Graphis triticea Nyl.
Fissurina consentanea Nyl., Lich. N.Z.: 126 (1888).
Thallus crustose, grey-white to dingy yellow, thick and often warted, sometimes with areolae separated by deep fissures. Lirellae pale, immersed, narrow 0.1-0.4 mm long, thalline margin heavy, almost closing over hymenium, proper exciple pale, non-carbonised. Ascospores 8 per ascus, uniseriate, colourless, 4-locular, with thick sometimes halonate walls, 18-25 × 9-15 µm. Chemistry: Stictic acid.
N: ?Auckland (Charles Knight, H-NYL). Very poorly known in New Zealand.
Distinguished from G. insidiosa by the presence of stictic acid and the wide, halonate spores.