Volume II (1970) - Flora of New Zealand Indigenous Tracheophyta - Monocotyledons except Graminae
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Baumea Gaudich.

BAUMEA Gaud., 1829

Type sp.: B. glomerata Gaud. from the Moluccas.

Infl. a ± narrow, us. upright panicle, or effuse and drooping, or spike-like. Spikelets 1–2-(4)-fld, 1 or rarely 2 lowest fls setting fr. Glumes obscurely distichous to spiral. Hypog. bristles 0. Stamens 3. Style-branches 3. Fr. with hard bony endocarp and ± spongy thick or thin mesocarp when mature, not winged, sessile and rounded at the base or minutely stipitate, crowded by a persistent, ± hairy, sts inconspicuous style-base. Perennial herbs. Lvs. us. basal, laterally compressed, terete, 4-angled or reduced to sheathing bracts, distichous. Some 30 Spp. from Madagascar and the Mascarene Is, India, Japan, Hawaii, Malesia, Pacific Is, Australia and N.Z. Two N.Z. spp. endemic; 5 spp. occur also in Australia and 4 of these are also found in Malesia or E. Asia.


Lvs terete, septate internally
Lvs terete with septa distinct externally, or flat, or all reduced to sheathing bracts
Infl. dark brown to blackish, narrowed and pointed towards tip, branchlets ± approximate; or infl. spike-like
Infl. red-brown, rounded at tip, branchlets in distant fascicles
Infl. a dense panicle; nut with corrugated surface
Infl. spike-like; nut with smooth surface
Ripe nut 3–4 × 1.5 mm., orange; stoutest lateral branchlet of infl. arising from lowest spathaceous bract us. c. 1mm. diam
Ripe nut 2–2.5 × c. 1 mm., white; stoutest lateral branchlet of infl. arising from lowest spathaceous bract < 1 mm. us. c. 0.5 mm. diam
Lvs all reduced to sheathing bracts
Lvs with conspicuous laminae
All sheathing bracts clustered at culm base, us. tipped by a straight mucro; glumes spreading as fr. Matures
Uppermost sheathing bracts distant along culm, tipped by a short, sickle-shaped lamina; glumes not spreading as fr. matures
Lvs terete, septa externally distinct
Lvs flat, not septate

FL. 10–12–(2). FT. 12–2.

All N.Z. spp. treated as Baumea were formerly placed in Cladium (see above under Machaerina). Blake (Contrib. Qd Herb. no. 8, 1969, 22–30 and fig. 1) drew attention to differences in structure of the frs in Machaerina and Baumea. His observations have allowed a more rigid circumscription of Baumea to be made.