Volume I (1961) - Flora of New Zealand Indigenous Tracheophyta - Psilopsida, Lycopsida, Filicopsida, Gymnospermae, Dicotyledons
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Oreomyrrhis colensoi Hook.f. var. colensoi

Var. colensoi.

Original localities: N. "Mountainous places on the east coast and in the interior". Type: K, Colenso 1698, 1849 (chosen by Mathias and Constance, loc. cit. 375).

Tufted, sts rhizomatous, herb up to c. 3 dm. tall, us. shorter, glab. to densely hairy. Lvs ∞, narrow-oblong in outline, on petioles c. 3 cm. long, sheathing at base. Lflts opp., upper ones rather close-set, ± (4)-5-6 × 5-8 mm., flabellate to broad oblong-ovate, truncate at base; teeth ∞, ± 1 mm. long, rounded triangular, acute. Peduncles slender to rather stout, up to ± 10 cm. long, ± clad in retrorse to patent hairs. Involucral bracts (5)-8-(10), ovate-oblong, up to ± 5 mm. long. Fls subsessile; rays elongating to ± 5 mm. in fr. Fr. glab., narrow-ovate in outline, c. 4 mm. long.

DIST.: N., S., St., Ch. Montane to subalpine grassland, herbfield, from c. lat. 39º southwards.

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