6 spp. indigenous to N.Z. are all endemic. Several naturalized spp. are widespread weeds.
Plant wiry, yellowish, erect, with tufts of lvs at nodes, peduncles long, fls up to 10 mm. diam., petals bifid
Plant rather succulent, decumbent, fls almost sessile, up to 4 mm. diam., petals absent
Sepals narrow with pale conspicuous border, c. 3 mm. long, c. half length mature capsule; seed with low interrupted papillae
Sepals broad without pale conspicuous border, c. 5 mm. long; almost = mature capsule; seed with some sharply triangular projecting papillae