Volume I (1961) - Flora of New Zealand Indigenous Tracheophyta - Psilopsida, Lycopsida, Filicopsida, Gymnospermae, Dicotyledons
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Lophomyrtus bullata Burret

L. bullata (Sol. ex A. Cunn.) Burret in Notizbl. bot. Gart. Berl. 15, 1941, 489.

Myrtus bullata Sol. ex A. Cunn. in Ann. nat. Hist. 3, 1839, 115 non Salisb. Prodr. 1796, 354.


Type locality: "shady woods, Bay of Islands". Type: K, R. Cunningham 1834.

Shrub or tree up to 6 m. tall or more; branchlets and young lvs hirsute. Lvs on petioles ± 2-5 mm. long; lamina subcoriac., c. 15-30-(50) × 10-15-(20) mm., broad-ovate to suborbicular, bullate, obtuse to acute or apiculate, us. reddish tinged in open (all forms may be on same plant). Fls axillary, solitary, ± 12 mm. diam., on ± hirsute peduncles c. 2 cm. long. Receptacle with 2 minute bracts at base, ± hirsute, ± 3 × 2 mm. Sepals obtuse to subacute, about elliptic-oblong; petals white, suborbicular, ciliate. Berry c. 4-8 mm. long, broad-ovoid, dark red to black; seeds ∞, reniform; testa hard.

DIST.: N., S. Coastal and lowland forests, especially marginal, throughout to lat. 42°, uncommon in S.

FL. 11-2. FT. 1-4.

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